What's in your price range?

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Me~~> <~~Miss Sophie Bella
Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
elephant, dont worry you are not the only one who has been dissed lately. all one can do is move on. something tells me u rang in the new year with a BANG!!!!
I am usually a very nice girl, but I have to say your
passive aggressive behavior is very unbecoming. I don't feel any lady should be dissed in the co-ed session for turning down an appointment. It's her choice, and she may have a very good reason for it. Perhaps, not even having anything to do with you.I Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
We all need to calm down. Guys get turned down all the time for one reason or another. Water off a ducks back and go on down the road.

I recently tried to schedule an appt and was ignored. I tried my plan B and things didn't work out. No big deal. The way I look at it, I went home $250 richer.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Subjective topic & I just scanned through the pages of posts in response. I'm frugal by nature, so although I know my reputation, skillset, reliability, consistency and looks are nearer the top of the list in our market than the bottom, I don't charge more than what I consider a reasonable price for a service oriented vocation.

The other factor I consider whch seems common per other ladies statements is the "price point clientele". I like the type of people I see in the $120/HH to $240/HR range. I've run a $200/HR special for months now which was my original rate 4 yrs ago. I know I deserve a friggin' raise, but not many of those going around for anyone lately.

The fellas who surprise me by paying my full rate as posted on my website always bring a big smile to my face, so consider this my "thank you!" once again. If you can afford to pay a gal her full rate, she's most likely going to welcome you back anytime! Not just for the $$, but for the boost in confidence it gives. Hell, I'm treated like royalty at the socials *I love that! LOL* but I'm not getting platinum pussy syndrome.

Nothing irks me more than to see someone making more than me who has lousy reviews or other negative issues. It reflects poorly on all ladies by causing newbies to get disillusioned and give up on the hobby altogether, or increases the number of jaded old-timers. It also encourages the bad apples, too, because they figure they can get paid despite their poor delivery. Rates don't denote quality in all cases.

For now, I'm sticking w/ my formula as it works. My repeat clientele are loyal and I try to be flexible when asked if I can work w/ them on occasion. Very few ask for that which I believe is more out of respect than anything. You get what you give, right? Newbies are offered specials on occasion, but I don't haggle on first-time visits. It encourages repeat occurrances and frankly, I don't have time for that BS. I set the expectation I am willing to meet & that's that. *straying from topic, oops*

Anyway, good feedback guys & gals... I think we're all doing pretty good at listening & being responsive to our customers needs on the provider side. It's good that you fellas chime in honestly about your thoughts on touchy topics like this. It's hard for us ladies to do so & not worry about backlash, but it's the only way we can meet each other halfway.

Hobby Happy!

Whispers's Avatar
.....I read what the almighty whispers wrote and *I* found it offensive for him to accuse the ladies who participated in this thread. As skewing things (IE:lying) and insult them by stating that their posts were Ads. WTF.
They're participating in a co-ed discussion for crying out loud.
Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Until you came along my comments regarding Provider Advertising were directed at one and only one person and that was the lady that started the thread and used it later to direct attention at her upcoming ad to see how she was going to adapt her rates in the current market.

The "skewing" comment is related to the fact that ladies can respond to the POLL and skew the results higher to mislead what people think of it.

I'm sorry to say some guys are not savvy enough to read between the lines and I felt like bringing it up.

Regarding my opinion the post was reading more and more like an ad......The thread was started BY a Provider looking for input from hobbyists about rates..... No Harm No Foul as originally written....

nut then.....

In Post #3 she is suggesting people contact her and she may "work something out"...

In Post #6 she tells us her "Birthday Special"....

In Post #19 we hear "on an alternative website I've posted a ad with specials directed toward 1st time visitors of mine. Pm me if interested.

In Post #30 we get a recap of her HH and 15 minute quickies....

Post #30 we get the "teaser" to "Check out mt weekend ad on thurs/fri!"

Sorry... But thats ongoing advertising..... and it takes away from other ladies as well as the board.... IMO

So... Once again..... for you, WickedMilf, this is simply about displaying your dislike for me.... You display, as always, an inability to grasp a topic and discuss or debate the topic.... You accuse myself and other's over and over for having no respect for women.....

I respect Marley... I've met and enjoyed a conversation with her.... but I called this thread as I saw it....

