Old/New handles

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Cough. Excuse me. Hold on. Gosh ... I wish that I could moderate in this section but I cannot. However, I do have a few things to share about banning!!!

On banning ... well, there are a few theories on it. As someone who has been banned for a couple of weeks once (and if that wonderful Dragonass hadn't saved MY butt, I would have been permanently banned, according to a few of the old moderators on ASPD), I know why I was banned.

And it was over nothing. I said that Charli Knox was more spoiled than a Highland Park house cat. But that was when I was more mouthy. Actually, it was a diatribe that ENDED with us having a cat fight, me calling her spoiled and a few other choice things and we both got banned.

(Am I the only one that misses a lot of the dramatics from back when? )

I would have remained banned but thankfully, they had to show some fairness since they couldn't ban me forever and not ban her forever, which wasn't always the case in those days.

With the old board, if my memory is serving me correctly this afternoon, there wasn't the consistency that we see on this board. I know that a lot of members here will often get frustrated with moderators, etc., and I can understand that, although often, I feel that people get pissed off for very ridiculous reasons. But generally, a LOT of chances are given before going forward and banning someone.

THESE days, getting banned is pretty serious, I think. It's certainly something that is not done lightly. And the powers that be on this site are very fair minded with regard to the membership here. I doubt that someone would be banned for a similar little back and forth that happened with me so many years ago.

Regardless, if some of you cannot play nice in the sandbox, I would think that it would be best to not engage with each other.

So ... is anyone surprised that I was banned a long time ago?

I have to admit that I HATED being banned. At that time, ASPD was a huge part of my life and it was like not having a hand or something. Maybe not that bad.

Gosh ... I'm feeling punchy this afternoon.

Interesting topic. I'm not sure if I'm for having a "list" of banned members at the top of the forum as a stickie. I don't have a compelling reason why, though. I'm against lists, in general.

Tara, thn, Darth, I appreciate your input on any thread. But damn the three of you going at it is really getting old. although I have never met any of you, I happen.to like all three of you. But please grow up and leave each other alone. Join the spider hole and go at it there if you want to fight.
Boltfan's Avatar
Thanks. Some people tend to stir away from what is important. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
This is directly related to the topic at hand. The post below mine discussed bigdog. Had he served his original ban without repeated attempts to come back under other handles perhaps he wouldn't still be banned under the bigdog name.

The other one named is FWOG. Is his handle banned or guested on eccie?

Again these are directly related to the discussion at hand. Grace nailed it, pretty hard to get a lifetime ban. You've been banned, I've been banned. We both know there were conditions to return and I think we did a good job of abiding by them.

EDIT - that's what I get for not refreshing my browser to see all the action before I hit submit on my reply.
I hope this threAD has clumping litter in the cat box cause there be a lotta pussy pissin' goin' on....IJS
fletch's Avatar
...................wow, just wow.

obsg ~ i noticed that lucas mccain now appears to be 'banned' (unless he can change the text in his avatar), i am assuming this is because his comments are typically direct and sometimes indelicate, but in my opinion they are usually spot on.

i agree that some list of reasons why a member is banned would be helpful, because in this case lucas doesn't really fall into group 1 or 2 and i doubt his infraction has anything to do with outing or multiple handles, etc.
...................wow, just wow.

obsg ~ i noticed that lucas mccain now appears to be 'banned' (unless he can change the text in his avatar), i am assuming this is because his comments are typically direct and sometimes indelicate, but in my opinion they are usually spot on.

i agree that some list of reasons why a member is banned would be helpful, because in this case lucas doesn't really fall into group 1 or 2 and i doubt his infraction has anything to do with outing or multiple handles, etc. Originally Posted by fletch
Maybe Lucas had another account, I believe the majority does, imo. It's all speculation, but it is tough to get banned and it is always a blatant rule violation.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Someone can be banned for a collection of minor infractions too. It doesn't need to be one big infraction. Lucas connected one member's new handle with an older one, and a mod had to edit the post. Perhaps it was just the last straw. Hell be back on the same handle, I'm pretty sure.