Watching Live.....Trump Ralley in Chicago Cancelled Because of Disruptive Protesters.

YOU'RE trolling for trouser trout EKIM ! And another mentor like woomby was FOR YOU !!! Mebbe Lil Cotex will " take you under his nut sack " !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Watch out BT gay rey/woomby is looking to get at your nut sack, and he is a well known cocksucker .
Free speech is what caused this protest. Even if it is deemed "Hate speech", lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Inciting a Riot is basically defined as a public disturbance involving an act of violence or behavior which poses a clear and present danger of violence which may result in injury or damage to persons or property by one or more persons assembled in a group.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
First it's a protest, then you went great length trying to link it with the incitement of a riot. But if the law is justly applied, Trump's veiled instigation and encouragement of violence against the protesters won't spare him from the full weight of the law.
First it's a protest, then you went great length trying to link it with the incitement of a riot. But if the law is justly applied, Trump's veiled instigation and encouragement of violence against the protesters won't spare him from the full weight of the law. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Trump didn't instigate anything. It's the pussy people that were there that instigated the fiasco. If they have a problem with anything he was saying they have the option to leave. Besides they were there for the sole purpose of starting trouble. This thing didn't just happen out of the blue. It was planned and done by design.

Trump didn't instigate anything. It's the pussy people that were there that instigated the fiasco. If they have a problem with anything he was saying they have the option to leave. Besides they were there for the sole purpose of starting trouble. This thing didn't just happen out of the blue. It was planned and done by design.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Got a link to that jim?
Got a link to that jim? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We need a link to figure that out?

We need a link to figure that out?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Just conjecture then?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
America is a hopelessly divided country now. The American political scene is unraveling quickly. The illusion of the Right, Left Paradigm is becoming more and more evident. The two party system will be nonexistent after this next election. We here talk of the "New World Order" well it's here this is no longer a government of the people and by the people.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
yep the fix has been in for decades

I think you are right. It is amazing that Obama doesn't admit his part in this - in fact, that is one of the dividing factors. Originally Posted by DSK
lol u kidding? if it all goes down right Obama will claim he saved the planet and want another Nobel. Rubio is right about Obama knowing exactly what he's doing.

the one thing at the top of the nwo playbook that must happen to ensure their agenda succeeds is the fall of the United States. Obama's been working on that for 8 years now. we are seeing his results now.

Are you denying that it happened? Seems to me that if it happened and you refuse to acknowledge who did it then you are demonstrating both stupidity and racism.

Are you some kind of liberal police chief, politician, or news editor? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You trully want to know what had happened? He has been depicting an entire race as "subhuman," pray tell who else would be so despicable? Not even IFFY, at least IFFY hasn't dared to put it into plain English as yet. If you feel so morally justified to defend his action, then you have demonstrated yourself a piece of human scum, just like him.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You trully want to know what had happened? He has been depicting an entire race as "subhuman," pray tell who else would be so despicable? Not even IFFY, at least IFFY hasn't dared to put it into plain English as yet. If you feel so morally justified to defend his action, then you have demonstrated yourself a piece of human scum, just like him. Originally Posted by andymarksman
But you'd be the one ignoring how it is the lefties who are following the beck and call of the socialists and Nazi collaborators, Andy the little Nazi boy.

Nazi = National Socialist Workers Party
Sanders and Hildabeast = socialist agenda.
George Soros = a dim-retard who heavily funds Hildabeast.
George Soros also heavily funds

Sanders’ followers and agitators sponsored by intentionally attend Trump rallies to create confrontational disruptions in order to suppress free speech. It was a common Nazi tactic to break up opposition political party rallies to suppress the free speech of those opposition groups. George Soros is a known Nazi collaborator.
Just conjecture then? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
C'mon Momo use some common sense. It's obvious this thing was done by design. It's been reported that Bill Ayers was there, probably the handler of the whole dam thing.

Hey, Momo bend over the Judge has one for you...
You trully want to know what had happened? He has been depicting an entire race as "subhuman," pray tell who else would be so despicable? Not even IFFY, at least IFFY hasn't dared to put it into plain English as yet. If you feel so morally justified to defend his action, then you have demonstrated yourself a piece of human scum, just like him. Originally Posted by andymarksman

Your little NAZI trap didn't work... #LUTZING@ZZ BOY!

Hey, Momo bend over the Judge has one for you... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Like most liberals Iva biggen momo and Andymarxist momo have no clue about the law, lol.

But you'd be the one ignoring how it is the lefties who are following the beck and call of the socialists and Nazi collaborators, Andy the little Nazi boy.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You wouldn't even know whom the conservatives were back then, Little Hans.