Vaccine Nazis

Next Best Thing's Avatar
That's freedom. Your choice. As much as they hate it, and they do hate it. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I'm glad they hate it and would be disappointed if they didn't.

I also pray for the day Fauci dies of coronavirus 2 weeks after his 12th shot.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
using common sense and geometric logic i have determined i am simply too unhealthy to be "cured".

Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm glad they hate it and would be disappointed if they didn't.

I also pray for the day Fauci dies of coronavirus 2 weeks after his 12th shot. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I love that he's been wrong about everything, and he knows it. The libs and dems may put him on a pedastal, but he knows he's a fraud.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
might have posted this before here in the forum but it's worth reposting.


Willie Wanker's Avatar
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I also pray for the day Fauci dies of coronavirus 2 weeks after his 12th shot. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
That will be the one and only instance that they falsify the death certificate by omitting Covid as the COD.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That will be the one and only instance that they falsify the death certificate by omitting Covid as the COD. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

when Fauci is dead and soon i hope we need proof he's dead. i say we drag his corpse out in public and take turns jabbing him with Klingon pain sticks ..

So... according to you.... there is no impact on me to be getting jabbed with a dose of the "C"?
Seems that might be quite the impact....

Or there's no impact on me because your agenda is high, mighty and different (not to mention incorrect). Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
What the fuck are you talking about? You have already declared in previous posts that you are fully vaccinated and you even asked "why would I not be?" Originally Posted by brasil
My vax status has nothing to do with anything.
YOU insisting I get jabbed is quite another....
lilylivered's Avatar
My vax status has nothing to do with anything.
YOU insisting I get jabbed is quite another.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Next Best Thing's Avatar
when Fauci is dead and soon i hope we need proof he's dead. i say we drag his corpse out in public and take turns jabbing him with Klingon pain sticks ..

BAHHAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
I have every right to make the choice on what is injected into my body.

All people can spread it vaxed or not just like you can still catch vaxed.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have every right to make the choice on what is injected into my body.

All people can spread it vaxed or not just like you can still catch vaxed. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have every right to make the choice on what is injected into my body.

All people can spread it vaxed or not just like you can still catch vaxed. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
No one is denying your right to make wrong choices. The unvaxed are much more likely to die or be hospitalized than the vaxed. Also, while the vaxed can spread it, they are much less likely to do so, because their viral load is less.
No one is denying your right to make wrong choices. Originally Posted by brasil
wrong according to whom?