Yssup Rider's Avatar
More brilliance. LLIdiot leading the way on this one.

BTW -- why do the whookers hate you so much LLIdiot?
  • shanm
  • 06-20-2015, 08:09 AM
Men and women have different roles in life.
In spite of your noble intentions, the market determines how much I pay a plumber, and electrician, an accountant, or even my dentist. Women only earn less because they put in less time at work and aren't willing to do as many dirty, filthy, and away from home jobs as men.

If you believe in what you say, keep doing what your company is doing. If you people are able to pay women more than the going rate and make money, and can use that in your advertising to appeal to your customers, then that is what capitalism is all about. If you pay too much to prove your point, and suffer for it, that is also the free market at work.

Go lecture Muslims on the second class status of women, and see if you retain your head. Women are treated better in America than almost anywhere else. Originally Posted by DSK
That's bullshit. You know it. It's retrograde thinking. We don't live in the 19th century anymore.

Intellectually, women can be the same as men. There are women out there whose brains could lap both of ours ten times over. They're engineers, doctors, lawyers, scientists etc do not have a monopoly on talent. Basing their pay on the back of a biological function is giving them second class status, end of.

Yes, I don't agree with the all-encompassing statistics that most feminazi's like to pull out. For example, "women get paid 84 cents for every dollar a man earns". Women usually do not work the same jobs as men, it makes sense that there would be pay differences. Uneven pay for the same job, however, that's an entirely different thing. As is basing hiring and firing decisions based on gender.

Other than a benefit plan do you own any stock or interest in "our company"? Are you a corporate officer in "our company"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Partner. It's an LLP.

Why all the sudden interest?
Other than a benefit plan do you own any stock or interest in "our company"? Are you a corporate officer in "our company"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wonder if "shammy's company's" stock symbol might be "blo" ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's setting you up shanm. Typical JL bipolar bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
Partner. It's an LLP. Originally Posted by shanm
Just wondering how much liability exposure you have for the discrimination.
  • shanm
  • 06-20-2015, 10:41 AM
He's setting you up shanm. Typical JL bipolar bullshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I believe that. Junior leaguers often have this notion of being better than they actually are.

Just wondering how much liability exposure you have for the discrimination. Originally Posted by LexusLover
There is no "liability exposure" for discrimination, idiot.

If you're guilty of discrimination, you're smoked. That's about it. Doesn't matter if you're limited liability, an S corp, C corp or what the fuck ever. Pretty much proves you're an ignorant pissant.

And what discrimination? We also offer 4 weeks of paternity leave.

A mother's job is more important. Especially in infancy. I can't even imagine a mother leaving the care of a six month old to someone else. We hire temps in the meanwhile, and it literally happens just once or twice a year (usually in the back office). I have no idea what the fuss is all about. Just another way for conservatives to bitch and moan about their racist and sexist way of life being threatened.
lustylad's Avatar
Btw the word "cunt"? It doesn't mean the same thing in the UK as it does here. I've made no secret that I was born there... It's just a word, and it has about as much power as you give it. Originally Posted by shanm
Lol, so you want to lecture us on the etymology of the word “cunt”? Now I've heard everything. Are you telling us British women aren't offended if you call them cunts? Very interesting. You hung out with some classy wenches on the other side of the pond, didn't you shammyprick? In future, whenever you use the c-word be sure to let us know whether you mean the (yankee) pejorative version or the (limey) non-pejorative version, ok? And just for the record, anytime I address you as the CUNT that you are - it's pejorative!

"Obama and Hillary pay females less"....ok, what the FUCK does that have to do with me?

Our company does have a wage gap. It's not because we're sexist, it's because our front office professions (actuaries/CFA's) are male dominated. The back office (secretaries, bookkeepers, assistants), they're female dominated. That's just how it is. Originally Posted by shanm

LOOKEE HERE FOLKS! Another fine shining example of libtard thinking and hypocrisy in action! Do as I say, not as I do. If someone else pays women less than men, it's because of intentional discrimination and “maternity reasons”. But when Obama and Hillary and shammyprick do it, it's strictly for reasons that are fair and legitimate and have nothing to do with discrimination!

Using shammytard's litmus test, if you're a conservative or Republican you are automatically guilty of pay discrimination because by definition you are sexist and part of the ongoing “war on women”. But if you're a libtard Dem, then all is forgiven because by definition you can't be sexist. After all, you “care” about women. Any questions? Good, now STFU!