I respect most of the women that post here and on other boards.... I respect what they do as well as their right to do it.

The fact that I dislike certain business practices does not mean I dislike or lack respect for the person.... As a mater of fact I GREATLY respect a lady that can debate a topic, state her mind in an articulate and professional manner and influence opinion based on facts.....

That is not YOU however as you display so clearly by posting and asking a question I had already answered earlier in the thread..... and follow it up with your useless drivel...

So.... You WickedMilf are another case..... I have absolutely NO respect for you.... I lost any respect I might have for you long ago.... You are by far one of the biggest "inside jokes" in any of the communities you choose to post in... the subject of tremendous behind the scenes ridicule..... All due to your online antics, total disregard for content and tremendous venom and hatred you display for any man that cares to state an opinion contrary to yours...

So there you have it.... I'll say it once again... I'm tired of you following me around trying to stir up shit... Call me out and I WILL respond.... I have no business to lose by stating my mind on a hobby board....
Whispers's Avatar
I Will not pay above $250 for any experience with someone. I really do not see the need. There are two very intriguing women on here who i would like to see who are at $ 300 one has a blinky thing on top of the page and the other is a more mature lady but i will see neither as the rate is too high.
I am not cheap these are just my rules and my limits, it also allows me to see 2 ladies a month rather than one. Originally Posted by Rammixp
Two of the most popular threads repeated over and over on boards all across the country tend to be "Who we would see if their rates were just $50 cheaper".... It's unfortunate that those threads end up buried in the Locker Rooms or private areas because a board membership cannot police them selves enough to deal with the whining and arguments from the providers that feel dissed and their lapdog clients to be posted in Coed because there are some ladies that could probably boost their monthly business by 6-8 clients for a minimal adjustment in rate....

But such is the nature of these boards.....

Regarding your "I'm not cheap" ..."Rules and Limits" message.....

too many guys get way too caught up by NOT having rules and limits...... And $200 for an hour of someone's time is by no means being "cheap"
Whispers's Avatar
If I drop my price below $250... I have to deal with a lot of "bottom feeders"... I would rather starve *smiles* Annie Originally Posted by SensualRedHead
With over 75% of responding males in polls like these indicating that $250 is probably TOP DOLLAR for a HIGH QUALITY experience you are certainly segmenting yourself away from a large percentage of the community.... There are many guys that hobby regularly and can still afford to do so.....

Guys that might like to see a gal three times a week and could afford the $900 last year but only wants to spend $600 a week this year.....

I think that kind of mentality might cost ladies opportunities..... They might be surprised at the quality of guys regularly and readily playing at $180-$225

last Year's $200 "Bottom Feeders" are probably this years $100-$140 guys....

The market is not changing anytime soon it seems....

What works to turn around a market does not apply itself as well to this hobby as it does in other areas.... As providers you really have no control over product Availability and the market is most definitely working against you on that matter as more and more girls turn to the "world's oldest profession"

Real Estate for example.... AS the market shrunk and loans became harder to get properties became harder to sell... People that can buy take advantage of the excess inventory and tend to get some pretty good deals.....

But Builder's slowed production..... Many Sellers pulled their homes off the market and leased them to wait.......Inventories shrank... and the market is starting to shift a little.....

Any smart business will look around and see what the competition is
doing and adapt.....

Retail for another example....

Tandy actually started the MegaPlex concept of consumer electronics and Appliances with a chain of stores called Incredible Universe and McDuffs..... Circuit City and Best Buy materialized soon after adding product and some services....

Bye Bye McDuffs and Incredible Universe...

Frys jumped into many markets with deeper discount and product at almost every price point.....

Circuit City did not adapt as fast and we don't have them around any more...

Providers cannot control the availability of product.... More and More Ladies are finding their way into this business..... More girls are willing to pay for play and in all honesty... some of us have MORE choices than we can take advantage of at prices lower that we paid last year.....

There will ALWAYS be some guy that wants to see you that will come along and pay your price.... admittedly a lot of us guys are suckers and do not always think with the right head.....

If you don't take a look around at what's happening you are only costing yourself money....

The market rate in Houston and San Antonio is at or below $200.... Austin Agencies are hitting that price with some frequency and many gals are there already.....

