Colorado secession won't go away

Captain nightgown, I will put my spelling, even at 3 AM, against anyone here. My understanding of the Constitution, though maybe not as good as a constitutional scholar like Obama, is very good. That understanding is so much better than 95% of the people in this site. I don't quote cases or throw out citations because you learn to speak to the level of the your audience (or class as the case may be). You don't post very often nightie but I will take great care in looking over your work from now on. I don't grade on a curve. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, professor, go for it! Give every one of my posts a grade. That's the ticket! (After all, you're so well-qualified to do that, aren't you?)

For someone who claims to understand the Constitution, and who routinely hectors others on issues concerning the machinations of government, you sure are a stupefyingly ignorant fool. Much of the stuff you post is so fatuous that it doesn't even remotely merit discussion by reasonably well informed folks.

For instance, in one post you suggested that aggrieved counties could just "break all legal ties" with the state, and thereby effect some sort of "de facto secession." Good luck with that! What do you think would happen as soon as citizens, municipalities, and counties stopped remitting tax revenue to Denver?

In another post (in one of your earlier secession threads) you advocated setting up a "shadow government," and insinuated that the counties in question could keep pecking away incessantly and in such a fashion that their secession goals would somehow come to fruition over the long haul. How ridiculous is that?

You seem to have a propensity to post a lot of your fatuousness during the post-midnight hours while most people are sleeping. Given its obvious incoherence, a lot of people will simply assume that you're four sheets to the wind.

In any case, it's painfully clear that you're a poorly educated and quite ignorant individual.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2013, 08:25 AM

In any case, it's painfully clear that you're a poorly educated and quite ignorant individual. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
JD is educated in ignorance! Might even have a PHD in it...
BigLouie's Avatar
To put this stupidity to rest, it was my knee, my right knee. The knee cap is now made of man made materials. If I tell you how it happened then you would look me up and I don't trust some of you pieces of shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Knee Cap? Knee Cap? You originally posted:

I left the military after an entire career with a medical ending injury. Maybe someday you can learn to think before you post. I get an entire $400 a month for the pain and suffering, loss of mobility, artificial body parts, and a reduced life expectancy

I have already beaten expectations
You made it sound as if you had incurable cancer or something, maybe lost a limb or two, but a friggin' knee cap? Reduced life expectancy from an artificial knee cap?
BigLouie's Avatar
The Colorado succession failed for one simple reason that JD refuses to acknowledge in the slightest. Water Rights. The counties that want to succeed need more water than they current have rights to. They have to "borrow" from the areas they want to succeed from. If they did succeed the agreements in place would not apply to them and they would have to start from scratch in securing water rights. And guess what, the areas that do have excess water already have agreements in place for that water to go the state of Colorado so there would be no water available for new agreements. This is why EVERYONE in Colorado knew this was doomed from the start.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What you all have failed to recognize is that it has come to this. There are counties in Colorado and California that want to secede. Those are both blue states if you didn't know that. How bad must govenment have to be for a secessionist movement to spring up? What happens when the fiscal disaster that will be California is visited upon all the states? It is coming unless legislation informs California that THEY have to get their house in order. Remember what you do when trying to save a drowning person...make sure that they don't pull you down too.

I see Captain Nightie has it in a bunch and likes to use some new words. I post when I'm awake (as opposed to posting when I'm asleep) and I keep some strange hours. Funny you should notice. Are you trying to track me Nightie? You sound like a bitter person and need to lay off the caffeine. Maybe if I drank coffee I would be awake all of the time. Still, I have yet to see one thing that you've written that refutes anything that I've written. Not one thing!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2013, 10:49 AM
Knee Cap? Knee Cap? You originally posted:

You made it sound as if you had incurable cancer or something, maybe lost a limb or two, but a friggin' knee cap? Reduced life expectancy from an artificial knee cap? Originally Posted by BigLouie

JD is so full of shit...we pay that fucker $400 bucks a month for a god damn knee cap he probably hurt in the men's room. He made is sound like he was hurt planting the flag at Iwo Jima, turns out it was more like a paper cut while filing away records.

We taxpayers are going to pay JD $400 a month for the rest of his life and he screams about wanting smaller government. Hey JD, why don't you start by giving up your $400 bucks a month you squeeze outta the taxpayers!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 10:55 AM
What you all have failed to recognize is that it has come to this. There are counties in Colorado and California that want to secede. Those are both blue states if you didn't know that. How bad must govenment have to be for a secessionist movement to spring up? What happens when the fiscal disaster that will be California is visited upon all the states? It is coming unless legislation informs California that THEY have to get their house in order. Remember what you do when trying to save a drowning person...make sure that they don't pull you down too.

