No Class National’s Fans Boo President Trump

whats that cartoon?

dimocrats want our troops at the border....

no not our border

the syria/turk border
And war monger that you and the left have apparently turned into over this wants the US to remain deeply embroiled in the 40 year plus effort. All in the name of Trump bashing. Originally Posted by eccielover
Here you're making up shit again. Who wants to start a war with Turkey? Our servicemembers have the right to stay where they are, no one under the sun shall bully them into abandoning their posts. Don't you fucking understand?
Trump has secured the necessary assets, the Kurds are receiving Oil Money.... Originally Posted by eccielover
Really from whom? Where are the records of the said financial transactions?
Whisky_1's Avatar
The bottom line here is that the President has said since he was a candidate that we would destroy the territorial celiphat and leave. He is fulfilling his obligation to the people who put him in office. That is who our obligation is to, not the Kurds. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

True! Obligation much like ethics, integrity and courage may have significantly different meanings to individuals with significantly different situational experience or compass hearings. On the face of it 45 was installed as the Chief Executive by the Electoral College with the help of a hostile foreign nation. Hence, in our Republic such as it is, 45 was able to ascend to the highest office in the land against the wishes of the majority of the American people.

You know Ms Ellen you should have a strong intoxicating cocktail named after you! I'm just saying.
Turkey(as a Nato ally) seems largely satisfied that we are not taking sides. Originally Posted by eccielover

You seem "largely satisfied" as well.... Ever consumed any pork in your life...?
It’s a fact, only a scumbag like you won’t admit it. Originally Posted by bambino
It's a fact you're ingratiating yourself with the Islamic terrorist war criminals, your admission is not required to attest you're a hateful rapist scumbag just like them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-29-2019, 03:27 PM
True! Obligation much like ethics, integrity and courage may have significantly different meanings to individuals with significantly different situational experience or compass hearings. On the face of it 45 was installed as the Chief Executive by the Electoral College with the help of a hostile foreign nation. Hence, in our Republic such as it is, 45 was able to ascend to the highest office in the land against the wishes of the majority of the American people.

You know Ms Ellen you should have a strong intoxicating cocktail named after you! I'm just saying. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Whisky_1's Avatar
when the senate does not remove Trump from office ara ya gonna claim it's a vast right wing conspiracy?

BAHHAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The Senate which is the seat of the impeachment trial is controlled by Republicans. If 45 is acquitted then it will be because a Republican controlled Senate voted to acquit him rather than the result of one of your delusional far right wing political conspiracies. It is a damn shame when immigrants and naturalized citizens know more about the constitutional and democratic processes in our Republic than natural born citizens. A damn shame!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's a fact you're ingratiating yourself with the Islamic terrorist war criminals, your admission is not required to attest you're a hateful rapist scumbag just like them. Originally Posted by andymarksman

if you say so

Originally Posted by WTF


The Senate which is the seat of the impeachment trial is controlled by Republicans. If 45 is acquitted then it will be because a Republican controlled Senate voted to acquit him rather than the result of one of your delusional far right wing political conspiracies. It is a damn shame when immigrants and naturalized citizens know more about the constitutional and democratic processes in our Republic than natural born citizens. A damn shame! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

if you say so
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Senate which is the seat of the impeachment trial is controlled by Republicans. If 45 is acquitted then it will be because a Republican controlled Senate voted to acquit him rather than the result of one of your delusional far right wing political conspiracies. It is a damn shame when immigrants and naturalized citizens know more about the constitutional and democratic processes in our Republic than natural born citizens. A damn shame! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Quit wrong. It will show this is a partisan shit-show hosted by the dim-retards and history will record it as such.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Quit wrong. It will show this is a partisan shit-show hosted by the dim-retards and history will record it as such. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
History will probably record 45 and his administration in the same manner as another home grown far right wing domestic terrorist, Gov. George Wallace was etched into history. YOU and entities like you will always be on the wrong side of history. This is y'alls circus and y'alls shit throwing flying monkeys.
I B Hankering's Avatar
History will probably record 45 and his administration in the same manner as another home grown far right wing domestic terrorist, Gov. George Wallace was etched into history. YOU and entities like you will always be on the wrong side of history. This is y'alls circus and y'alls shit throwing flying monkeys. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You're ignorantly wrong, again. People with values like mine had the audacity and courage to stand up against the "progressive policies" of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. So, no, we're not on the wrong side of history: you are.
if trump is impeached, score one for people like schiff and maxine waters and aoc and all those minions of Obama who tried to frame trump, people who love power and control, those who think they are the elite and are deserving and hate the freedom of America

if trump, after being impeached, is not convicted by the senate, score one for truth, honesty and the American people against those who live lies to rule in the name of power and control
matchingmole's Avatar
Quit wrong. It will show this is a partisan shit-show hosted by the dim-retards and history will record it as such. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Whisky_1's Avatar
Y'all are doubling down. Ok, I understand y'all cognitive dissonance here. However, know this: Every day 45 remains in office is a day less certain for Americans in terms of who we can trust and more importantly who will trust US. Uncertainty creates risk and 45 has been operating beyond his risk appetite his entire term in office. This makes the world a more dangerous place to live. So much so that even extraterrestrials have placed Earth off limits and stopped their sexual tourism and hobbying on the planet.