Who can you trust?

Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
BOLLOCKS, this whole thread is a festering pile of shite. In a week not a one of you is going to give a toss about this. Let's get on with it, yea. I've read every (BORING) post since this boring thread was constructed. Unfortunately, I can't get back the fucking time I've wasted reading this rubbish! The people who are involved in this shite please stop acting like infants. Situation, sorted!

* Stop all the fighting, there's football to be watched. Which reminds me I'm out of ale.

macbeth1000's Avatar
Again this shit is better than sex. Hands down better than sex and it's human nature to gravitate in groups so the forming of little groups although childish no matter the age especially on an illegal activity site (yes fucking escorts is against the law ergo illegal activity)-- is what it is.
A lot of people on the defensive right out the bat, why, I ask in amazement, why?
I found it odd that the OP didn't mention any names but people already on the defensive. Pardon me if you will but in a criminal case 9 times out of 10, the person or persons that says they didn't do it first without being accused actually turns out to be the person or persons that actually did it.
I just found the responses to this post very odd, I think if no one had replied, I myself and others would have no idea whom the OP was trying to finger.
Anyway it also seems that once a flame is started people with sticks come out of the woodwork to fight old battles.
I don't espouse to the joy joy lets get along mentality but I must ask, why all the hate?
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I prefer sex.
macbeth1000's Avatar
I prefer sex. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Hahaha dude I must ask this as a follow up question, are you attracted to the physical side of sex or the mental side? Ie is it her body or her intelligence that gets you?
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Hahaha dude I must ask this as a follow up question, are you attracted to the physical side of sex or the mental side? Ie is it her body or her intelligence that gets you? Originally Posted by macbeth1000
fair question... the combination of both. She must be hot (according to my standard) and smart. I also like the anticipation of Sex and the romance during it.
Stick to the facts on this thread please. No more inuendo about who got banned for what. If that person says why they were banned, then fine. Do not comment on this thread anymore if you can't control yourself. I guarantee you points will be handed out as some of you are finding out.
Jules, I don't think I'm in over my head. I care because I tried so hard to be her friend and she just shit on me for no reason. I still don't know what her concerns were. The same way she can't control people defending her, I can't control people defending me. Yes, I did contact Jarvis afterwards to see I why this was all happening. At that moment, her and Jarvis were fighting all over the board. I'm apparently associated with him because I have had two sessions with him and he reviewed one. So I guess because he wasn't in her forum, and she couldn't do anything to hurt him, she kicked me out. And made up the excuse of having "concerns" with my membership which is BS.

You're right about me being no better than the person starting the rumors, but I'm still hurt than I never got an explanation as to what her concerns were. And I apologize for spreading more rumors. But she spread her "concerns" with her WK and he began underhandedly bashing me as we'll. basically trying to accuse me if having multiple handles. That's not fair. I never did anything to her before this.

I might be fairly new to Eccie and the business, but I'm not new to this world. It's not right the way she treats people. After all of this happened she furiously tried to prove me wrong when my statement was a hypothetical situation. Like she's so smart and I'm so dumb. I might have been bored at night, but it wasn't last night. I am a smart girl and I am true to who I am. The JP you guys get is the same girl my friends and family get. I try to build people up, make them feel good about themselves and unite them. She tried to tear me down, make me feel bad about myself and exclude me. I'm over it though. I just wanted to explain myself.
Please have a great day everyone!
P.S Tara I'll call you in a bit.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i think you missed the point im going to pm you
Jillian Ive already called you. Have a guy wanting to see us both for a fun time. Call me when you can girly. Trust me on this babe! There are some evil woman out there that will try to tell you things that are not what they seem to be.
Your ALL losing on this. The more you reply....the less respect you earn. (Btw, no one gives you respect; you have to earn IT.) that's true in real life too.
Just let it ride
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
I haven't had time to catch up on this thread yet, but I think we need to have another poll. I love polls!

Should THN get voted off Whore Island?!

*Hijacking own thread, I guess it is possible*
Keep it up. BV
Poll: should me, sweaterpuppies, Tara and Taylor Sims throw an orgy party??
macbeth1000's Avatar
I haven't had time to catch up on this thread yet, but I think we need to have another poll. I love polls!

Should THN get voted off Whore Island?! Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
Whore island, I have heard that exact phrase before. I swear to god I have. I am drawing a blank and it's bugging me.
Were did you get that phrase from?

Also JP where did your joy joy happy save the world attitude go to. You seem to be on fireeeeee, why the change. If it's because of what you have already elaborated on then no further comment is necessary.
ibupro01's Avatar
Will Ferrell in Anchorman.