anandaman, it needs to stop.

Reading comprehension Sir she did say she spent 8000 to retain a lawyer to come after Hypesuh. Lol. Dammit I see why lawyers keep me from any pussy on Friday for the seafood buffet at st James. I can't compete with them if they fleecing providers out of 8,000 fora case that only a pack of huskies would judicate over lol. Plus she spends gas and time. I'm on the floor 😂. Dammit tell the story with a happy ending where when you drive to see him you bring him some snacks and a pre made steak 😂. The only winner in this is Anandaman. He like this shit is beneath me. Please im at work. Keep the giggles coming Originally Posted by Chiefs3peat
Word man, praise the guy who makes statements about me, then when I go to him to talk about it to try to resolve the matter he doesn't reply.
Hypesuh is literally THE FINAL BOSS OF CHARLATANS EVERYWHERE!!!! For example, if you’ve ever played a video game like Pac-Man and how you advance like to the next levels, this dude Hypesuh is literally THE FINAL BOSS OF CHARLATANS/SCAMMERS EVERYWHERE!!!!! Originally Posted by Lolita22
When it comes to me you're clearly very emotional, so naturally you'll demonize everything that I do. I'm not a scammer at all, and many have gained immense value due to having relations with me. I would name them all, but clearly that would not be in their best interest so I'll refrain.
I agree with you on this Honey....
HyperDuhhhh is broke and trying to take
everyone's money.
He can't even afford
a legit personal website.
Originally Posted by Busty
Lolita22's Avatar
No Hypesuh, I saw what you posted. You even said that I was “smiling and looking at the camera” “posing for the camera” (I was smiling in the direction not even posing 🤦♀️) which would mean that my face is in the photo/video…and you can stop lying now. I saw it. The moment I found out, I immediately reached out to you and also asked Ck to delete at the same time. You refused to delete it which is why I had to get an attorney. And you keep trying to brush off the blame unto me , it’s YOUR FAULT for taking them and posting without my permission so stop with this lame excuse, you said “Had I been given notice 4 years ago”….how about: “I should’ve asked for permission 4 years ago” ….Because you’re still blaming me and not taking full accountability. Own up to it. And you’re still gas lighting with this horrible excuse of an apology “Truly, I'm sorry for what you've gone through because of the photos”…why don’t you actually APOLOGIZE for taking them and uploading without permission???? Because what you did could have a serious impact on my life outside of the hobby because the content could’ve been downloaded and saved to multiple drives. I just feel like for you to be hobbying for this long, there is no room or excuses for a serious error where you committed a felony.

There were 7 photos total, 1 of which had your face in it, and it didn't have your full face because your eyes couldn't be seen in that photo. There was 1 video that was 18 seconds exactly, in the video you're shown cleaning my dick off with a baby wipe before you proceed, your face isn't shown in that 18 sec video because your hair is covering your face.

Your face wasn't in every frame, only 1, and hardly even that 1 because your eyes weren't in the picture.

So the moment you found out, you immediately lawyered up instead of just contacting me to ask for them to be removed? Had you simply done that, I would've deleted the content Lola.

No, Ck deleted the link because you asked for it to be deleted. Be it consensual or not, that's the right thing for an Admin to do.

Again, I was never made aware that you wanted the content deleted. I was first made aware of this on 12/28/2023, and I deleted it right then and there. Had I been given notice 4 years ago, I would've deleted it then as well, unfortunately word never got around to me that you wanted the content deleted. That's the God's honest truth.

I never had a second drive, it was only in the google drive. I did notice that the file said suspicious file when I went to delete it, so I assume whatever your lawyer did, it prevented the file from being shared or downloaded. But I didn't have a second file, I simply went back to the original drive and was able to see it, that's how I know your statements regarding your face being in every frame is false, as well as me having multiple videos. There was only 1, and it was 18 secs long exactly, and didn't show your face.

I did apologize actually. I said "Truly, I'm sorry for what you've gone through because of the photos."

Again, that's false Lola, it did not. This is such a sensitive topic because proving that involves me bringing up the photos again doesn't it? And that's something that's deleted now. So lets keep it at that. Originally Posted by Hypesuh
Hypesuh I'm Lola's new attorney and also the attorney for anandaman who you defamed with this post, fuck your apology. As it stands you owe my clients 100,000 plus you must name the woman who gave you access to the powder room plus retire your head cam or I'm going to go Leticia James on your ass and Donald Trump you. First asset seized will be the vetted; which I'm gifting to ck. Originally Posted by Chiefs3peat
I think it's time I started utilizing the ignore list feature. Bye.
No Hypesuh, I saw what you posted. You even said that I was “smiling and looking at the camera” “posing for the camera” (I was smiling in the direction not even posing ��♀️) which would mean that my face is in the photo/video…and you can stop lying now. I saw it. The moment I found out, I immediately reached out to you and also asked Ck to delete at the same time. You refused to delete it which is why I had to get an attorney. And you keep trying to brush off the blame unto me , it’s YOUR FAULT for taking them and posting without my permission so stop with this lame excuse, you said “Had I been given notice 4 years ago”….how about: “I should’ve asked for permission 4 years ago” ….Because you’re still blaming me and not taking full accountability. Own up to it. And you’re still gas lighting with this horrible excuse of an apology “Truly, I'm sorry for what you've gone through because of the photos”…why don’t you actually APOLOGIZE for taking them and uploading without permission???? Because what you did could have a serious impact on my life outside of the hobby because the content could’ve been downloaded and saved to multiple drives. I just feel like for you to be hobbying for this long, there is no room or excuses for a serious error where you committed a felony. Originally Posted by Lolita22
I'm done going back and fourth with you, I'm sorry for what you've gone through because of the photos and video. Rest assured it's deleted on my end, and I hope you suffer no further repercussions because of it.