LOL - Just another revealing insight into the warped and corrupted libtard mind!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, shanm, I think IBJunior would be more receptive if you were to call him a TWAT!

Or a butch leaguer!
  • DSK
  • 06-20-2015, 12:12 PM
I believe that. Junior leaguers often have this notion of being better than they actually are.

There is no "liability exposure" for discrimination, idiot.

If you're guilty of discrimination, you're smoked. That's about it. Doesn't matter if you're limited liability, an S corp, C corp or what the fuck ever. Pretty much proves you're an ignorant pissant.

And what discrimination? We also offer 4 weeks of paternity leave.

A mother's job is more important. Especially in infancy. I can't even imagine a mother leaving the care of a six month old to someone else. We hire temps in the meanwhile, and it literally happens just once or twice a year (usually in the back office). I have no idea what the fuss is all about. Just another way for conservatives to bitch and moan about their racist and sexist way of life being threatened. Originally Posted by shanm
How long is the paid maternity leave?
Do all benefits remain in place?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
why the fuck do you give a shit?

What's your point, old man?
  • DSK
  • 06-21-2015, 05:46 AM
why the fuck do you give a shit?

What's your point, old man? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Virtually every company gives unpaid maternity leave. If he is paying them for a long time, then I would be impressed.

Therefore, I am attempting to find out if he is grandstanding or not.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Title IX has been around a long time Whir-LIE-turd. Enacted under Nixon.

This is all about the notion held by RWWipe pundits that Obama has somehow caused a collapse of civilization at a university RWWipes find elitist.

Nice froth. You might want to clean the white foam off the corner of your mouth.
  • shanm
  • 06-21-2015, 01:20 PM
Lol, so you want to lecture us on the etymology of the word “cunt”? Now I've heard everything

. Originally Posted by lustylad
nope. I basically told you that I don't give a single fuck what you think.

I've got an idea. It might sound a little crazy, but just hear me out:

If you've got nothing of note to contribute, maybe....consider......shutting the fuck up?

Between your "lookee here's" and the LOLs and your lame ass use of non-sequitur (which don't really fool anyone), I'm willing to bet there's much more "political forum worthy" substance in the sewer.


. Originally Posted by lustylad
Listen, Lustytard, I know this is very, very hard for you. but please try to follow this time around.
We have 10 analyst positions open. 9 out of 10 applicants for that job turn out to be male. Let's say we hire all 10.

Now on the other side, we have 10 secretary positions open. 9 out of 10 applicants for that job just happen to be female. Again, we hire all ten.

Now, unless we would be paying our risk analyst and our secretary the same wage, we are bound to have a wage differential between the men and the women in our company.

I know that this kind of logic can be very hard to follow, especially for a low-life illiterate like you, but that is really the best I could do.

If you have any further questions, see my secretary.

*That's me telling you to go fuck yourself.*
  • shanm
  • 06-21-2015, 01:29 PM
Virtually every company gives unpaid maternity leave. If he is paying them for a long time, then I would be impressed.

Therefore, I am attempting to find out if he is grandstanding or not. Originally Posted by DSK
12 weeks unpaid maternity is federally mandated(I believe). We pay them for 8 weeks (two months) and allow them to take up to six months unpaid.

I am not in charge of making these decisions. It's company policy.
lustylad's Avatar
All life begins with women giving birth. The same people making these pay decisions are there because some woman gave birth to them. Docking their pay for performing the most basic and essential human functions is (ethically) outrageous to me. At my company, we allow 4 months on top of the 12 allotted weeks, and we pay them the same. It's partly done to show our employees that we care, but mostly done because we aren't huge uncultured cunts like you. Originally Posted by shanm

12 weeks unpaid maternity is federally mandated (I believe). We pay them for 8 weeks (two months) and allow them to take up to six months unpaid. Originally Posted by shanm

In other words, you DOCK THEIR PAY for six months if they want to take more time off “for performing the most basic and essential human functions”. You only pay them for 8 weeks. Then you DOCK THEIR PAY. How outrageous! How unethical! How can you in good conscience work for such an obviously uncaring company, she-man the sham? They sound like a bunch of uncultured cunts (yankee version)!
