What The One Percent Doesn't Want You To Know

MASSIVE SNICK!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Big Louie was parroting (wrongly) what Michael Moore said.

BL's "proven, one true fact", is wrong.

The one true fact is that 400 families in the US Control 50% of the wealth. Proven fact, you can look it up, Google it if you like. All those fact check sites, myth buster sites researched and found it true. Originally Posted by BigLouie

CM is right. The 400 wealthiest households hold only 3% of US Wealth.

That statement is not even remotely close to being factual.

The aggregate net worth of the nation is over $80 trillion, while that of Forbes 400 households was reported recently to be just under $2.3 trillion, less than 3% of the total.



I suspect what you meant to say was that the aggregate net worth of the top 400 households is at least equal to that of the bottom half of the net worth distribution, as was widely reported a couple of years ago. But, of course, that statement is altogether different from the one quoted above. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
lustylad's Avatar
Did you pay any attention whatsoever to the discussion following the grossly erroneous quote snippet you posted?

No, of course not. Had you done so, you would have seen that it's exaggerated by a factor of approximately seventeen. You also would have noted that you don't need to post ridiculously over-the-top exaggerations in order to make the case that wealth inequality has grown rapidly over the last few decades.

Facts matter. Please at least make some rudimentary effort to get them right. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight


I can't figure out whether Milf/Debbie aka MissedtheTruth is comprehension-impaired or intellectually dishonest. She sailed right by all the posts on the inaccuracy of BigLouie's "proven, one true fact" - as if they weren't even there. Incredible.

And where is BigLouie? Is he intellectually honest enough to admit and correct his factual error?


I can't figure out whether Milf/Debbie aka MissedtheTruth is comprehension-impaired or intellectually dishonest. She sailed right by all the posts on the inaccuracy of BigLouie's "proven, one true fact" - as if they weren't even there. Incredible.

And where is BigLouie? Is he intellectually honest enough to admit and correct his factual error?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You never do...
I am in! We are organizing and I want to participate. Want to give me a job? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
$100.00 bucks, grab your ankles...
$100.00 bucks, grab your ankles... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
you're well-versed in grabbing your ankles, aren't you
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall... who's Seer in this Hall?
Where did YOU find the REAL truth? * Are you self-educated? * Are you pretentious, by Nature? * Is there much space for even more wisdom between your ears?
Are you really sure that you are so impressed with yourself?
Do yourself a favor, and think about it, and think about your priorities... Yeah, Good Idea! Originally Posted by NTJME
i found real truth when I began to seek it. This is nothing you would ever understand, becasue I supposed you have a very limited mentality. Limited meaning not open to new experience or new knowledge. Sorry for you!
Big Louie was parroting (wrongly) what Michael Moore said.

BL's "proven, one true fact", is wrong.

CM is right. The 400 wealthiest households hold only 3% of US Wealth. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Better not dis "Michael Moore' Because the majority loves this guy and because he has a very legimitate point. Corporate fascism is taking over! Please watch his videos and share. I will find it and post it here. It's time that all fellow Americans stood together against the corporate powers that be. We can do it!!!

Here is a link to his website:


What an inspiring person who loves the people first. Love this guy!