Good day to you all. Hypesuh out.
Lolita22's Avatar
SMH!!!!!! This guy Hypesuh is something else
EXPLOITS new girls that don't have a clue
Originally Posted by Busty
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 03-24-2024, 01:13 AM
Hypesuh I'm Lola's new attorney and also the attorney for anandaman who you defamed with this post, fuck your apology. As it stands you owe my clients 100,000 plus you must name the woman who gave you access to the powder room plus retire your head cam or I'm going to go Leticia James on your ass and Donald Trump you. First asset seized will be the vetted; which I'm gifting to ck. Originally Posted by Chiefs3peat
can't stop laughing
  • pxmcc
  • 03-24-2024, 05:14 AM
so what i learned from this thread that i didn't know before is that hypesuh is a pimp who is happy to violate gals' reasonable expectations of privacy, both in his vids and the ladies' powder room, and then make up a bunch of lame excuses for his conduct..

hypesuh put himself on blast. well done sir, very well done!

thx for sharing, hypesuh..
dogtown's Avatar
I'm not defending Hypesuh, but different people make different choices in life and just because these girls who have been consensually videoed choose to take a path you wouldn't go down yourself, or that a guy would never ask a girl to do, doesn't necessarily make Hypesuh a villain. Girls do OF and Fansly, what's wrong with TheVetted so long as these girls are getting the benefit of the bargain that was agreed to. If not, then that's a contract dispute, not a moral issue. Just my two cents. I'm not really taking sides, just giving my thoughts.
Lolita22's Avatar
Why was Hypesuh threatening people who didn’t want to join his site?
Xoxmimi said that Hypesuh created multiple numbers and threatened to go to her house to show her “How weird he can get �� ” (And sent the creepy smiling emoji)
I'm not defending Hypesuh, but different people make different choices in life and just because these girls who have been consensually videoed choose to take a path you wouldn't go down yourself, or that a guy would never ask a girl to do, doesn't necessarily make Hypesuh a villain. Girls do OF and Fansly, what's wrong with TheVetted so long as these girls are getting the benefit of the bargain that was agreed to. If not, then that's a contract dispute, not a moral issue. Just my two cents. I'm not really taking sides, just giving my thoughts. Originally Posted by dogtown
Lolita22's Avatar
Imagine seeing this text: “I’m going to go to your house and show you how weird I can get��”
NordicJag's Avatar
I'm not defending Hypesuh, but different people make different choices in life and just because these girls who have been consensually videoed choose to take a path you wouldn't go down yourself, or that a guy would never ask a girl to do, doesn't necessarily make Hypesuh a villain. Girls do OF and Fansly, what's wrong with TheVetted so long as these girls are getting the benefit of the bargain that was agreed to. If not, then that's a contract dispute, not a moral issue. Just my two cents. I'm not really taking sides, just giving my thoughts. Originally Posted by dogtown
You obviously have not been paying attention. This thread is not about the ladies who the OP has seen and filmed. It is about how the OP treats the ladies, especially the ones that refuse his advances as reported here and that I have heard first hand comments from ladies.
NordicJag's Avatar
Word man, praise the guy who makes statements about me, then when I go to him to talk about it to try to resolve the matter he doesn't reply. Originally Posted by Hypesuh
OP, have you ever heard the old saying that if you give someone enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves. That is exactly what A-man has done to you. He just let the rest of us continue to feed you rope and you obliged by hanging yourself. Actually you were doomed as soon as you started this thread.
Lolita22's Avatar
Also how do you know if the girls on Thevetted are being consensually videod?! This is my MAJOR ISSUE with Hypesuh/Thevetted….I BELIEVE that a BIG MAJORITY of the girls are being videod without permission or consent which Hyepsuh did to me. I feel that I’m speaking up for those that were recorded/photographed without their knowledge
I'm not defending Hypesuh, but different people make different choices in life and just because these girls who have been consensually videoed choose to take a path you wouldn't go down yourself, or that a guy would never ask a girl to do, doesn't necessarily make Hypesuh a villain. Girls do OF and Fansly, what's wrong with TheVetted so long as these girls are getting the benefit of the bargain that was agreed to. If not, then that's a contract dispute, not a moral issue. Just my two cents. I'm not really taking sides, just giving my thoughts. Originally Posted by dogtown