The Fast and Furious scandal is turning into President Obama's Watergate

joe bloe's Avatar
I am watching the Meet the Press right now, and the Darrel Issa and the reporter he is talking with have said that he wants the specific emails where there was discussion and talk about him. When the people on Meet the Press asked him "if he got all the documents he wanted, everything he wanted what was it he thinks he would prove or is trying to prove'? He deflected several times when asked this and tried to skirt by the fact that what he was really trying to get was emails where Eric Holder, and some of the administration were actually "talking about him". In other words he wants to know what these guys are saying about him, and this has nothing to do with the actual program or even uncovering any perceived so called "cover up" of which he won't even say what he thinks the cover up is. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Obviously, the emails generated after the program was shut down are the ones that contain the cover up. That's when criminal behavior is covered up, AFTER it's done. The Watergate tapes were all about what happened after the breakin. Nixon tried, unsuccessfully, to use executive privilege to deny access to the tapes, just like Obama is doing.

If the emails contain references to Issa, it's because Holder and his people were plotting a strategy to deal with Issa's inevitable investigation. The emails probably say: " We'll stonewall Issa till Hell freezes over. Our friends in the MSM won't even cover the story, or they'll say it's a witch hunt. Besides, Obama has assured me, that if worse comes to worse, he'll use executive privilege to protect us. We can drag this thing out for years"

Obama's executive privilege claim doesn't have a chance of withstanding a court challenge. Case law has already been established by prior presidents failing to get court approval for attempted executive privilege claims under similar circumstances. Claiming executive privilege is just a stalling tactic to delay the shit hitting the fan until after the presidential election.
I B Hankering's Avatar
the mexican police are so totally credible they would never have said a word to the durg cartel we were using a sting operation

BRILLIANT! Originally Posted by CJ7
What "sting operation"? Odumbo's ATF agents didn't even try to maintain positive control on the weapons. Furthermore, the Odumbo administration did not coordinate with the Mexican government making the whole operation illegal under international law.

Hankering the pompous as usual you have everything ass backwards and you call me inbred,your family tree looks like a utility pole. Originally Posted by ekim008
Typical, unintelligent response from Ekim the Inbred. Support your POV with concrete evidence or continue to play the fool. Your choice.
joe bloe's Avatar
What "sting operation"? Odumbo's ATF agents didn't even try to maintain positive control on the weapons. Furthermore, the Odumbo administration did not coordinate with the Mexican government making the whole operation illegal under international law.

Typical, unintelligent response from Ekim the Inbred. Support your POV with concrete evidence or continue to play the fool. Your choice. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Trust me; ekim isn't playing the fool. When it comes to being a fool, ekim is completely authentic.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-24-2012, 03:07 PM
Obviously, the emails generated after the program was shut down are the ones that contain the cover up. That's when criminal behavior is covered up, AFTER it's done. Originally Posted by joe bloe
What's the criminal behavior being alleged?

If i recall correctly, the question Issa was asked was "Supposing you get everything you want, what is it you expect to get out of it?" His answer was "answers for the families".

Besides the yahoos on here, nobody's alleging a crime was committed. They just want to be able to place political blame on someone. No more, no less.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What's the criminal behavior being alleged?

If i recall correctly, the question Issa was asked was "Supposing you get everything you want, what is it you expect to get out of it?" His answer was "answers for the families".

Besides the yahoos on here, nobody's alleging a crime was committed. They just want to be able to place political blame on someone. No more, no less. Originally Posted by Doove
COG already answered your bullshit question, Doofus. Your memory must be even shorter than your dick.
"When the president does it, its not illegal."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2012, 03:36 PM
"When the president does it, its not illegal." Originally Posted by gnadfly
I miss Nixon...
Obviously, the emails generated after the program was shut down are the ones that contain the cover up. That's when criminal behavior is covered up, AFTER it's done. The Watergate tapes were all about what happened after the breakin. Nixon tried, unsuccessfully, to use executive privilege to deny access to the tapes, just like Obama is doing.

