NO Black Men WTF is this 1950

yeah....who was the modTard that threatened the next NBA thread starter would be banned?
Ok so No A.A usually means pimps or they rough up providers...What about the Asian or Middle Eastern? What do they do? Just curious.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I thought AA meant Asian American ? Sheeeeit....learn something new every day.
What have black men done please enlighten me. I know there are thugs but ALL Black men. Pretty racist!!! Originally Posted by Deanbigbrother
To the OP: Dear, this subject has been hashed and re-hashed. Is it fair? No. Is it racist? Yes, probably.

You can't regulate the hobby as you would any other industry, and quite frankly, any woman/provider has the right to say who and who not she will allow inside of her.

Do I agree with it? No, I don't, I will see anyone as long as they are a gentleman, but that's me. I do however, believe that any provider has the right to see/not see who she chooses for her own reasons.

The reason(s) why many will not see black gents, can be anything from a prejudice against them, all the way to purely size issues. (In all their glory, they can be quite scary for some!)

Anyways, it's not fair, but it is what it is. There are many, and I do mean, many providers who have no problem seeing AA gents (me included), and there is even an "AA Friendly" provider list floating around here somewhere to help with this.

I would say, move on and find a lady who is happy to see you, and don't sweat the small stuff.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-12-2017, 09:05 AM
Is it fair? No.

The reason(s) why many will not see black gents, can be anything from a prejudice against them, all the way to purely size issues. (In all their glory, they can be quite scary for some!)

Anyways, it's not fair, but it is what it is. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
My poor poor big dick black brothers can not fuck all white whores on demand!

Such a horrible life...

My poor poor big dick black brothers can not fuck all white whores on demand!

Such a horrible life... Originally Posted by WTF
I have heard this from many providers, and not being a size queen myself, I can certainly understand being afraid of the bigger ones!
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  • WTF
  • 05-12-2017, 10:16 AM
Such sympathy these big dick fellas evoke!

Amanda Haze's Avatar
Ive had some of my best clients be black and some of my worst clients be black also. I don't discriminate, I see all races I just don't see young guys. I accept AA OVER 30. As long as I get a picture of you I don't mind because 9 times out of 10 you won't fuck me over if I have your picture.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I don't discriminate Originally Posted by Amanda Haze
Sure you do.

I just don't see young guys. Originally Posted by Amanda Haze
Such sympathy these big dick fellas evoke!

Originally Posted by WTF
Larger-sized fellows (of any race) do actually have a harder lot in life. And I am not just speaking of the hobby here.

Lots of women (myself included) won't get near a big 'un, and then many of those who will, or give it the old college try, can't take the whole thing, so the gent is left only able to get about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way in, and everyone knows, what feels the best is being able to get it all the way in.

Honestly, I've never understood why men are so obsessed with having a large member. I, for one, am not a size queen and don't like them (a lot of women feel this way). My pussy (as most women's) is very tight/shallow, so I like one that fits just right.

So yeah, bigger dudes do have it harder!
SweetDulce's Avatar

Lots of women on't get near a big 'un, and then many of those who will, or give it the old college try, can't take the whole thing, so the gent is left only able to get about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way in, and everyone knows, what feels the best is being able to get it all the way in.

Honestly, I've never understood why men are so obsessed with having a large member. I, for one, am not a size queen and don't like them (a lot of women feel this way). My pussy (as most women's) is very tight/shallow, Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I totally agree. I have turned down 2 guys because they were too big. Both were black.
Bigjohnson1's Avatar
Larger-sized fellows (of any race) do actually have a harder lot in life. And I am not just speaking of the hobby here.

Lots of women (myself included) won't get near a big 'un, and then many of those who will, or give it the old college try, can't take the whole thing, so the gent is left only able to get about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way in, and everyone knows, what feels the best is being able to get it all the way in.

Honestly, I've never understood why men are so obsessed with having a large member. I, for one, am not a size queen and don't like them (a lot of women feel this way). My pussy (as most women's) is very tight/shallow, so I like one that fits just right.

So yeah, bigger dudes do have it harder! Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I've had complaints about being too think and I'm not black but have had sessions switched to HJ for this reason with little Asian gals. But for some reason I would still like an extra inch or so. Not one guy out there would ever say he wants to be smaller lol. Same concept that a lot of those of us that work out are trying to be as big and muscular as possible cause we're programmed to think that girls like that even though I've been told by many women and read surveys online that most girls don't care if you have pecs and biceps busting out of your shirt. They say they would just prefer a "nice and lean" guy
... I've been told by many women and read surveys online that most girls don't care if you have pecs and biceps busting out of your shirt. They say they would just prefer a "nice and lean" guy Originally Posted by Bigjohnson1
Exactly! I feel there are just as many body image pressures on you guys as there are on us.
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  • WTF
  • 05-12-2017, 01:14 PM
Larger-sized fellows (of any race) do actually have a harder lot in life. And I am not just speaking of the hobby here.

Lots of women (myself included) won't get near a big 'un, and then many of those who will, or give it the old college try, can't take the whole thing, so the gent is left only able to get about 1/2 - 2/3 of the way in, and everyone knows, what feels the best is being able to get it all the way in.

Honestly, I've never understood why men are so obsessed with having a large member. I, for one, am not a size queen and don't like them (a lot of women feel this way). My pussy (as most women's) is very tight/shallow, so I like one that fits just right.

So yeah, bigger dudes do have it harder! Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Those poor big dick bastards, I feel such pity!

One other a pussy expert, small pussy is not the norm. Wouldn't be all this fisting going on if that was the case. Girls that love big dick, got big woohoo's.

Some ladies after childbirth wind up with a sink hole...

Those poor big dick bastards, I feel such pity!

One other a pussy expert, small pussy is not the norm. Wouldn't be all this fisting going on if that was the case. Girls that love big dick, got big woohoo's.

Some ladies after childbirth wind up with a sink hole...
Originally Posted by WTF
Vaginal canal width, tightness, etc, has more to do with genetics, than anything else. Like any other parts of our bodies, including tit size.

Although, yes, childbirth can definitely do a number on your lady bits, but in general, it's like you are either born with a tight pussy, or you're just not, and nothing can change that.

I've only been with smaller-pussied women myself.