I honestly do not think they are dealing with the "Bottom Feeders"

But.. to each their own opinion....
missi hart's Avatar
other than being somewhat entertaining, more importantly, threads like this are akin to mini-sociology lessons. the posts really give us a nice little glimpse of the posters character (or lack thereof, too). it can help providers make some decisions about hobbyists and vice versa. i now have some added respect for some of the providers that have posted on this thread, and also i have reminded myself how nice the ignore function can be.
dookiexp's Avatar
Two of the most popular threads repeated over and over on boards all across the country tend to be "Who we would see if their rates were just $50 cheaper".... It's unfortunate that those threads end up buried in the Locker Rooms or private areas because a board membership cannot police them selves enough to deal with the whining and arguments from the providers that feel dissed and their lapdog clients to be posted in Coed because there are some ladies that could probably boost their monthly business by 6-8 clients for a minimal adjustment in rate....

But such is the nature of these boards.....

Regarding your "I'm not cheap" ..."Rules and Limits" message.....

too many guys get way too caught up by NOT having rules and limits...... And $200 for an hour of someone's time is by no means being "cheap" Originally Posted by Whispers

I 100% agree (I have X amount to spend and that is what i spend), I do feel for you somewhat Whispers as alot of what you have said in this thread I agree with. You sometimes go OTT with your opinion but in this Thread I think your spot on and have been jumped on for no reason.

At the End of the day Ladies can choose to charge what they want and I can choose to pay what i want. I have my limits and the ladies that fall into that willl get my money and the one's that do not will not. Im sure they have plenty of clients anyway so no one is getting hurt its just simple econmics.

Obviosuly the more women that fall into my limits the better thats just human nature right?
Wow i must agree i think this went a totally different way than expected. Although i am not surprised, it seems nothing is ever kept "good" and "nice" any more. To be honest i did not create this thread with the hopes of it sounding like an ad. I wanted to get some guys honest opinions and take a look at the poll and see if my price in the price range of most of the guys. Which it seems it is. So problem solved. I know im not charging to much but i will be running more specials. As well as being a little more specific on the times i am available, but it is sometimes hard to pin point that to a T when you share a incall. Thanks for those of you who chimed in with honest answers, advice and opinions!

Of course thanks to my ladies! This was for us too, not just the great gents! KISSES
sixxbach's Avatar
We all need to calm down. Guys get turned down all the time for one reason or another. Water off a ducks back and go on down the road.

I recently tried to schedule an appt and was ignored. I tried my plan B and things didn't work out. No big deal. The way I look at it, I went home $250 richer.

you are totally right MFW30......
Sadly, until the poll actually defines what the price range includes, it is really useless. Reference the "Diamonds and Tuxedos" thread about what is a HDH..... We are all here for different reasons and, as such, spend our money different ways. I personally expend funds as a tribute to a Goddess that does more than just provide sex, some are just looking for the best looking port in a storm, some like to chat, some like to walk in and get down to business.

Interestingly enough, some will spend $500 for 40 minutes of chat and 20 minutes BCD. Some only want to spend $200 for 5 minutes of chat and BCD that lasts as long as they do. Therefore, this thread is really irrelevant.

So the question that probably really needs to be answered, is what do you consider the most important thing to you BCD...eg, What are you really paying for? Companionship? Time with a lady you click with? The number of times you can nut in a prescribed period?

That answer is as different to people as describing a certain color to a blind person. To me, I like spending my time with one person who knows me and my life challenges, talks and advises me, and understands my deepest fantasies. To others, the color described may be a quickie in a pick-up truck behind a gas station with a SW... To some its tomato red, to some its tomahtoe red...
I personally expend funds as a tribute to a Goddess that does more than just provide sex.
. Originally Posted by dammit
That is a viewpoint I love hearing.

And..It really does boil down to the TYPE of session you desire...
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-14-2010, 08:25 PM
I think there's some unrequited sexual tension between Whispers and Wicked Milf.

They remind me of Moonlighting with Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd.

Whispers and Wicked Milf sitting in a tree,
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes baby,
In a baby carriage!

Where's Miss DePesto when you need her? For a little FMF action.
+1 @Carl...there does seem to be some underlying tension. Not sure I'd call it sexual
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-14-2010, 08:56 PM
The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. And they're definitely not indifferent to one another.