So You Want to Have an INTELLIGENT Debate on Iran?

So you're telling me you are BOTH dense AND annoying. Got it. Originally Posted by lustylad
You never said why. You said they wanted to get the sanctions lifted first. Why? What does that have to do with it? If they were as bloodthirsty as you would have me believe, sanctions wouldn't mean shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
If they were as bloodthirsty as you would have me believe, sanctions wouldn't mean shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Those two "concepts" are unrelated... and I'm talking about ....

.......... being "bloodthirsty" and "sanctions" being lifted.

#1: The "sanctions" have nothing to do with them having a nuclear warhead or more than one or not. And as I mentioned they may already have one in their possession. There is no way for this administration to know one way or the other.
Have you ever seen my shadow? Even with your 20-20 hindsight?

It's obvious you haven't seen my OMPF. But you still make shit up. Originally Posted by LexusLover

No, I have no reason to look for an Idiot's shadow.

But if I did happen to see it. I damn sure wouldn't be skeered of it like you are.

With that said, it does not surprise me that you are looking for someone else to search for your shadow.

You don't have the gonads to confront your fears on your own.

You have a very loooooooooong history of wanting someone else to confront your fears for you.

Fuk'n coward!
LexusLover's Avatar
I have no reason to look ..... Originally Posted by bigtex
That just about sums you up. When you do "look," you get caught, don't you?

Does it embarrass you to get caught "looking" ... like "oh, shit he saw me"?

And you call me a "Fuk'n coward"?

And you call me a "Fuk'n coward"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
My unsolicited advice to LLIdiot: Since the "coward" shoe fits, go ahead and wear it!

Problem solved!

LLIdiot has spent his entire life letting someone else fight & die for him.

Why should he change now that he is confined to the Idiotville Nursing Home?
LexusLover's Avatar
My unsolicited advice .... Originally Posted by bigtex
Hopefully you don't depend on your qualifications for giving advice for a livelihood ... 20-20 hindsight ain't worth much these days. Speaking of that ..

do you ever feel guilty that you neglected to pick up the phone and inform the President that his planned invasion was "ill-fated" and would end up causing the loss of 4,500 U.S. servicemembers as you claim?

Sounds familiar ... not using the phone.

You mean a war hero like you wouldn't call the President and set him straight? Now that is cowardly. In fact downright chicken shit. Letting all those servicemembers die when you knew better. What kind of a guy would just sit by and let people die when he knew they would die. Damn.

And you call me a "coward" ... Not only did you let them do YOUR PART, you let them die when you knew they were going to die .. needlessly.

Silence is telling ...

"Does it embarrass you to get caught "looking" ...

.... like "oh, shit he saw me"? Or are you just used to it by now?

But you can't find my OMPF can you. Your xray vision has failed you.
LLIdiot must be having another boring day at the Idiotville Nursing Home. The only attention he gets follows his daily accident.

The changing of the Depends soon follows!

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
The only attention .....

Carry on! Originally Posted by bigtex
Still trying to figure out why you didn't call the President to warn him about what a big mistake ... "ill-advised" .... he was about to make, because you knew better? Or are you simply trying to justify your neglect in doing so?

What' wrong BigTits ... you don't have any "substance" today either. Just gas!
lustylad's Avatar
You never said why. You said they wanted to get the sanctions lifted first. Why? What does that have to do with it? If they were as bloodthirsty as you would have me believe, sanctions wouldn't mean shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I started this thread to encourage intelligent discussion. I don't know where you are coming from with this question. It is not an intelligent question so I have to assume you are jerking my chain. Are you seriously asking WHY they want to get the sanctions lifted? Where do you think our negotiating leverage comes from? Do you think they are enjoying the economic deprivation and shortages and popular discontent that the sanctions have fostered? The sanctions have done significant damage, including to their nuclear program. If sanctions are lifted, it will make it easier for them to obtain dual-use technology and speed up their program again. It will let them get their hands on up to $100 billion in frozen assets. It will let them boost their oil exports by 1 million bpd to earn more foreign exchange. They will be able obtain shipping insurance and route payments through the SWIFT network again. All of this is patently obvious so why are you even asking the question?

And btw, you can be bloodthirsty and also be cautious and calculating. In fact, if I am truly bloodthirsty I would want to kill as many innocent people as possible. If I need to bide my time and feign good behavior in order to get my hands on the WMD that will eventually allow me to kill millions in the future instead of mere thousands today, I will do so precisely because I am bloodthirsty.

What' wrong BigTits ... you don't have any "substance" today either. Just gas! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, isn't it time for the Idiotville Nursing Home Attendant to change you into your overnight diaper?

Meanwhile LLIdiot ... doesn't have any "substance" today. Thus he is forced to deflect attention from the subject matter of this thread, (Iran) to (the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq).

Oh well, you're just one letter off. That's much closer than usual.

  • shanm
  • 04-18-2015, 06:52 PM

Oh well, you're just one letter off. That's much closer than usual.

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
*much,much (x1000) closer than usual.

Be glad he hasn't posted one of his completely irrelevant pics yet. oh wait.......
*much,much (x1000) closer than usual.

Be glad he hasn't posted one of his completely irrelevant pics yet. oh wait....... Originally Posted by shanm
LLIdiot is a firm believer: When all else fails, post an irrelevant pic!
  • shanm
  • 04-18-2015, 07:00 PM
I started this thread to encourage intelligent discussion.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well then, your premise was doomed from the start, wasn't it?

Anything you start has a snowballs chance in hell of being "intelligent".
Well then, your premise was doomed from the start, wasn't it?

Anything you start has a snowballs chance in hell of being "intelligent". Originally Posted by shanm