How much does quality writing matter?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
[The other thing...a lot of the ads on Eros don't list donations. It's a waste of both our times for me to call around asking ladies what their donations are.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yeah, pisses me off.
69bobby69's Avatar
The largest contributing organ with regard to sex is the brain. It sets the tone for the forthcoming events. I for one want the connection and the stimulation that goes with great conversation whether it is a new introdution or someone you've known for years. Use of the english language as the basic form of communication is very important. I know that many of my friends get mad because I use full english for even texting. Oh well, I refuse to dumb down just because I have limited characters on my text service. A smart lady is such a turn-on for me.
very aphrodisiacal
Let's just say I have a fetish for intelligent women.

She doesn't have to explain how Rand integrated Nietzsche with Fromm in the blog on her website, expound on the integration of mathematical reasoning with philosophy in Spinoza or dig into integrating behavioral genetics with cultural anthropology -- but her brains have to be evident in some form or fashion. Mastery of the language is a good start.

For me, and I am not joking, it is more important than her pictures.

If she is smart and fun and happens to be ten years older than me and fifty pounds overweight, I'll work with her and have a great time. But if she's as pretty as (insert model name here) it isn't going anywhere if she can't think her way out of a wet paper sack.
I feel like as ladies here it is important to put together our add with proper grammer and to use a spell check. i am inteligent but not a brainiac. and i can still have my personality show in a post without using slang or abreviating words simply beacuse i am to lazy to type them out... i do not sound professional by any means as i am not this super seriouse lady i am young and fun and easy going... so i guess what i am getting at is there is a middle ground but spelling and grammer are a must...
I am not smart. I do have common sense.... if I mispell a word in a post and it is too late for me to go back and fix it, I get really bothered by it. There is a time and a place for text lango, and it is when you are short on time and you are sending a short note to someone IN A TEXT MESSAGE! Hence the fact that it is considered as text message lango! But even then, if you have the time to do it, why not spell right?

I have common sense. While I am home, my TV is either on the news, Discovery Channel, or History channel. Sitcoms and soap operas in my house are no-nos.

As far as being 'smart?' Well...I have had 'some' sense and cuteness is what I have! lol Take me or leave me!
As far as being 'smart?' Well...I have had 'some' college ... Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
College doesn't make a woman smart. Lots of very bright people have bypassed traditional college. Never sell yourself short because very often our "limits" are self-imposed.
I am not smart. I do have common sense....

As far as being 'smart?' Well...I have had 'some' sense and cuteness is what I have! lol Take me or leave me! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums

trailerpark clever is hot
If i see one tiepin error in a post, I wont see the gal.
If anybody needs help with grammar or sentence structure, feel free to ask me or WTF.
I feel like as ladies here it is important to put together our add with proper grammer and to use a spell check. i am inteligent but not a brainiac. and i can still have my personality show in a post without using slang or abreviating words simply beacuse i am to lazy to type them out... i do not sound professional by any means as i am not this super seriouse lady i am young and fun and easy going... so i guess what i am getting at is there is a middle ground but spelling and grammer are a must... Originally Posted by Sarah Owens
Hi Sarah, I really liked what you had to say in your show case.It is fairly easy to have good grammar in an ad, but far more difficult to give people a true glimpse into your personality.You did a great job with that.

If anybody needs help with grammar or sentence structure, feel free to ask me or WTF. Originally Posted by Ansley
Now WTF was the one who had to inform me that God is supposed to be capitalized.

Who knew
Rudyard K's Avatar
If i see one tiepin error in a post, I wont see the gal. Originally Posted by pjorourke
There are some on here that won't see the gal if she has a "tiepin" that has a confederate flag on it.
Rudyard K's Avatar
If anybody needs help with grammar or sentence structure, feel free to ask me or WTF. Originally Posted by Ansley
Isn't it supposed to be "WTF or me"?
Isn't it supposed to be "WTF or me"? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Well no, I said me first, because it's all about me.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Well no, I said me first, because it's all about me. Originally Posted by Ansley
Dammit, I keep forgetting about the "Ansley Exception" to sentence structure.