If the emails contain references to Issa, it's because Holder and his people were plotting a strategy to deal with Issa's inevitable investigation. The emails probably say: " We'll stonewall Issa till Hell freezes over. Our friends in the MSM won't even cover the story, or they'll say it's a witch hunt. Besides, Obama has assured me, that if worse comes to worse, he'll use executive privilege to protect us. We can drag this thing out for years"

Obama's executive privilege claim doesn't have a chance of withstanding a court challenge. Case law has already been established by prior presidents failing to get court approval for attempted executive privilege claims under similar circumstances. Claiming executive privilege is just a stalling tactic to delay the shit hitting the fan until after the presidential election. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You are assuming a lot of things here. Just as the reporters kept asking Issa today, in essence a cover up of what? What are they thinking has been covered up? The truth is there is no cover up. What Issa doesn't like and it was apparent in the interview is knowing he was being talked about via email exchanges and being told no to documents that have nothing to do with the Fast and Furious operation, or have anything to do with the death of the ICE agent. If Issa and others really wanted to find those things out they would be interviewing all of those in the previous administration who were apart of it and those agents who were in the thick of it.

It is clearly obvious that this is not only a personal thing with Issa but a highly political show to make it appear that someone is hiding something. Honestly I will be willing to bet Issa will get what he is after and it will have been nothing, all his efforts will yield nothing.
The level of willful blindness, sycophantic partisanship, guileful " gullibility", disporportionate equating, incorrect assertions of "program" continuance, tactical wonderment at there even being an issue, and the general abject either evilness or stupidity of the liberals in this thread is both amazing and scary.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-24-2012, 03:53 PM
COG already answered your bullshit question, Doofus. Your memory must be even shorter than your dick. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Funny then, that even Darrell Issa didn't mention that. Yes?

"When the president does it, its not illegal." Originally Posted by gnadfly
I believe that came from the Bush administration.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2012, 04:05 PM
this investigation has been going on for almost 2 years, the DOJ has turned over 7600 pages of documents, and Issa openly admits the President or even Holder isnt responsible for anything ...

ergo; nothing more than a shitslinging political response from the right to the deportation EO Obie brilliantly played while the neanderturds were asleep at the wheel ...
I B Hankering's Avatar
this investigation has been going on for almost 2 years, the DOJ has turned over 7600 pages of documents, and Issa openly admits the President or even Holder isnt responsible for anything ...

ergo; nothing more than a shitslinging political response from the right to the deportation EO Obie brilliantly played while the neanderturds were asleep at the wheel ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Holder has refused to turnover 65,000 pages of documents.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who first began the Fast and Furious investigation, said the assertion by the White House of executive privilege raises “monumental questions.”
“How can the president assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances,” he said.

Funny then, that even Darrell Issa didn't mention that. Yes? Originally Posted by Doove
Funny, Senator Cornyn did, and here is when Holder did it.

Senator Grassley noted also that this is the second major retraction the Justice Department has made in the past seven months. In December 2011, he said the department retracted its claim that the ATF had not allowed illegally purchased guns to be trafficked to Mexico.

“In his eagerness to blame the previous administration, Attorney General Holder got his facts wrong. And his tactic didn’t bring us any closer to understanding how a bad policy evolved and continued,” he said. “Bad policy is bad policy, regardless of how many administrations carried it out.

“Ironically, the only document produced yesterday by the department appears to show that senior officials in the attorney general's own department were strategizing about how to keep gunwalking in both Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious under wraps,” he said.
What is the WH hiding and why ??????????

"Holder’s letter (asserting Executive Privileage) is a remarkable document. Viewed from a strictly technical standpoint, it is a terrible piece of legal work. Its arguments are weak at best; in some cases, they are so frivolous as to invite the imposition of sanctions if they were asserted in court. ..."
joe bloe's Avatar
"When the president does it, its not illegal." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Thus spake, Tricky Dick.
What "sting operation"? Odumbo's ATF agents didn't even try to maintain positive control on the weapons. Furthermore, the Odumbo administration did not coordinate with the Mexican government making the whole operation illegal under international law.

Typical, unintelligent response from Ekim the Inbred. Support your POV with concrete evidence or continue to play the fool. Your choice. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You have no POV and you ask me for one.typical wing nut response.You are a laugher.