Harris County grand jury indicts pair behind Planned Parenthood videos

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  • 01-29-2016, 07:16 AM
You mean human body parts? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No we disagree on when a fetal tissue is human. Some of you idiots think a human is upon conception, so there is a huge disagreement over that. Though I'm sure you are not honest enough to have a reasoned discussion over that simple fact.
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  • WTF
  • 01-29-2016, 07:19 AM
So, how much do the baby parts cost PPH? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You do understand that the aborted fetal tissue is discarded?

But if it is harvested for scientific research to help you in your old age with the benefits of that research....then PPH can only charge the extra cost associated with preserving what would have been thrown away. It is my understanding that this cost is 25-50 dollars. These idiots who were not approved to buy fetal tissue, offered 1600 dollars. PPH ceased communications with them. They then tried to lie about PPH selling fetal tissue. They should be aborted along with you, if I had my way. Liars would be aborted. You and LexusLiar would be in a world of hurt.

So it seems you idiots have no problem with PPH throwing away aborted fetal tissue but shit your pants about them passing on the cost of the harvest and shipping to a research company. Is that wtf you idiots are crying about? Because that is legal. Now as a libertarian , you might object to say yourself doing that but one would think you would not force your morality on others. But then I maintain that you are not a libertarian. You do understand that there are folks out there that think you are immoral for fucking girls half your age....that it is against the law for you to even offer to fuck them for money. That is wtf you are sounding like.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, I didn't admit that at all. If I go up to you and say "I'd like to buy your jacket" that does not mean you offered to sell it. The people making the video offered to buy, after reviewing the video, the grand jury found no evidence that PP broke the law. So it appears there was an offer to buy, but no offer to sell.

Yes, I talked about intent of the filmmakers. I do not believe they intended to buy organs. However, that doesn't change the fact that they intentionally "offered to buy," which is a violation of (at least) the letter of the law. I'm just curious if there was no real intent to buy organs, if the law will be interpreted in such a ,way with consideration of free speech rights, that they didn't violate it. But I'm not sure. It's kind of like soliciting a prostitute: you don't have to have sex with her for it to be a crime. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Actually you get charged with solicitation and not prostitution. Prostitution requires some evidence of the act and solicitation just requires an offer to perform the act.
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  • 01-29-2016, 07:23 AM

And also, from the same "group" who have consistently criticized grand jury decisions not to indict police officers for killing Black people as being "biased" and involved in a "cover up"! Now "they" have "convicted" these journalists based on a Grand Jury decision to indict them for using fake driver's licenses. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nobody has convicted these idiots. If the facts lead to them breaking the law, they should be convicted....do you agree or not? If the facts lead to PPH breaking the law should they have been charged? Are you saying you do not agree with the Grand Jury?

Do you think that they will have a better chance of being convicted if the jury is pro life or pro choice?
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  • WTF
  • 01-29-2016, 07:26 AM
Actually you get charged with solicitation and not prostitution. Prostitution requires some evidence of the act and solicitation just requires an offer to perform the act. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again you show your ignorance.

In Texas, it is a crime to commit prostitution. Under Texas law, a person commits the crime of prostitution if they knowingly engage in or offer to engage in sexual contact for a fee or if they solicit another person in a public place for sexual conduct. The offense is established by either soliciting or receiving a fee. - See more at: http://statelaws.findlaw.com/texas-l....doDNS7N0.dpuf
  • DSK
  • 01-29-2016, 07:36 AM
Once again you show your ignorance.

In Texas, it is a crime to commit prostitution. Under Texas law, a person commits the crime of prostitution if they knowingly engage in or offer to engage in sexual contact for a fee or if they solicit another person in a public place for sexual conduct. The offense is established by either soliciting or receiving a fee. - See more at: http://statelaws.findlaw.com/texas-l....doDNS7N0.dpuf
Originally Posted by WTF
You realize he is in Kansas?
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  • 01-29-2016, 07:42 AM
You realize he is in Kansas? Originally Posted by DSK
His ignorance of the law is just as strong in Kansas...