I see Captain Nightie has it in a bunch and likes to use some new words. I post when I'm awake (as opposed to posting when I'm asleep) and I keep some strange hours. Funny you should notice. Are you trying to track me Nightie? You sound like a bitter person and need to lay off the caffeine. Maybe if I drank coffee I would be awake all of the time. Still, I have yet to see one thing that you've written that refutes anything that I've written. Not one thing! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn


Yssup Rider's Avatar
Captain nightgown, I will put my spelling, even at 3 AM, against anyone here. My understanding of the Constitution, though maybe not as good as a constitutional scholar like Obama, is very good. That understanding is so much better than 95% of the people in this site. I don't quote cases or throw out citations because you learn to speak to the level of the your audience (or class as the case may be). You don't post very often nightie but I will take great care in looking over your work from now on. I don't grade on a curve.

Might as well announce it now. I am going to put WTF on ignore. His latest posts have nothing to do with the topics at hand. They are merely unprovoked attacks of a very personal nature. They are a condemnation of his character or lack thereof. So like FuckZup before're gone. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, you are a narcissistic fraud. Your spelling and language skills are rivaled by your complete lack of understanding of how the government works or is supposed to work. "...better than 95% of the people in (sic) this site?" I fart in your general direction!

You're a naysaying chicken little with an ego larger than your photo collection of other guys' JUNK! Your constant reference to your education and stature in the academic community are about as convincing as most of your posts.

Being on your ignore list is a badge of honor I wear with pride.

Simpering pussy!

PS -- why don't one of you fellas post this where JDIdiot can see it. Maybe on another guy's JUNK!
What you all have failed to recognize is that it has come to this. There are counties in Colorado and California that want to secede. Those are both blue states if you didn't know that. How bad must govenment have to be for a secessionist movement to spring up? What happens when the fiscal disaster that will be California is visited upon all the states? It is coming unless legislation informs California that THEY have to get their house in order. Remember what you do when trying to save a drowning person...make sure that they don't pull you down too.

I see Captain Nightie has it in a bunch and likes to use some new words. I post when I'm awake (as opposed to posting when I'm asleep) and I keep some strange hours. Funny you should notice. Are you trying to track me Nightie? You sound like a bitter person and need to lay off the caffeine. Maybe if I drank coffee I would be awake all of the time. Still, I have yet to see one thing that you've written that refutes anything that I've written. Not one thing! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A bitter person? Au contraire! I'm quite happy and content. I just don't live in a bizarre fantasy world like you do, professor. I hope it's a happy, comfortable place.

Trying to "track" you? Seriously? The first thing you see when you click on this forum, along with the thread title, is the handle of the person who made the last post and the time it was submitted. One who steps in here around 8 or 9 a.m. often sees a whole bunch of threads in which the last post was made by Barleycorn during the midnight-3 a.m. hours. Of course, those posts often include an ample supply of confused babbling. Is that when you tend to start hittin' the 'shine, hillbilly?

If any of the words I used were new to you, that's only because you have a tiny vocabulary. But then that's generally the case with uneducated hillbillies, isn't it?

And virtually everything you wrote about the possibility of secession was thoroughly debunked. Go back and read your previous threads on the issue, as well as the earlier posts in this one. But try to pay attention this time, dumbass.

You continue to starkly demonstrate that you're almost completely incapable of even learning much of anything, let alone teaching it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, professor, go for it! Give every one of my posts a grade. That's the ticket! (After all, you're so well-qualified to do that, aren't you?)

In any case, it's painfully clear that you're a poorly educated and quite ignorant individual. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Not to mention an ASSHOLE!
Not to mention an ASSHOLE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well, yeah.

That too!
BigLouie's Avatar
What you all have failed to recognize is that it has come to this. There are counties in Colorado and California that want to secede.... Still, I have yet to see one thing that you've written that refutes anything that I've written. Not one thing! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh I give you that they want to secede, but it's not a realistic possibility. They might as well want the sun to come up in the West, not going to happen. Just because they want to secede does not mean much. Few people are happy with their situation and everyone wants better. So what else is new.
I thought you were referring to general welfare programs for poor minorities. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
General welfare programs for poor minorities?

So, poor whites aren't eligible for those programs?

It says a lot that you thought the word "moochers" referred to minorities only.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-10-2013, 10:33 PM
What you all have failed to recognize is that it has come to this. There are counties in Colorado and California that want to secede. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, what you have failed to recognize is that there are A MINORITY OF VOCAL PEOPLE in those counties who want to secede from Colorado.

In all those counties, what was the vote for and against?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many times have I written that I don't drink. Read your memos Captain Nightie.

It was also a minority who rebelled from England. How did that work out?