Either the Secret Service thinks Hildabeast is handicapped ...

LexusLover's Avatar
.."children's furniture manufacturer"?

I love those conference tables .... they fold up and are easily stored for 2020.
Go fuck the fold of some fat hooker and believe your dick is big. OK?

I don't know "how" Bill Clinton's DNA ended up on Monica's dress, which she was smart enough to retain and not clean. I do know (because I actually heard the words coming from her mouth as her lips were moving) that Hillarious claimed it was some "great right-wing conspiracy" ... until Monica produced the forensic evidence to prove Bill was a lying sack of shit.....and then the Federal Judge in Arkansas put the icing on the cake by finding he had committed perjury.

So it didn't surprise me when Hillarious started singing the video story and suddenly hid in Peru until the storm blew over. She's been hiding ever since behind her indignation ... "what does it matter" .... and it didn't surprise me either to see picture proof that she ... as a lawyer and "public servant" would believe it was "ok" and "legal" for her to allow the vehicle in which she has been traveling to park in a handicap spot with impunity.

We already have a lawless President. Why do we want another one?

Like most ignorant people, the only way you can survive with any appearance of "intellectual" capacity is to quiet those who challenge what you say. But don't feel bad or isolated ... you have a lot a company on this board and in this forum.

I suspect a good part of that is the way you are dismissed off the board. Summarily. And therein lies a major difference between you and I ... I could give a rat's ass what you think about me or my ideas. Keep up the "free lance" fiction writing. Enjoy the skin folds. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That almost sounds like you want to find out about my dick. We have a lawless president? What, exactly, has he done that is lawless? Are you referencing executive orders? Which every president issues btw. We get it, you detest the guy because he's the wrong shade, but you need to come with better shit than this. Handicap parking spots? That's what you got? The Benghazi inquiries have produced more testimony and more paperwork than the entire Iraq war that your boy Bush led us into. Think about that. That's how bad your side wants to nail her to the wall over something that was a complete fuckup from top to bottom. To blame one person is to miss the point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7Ut7OCttsc Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That pales by comparison with the number of times you've posted "LOL," you fucking fruitcake!
Jesus Christ, LL. Get a grip. You are melting down so hard-core right now it's not even funny to make fun of it.

Besides, I thought your diaper changes were due at 3 AM? Shouldn't you be happy right now? Originally Posted by shanm
I swear he's a functioning retard.