In Kansas, a person commits the crime of prostitution by performing or offering or agreeing to perform any sex act for hire.
Sex acts include vaginal, oral, and anal sex, and genital fondling.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So how do the laws differ, JL, or are you just filling the space between JDrunk's ass cheeks?
  • DSK
  • 01-29-2016, 07:43 AM
You do understand that the aborted fetal tissue is discarded?

But if it is harvested for scientific research to help you in your old age with the benefits of that research....then PPH can only charge the extra cost associated with preserving what would have been thrown away. It is my understanding that this cost is 25-50 dollars. These idiots who were not approved to buy fetal tissue, offered 1600 dollars. PPH ceased communications with them. They then tried to lie about PPH selling fetal tissue. They should be aborted along with you, if I had my way. Liars would be aborted. You and LexusLiar would be in a world of hurt.

So it seems you idiots have no problem with PPH throwing away aborted fetal tissue but shit your pants about them passing on the cost of the harvest and shipping to a research company. Is that wtf you idiots are crying about? Because that is legal. Now as a libertarian , you might object to say yourself doing that but one would think you would not force your morality on others. But then I maintain that you are not a libertarian. You do understand that there are folks out there that think you are immoral for fucking girls half your age....that it is against the law for you to even offer to fuck them for money. That is wtf you are sounding like. Originally Posted by WTF
So you wish to abort those who lie? So everyone who said George Zimmerman was guilty was obviously lying by your definition, and you said he was guilty, so should you abort yourself?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another brilliantly logical, mature and intelligent post, JL.

What kind of bet do you have to lose to get the fuck out and stay the fuck out?

Do you wish to abort all whose asses you can kick with your bare fists?
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  • WTF
  • 01-29-2016, 07:54 AM
So you wish to abort those who lie? So everyone who said George Zimmerman was guilty was obviously lying by your definition, and you said he was guilty, so should you abort yourself? Originally Posted by DSK
I said I thought Zimmerman would be convicted. It was a prediction. I had no trouble with the jury's decision. So tell me wtf I lied about?

COGay lies about being a libertarian, and LexusLiar just seems to be a natural born liar. I had no trouble with the Grand Jury in the Zimmerman case , nor the jury. That is the process. LL is a hypocrite. He seems to embrace the Grand Jury when it does as he thinks and condemn it when it does not. In fact if you ask him if jury selection matters in obtaining a conviction....he will argue that it does not matter. Juries only consider the facts...

The Jl and Carly both still believe the pic of the stillborn fetus was a aborted fetus ready for dissection and selling.
  • DSK
  • 01-29-2016, 08:06 AM
I said I thought Zimmerman would be convicted. It was a prediction. I had no trouble with the jury's decision. So tell me wtf I lied about?

COGay lies about being a libertarian, and LexusLiar just seems to be a natural born liar. I had no trouble with the Grand Jury in the Zimmerman case , nor the jury. That is the process. LL is a hypocrite. He seems to embrace the Grand Jury when it does as he thinks and condemn it when it does not. In fact if you ask him if jury selection matters in obtaining a conviction....he will argue that it does not matter. Juries only consider the facts...

. Originally Posted by WTF
OK, I can accept that you didn't lie about Zimmerman and were just wrong on your prediction except for the fact that in the past if someone was wrong you accused them of lying.

So, what is your definition of lying?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
would you consider welshing a lie, JL?
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  • 01-29-2016, 08:19 AM
OK, I can accept that you didn't lie about Zimmerman and were just wrong on your prediction except for the fact that in the past if someone was wrong you accused them of lying.

So, what is your definition of lying? Originally Posted by DSK
If you make a prediction and it turns out wrong....that is not lying. If you later lie about what you predicted, that is a lie.

Not telling the truth is lying. There are many different degrees. Like killing another. There are different degrees of culpability. LL is a serial murder of the truth!

Some folks incorrectly believe in something and then lie unintentionally.

Others know the truth yet try and distort it with lies. They intentionally lie to win their point.

That IMHO appears this two nuts jobs have done with PPH. Which is what LexusLiar does all the time ... COGay does it too but not as much. Still a faux Libertarian needs to be shot....nothing worse. Blame everyone and never take any responsibility themselves!