There are 36 million Millionaires in the world and counting! Ladies, you can become one if you marry one!

burkalini's Avatar
Gold-diggers. What a basis for marriage. Let's marry the most selfish self-absorbed women we can find. Not a chance and yes I am in that category. BFD. There are millionaires everywhere nowadays. It means nothing.
Neither me or anyone I know would marry a retired hooker, but dream big! Lmao. Most women were with the guy before he made it big, they deserve the money, New marriages get a prenup.
Gabrielle's Avatar
I'm does that mean I can marry more than one?

I really just wanna travel the country in an RV. Oh and maybe Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand and a few more places. That's not asking too much, is it?

Oooo when we get decrim we can start a hoe train and travel together across the country and host happy hours and have hella fun.

Really hot women don't have to sell their pussy. They know how to play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life. the semi hot go to STG and this site to make money. Where else could over the hill hookers make the kind of money they make here?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2019, 09:33 PM
Really hot women don't have to sell their pussy. They know how to play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life. the semi hot go to STG and this site to make money. Where else could over the hill hookers make the kind of money they make here? Originally Posted by boomer32514
Comic interlude? Yes, it does look that way.
Keeping it real Old-T if you want to sling pussy for money, know your limitations. I would guarantee the now banned delusional op will never ever have the opportunity to scam a millionaire.
Hey look, trash advice, right on par with the site these days
Ripmany's Avatar
Mod close this.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2019, 01:43 PM
Keeping it real Old-T if you want to sling pussy for money, know your limitations. I would guarantee the now banned delusional op will never ever have the opportunity to scam a millionaire. Originally Posted by boomer32514
Not defending the OP at all--she was clueless.

But your comment about "really hot women" is also off base. If they "play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life" then they ARE selling their pussy. They are just accepting a different currency.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Neither me or anyone I know would marry a retired hooker, but dream big! Lmao. Most women were with the guy before he made it big, they deserve the money, New marriages get a prenup. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Mod close this. Originally Posted by Ripmany
While people like Kickrocks are dropping gems like this? This thread still has mileage left.
Not defending the OP at all--she was clueless.

But your comment about "really hot women" is also off base. If they "play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life" then they ARE selling their pussy. They are just accepting a different currency.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Like cars and jewelry? My synopsis of the op was spot on. Golddiggers always get what they deserve in the end. Your comment to me came across as passive aggressive. Lord knows I am not looking for an on online fight. Peace brother
hotrix1's Avatar
Not defending the OP at all--she was clueless.

But your comment about "really hot women" is also off base. If they "play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life" then they ARE selling their pussy. They are just accepting a different currency.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I agree completely with your assessment Old-T, but don't bother trying to explain it to boomer. He is a she, pretending to be a HE. Read back on all his/her posts and see if you don't see a trend that points itself to his/her feminist views.

He/She's got some nerve to call you out then cry wolf on you like a little girl. Follow his posts and you'll see. This was his best experience ever and he writes this shit?:

You decide whether you think boomer is actually a guy, or a mandle. And I highly doubt you'd take it lying down being called a brother by that tranny. If I had a brother that thought anywhere remotely like boomtard, I'd bitchslap the stupid out of him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm does that mean I can marry more than one?

I really just wanna travel the country in an RV. Oh and maybe Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand and a few more places. That's not asking too much, is it?

Oooo when we get decrim we can start a hoe train and travel together across the country and host happy hours and have hella fun.

Originally Posted by Gabrielle

so when are ya moving to Utah?

Not defending the OP at all--she was clueless.

But your comment about "really hot women" is also off base. If they "play the game with rich professionals who could never snag them in real life" then they ARE selling their pussy. They are just accepting a different currency.
Originally Posted by Old-T

pretty much. there is a distinct difference from an outright gold digger and a woman who early on chases the "hot guy" in high school compared to later when they realize looks alone aren't everything. they learn to look for a balance of attraction and a stable career. the same goes for guys who realize having a "hot" but basically useless ditzy wife isn't as desirable as having an attractive wife with some common sense.
TommieIorns's Avatar
Wow lol. I always told my daughters, A rich mans love is ALWAYS stronger than a poor mans love. A man who can provide and protect is a man who truly values his role as a man.
Pangolier's Avatar
Women gained the legal right to vote in 1919, or 1920 depending on how you interpret the constitution. I kind of doubt there's anyone still alive who was born in 1920 or prior that uses ECCIE. But oh no, women certainly don't have the ability to work in the USA, or in any other country for that matter.

By the way, you could drive home a Bentley from a car dealership with a nice fat check. Conversely, you could fill the empire state building with cash, and if I think you are pond scum, offering that amount to me will purchase no measure of respect.

Have things deteriorated so badly that some of you feel women can't earn money of their own accord?