The Wicked Whispers Show

Whispers's Avatar
Sounds like this girl needs a cheeseburger. Dear Wicked Whispers:

What are the benefits of being in a clique. What are the challenges? Do you think cliques are a good or bad idea in the hobby?

Have I seen Whispers? Did I <gag> like him? <cough choke>
Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

Dear taylormaiden,

I agree... I prefer a good Burger but she chose a salad and baked potatoe instead.... Do you not like a nice spinner?

Are we not all here a member of a Clique? The benefits of being a member of a group who share a common interest i.e. the hobby for example allows us to share information relative to that persuit...

You and I are a member as well of a clique within a clique as we share a common interest in strippers.... we have both been known to visit a club on occasion and leave accompanied by some sweet young thing....

I share a number of young ladies amongst a clique of buddies with similar tastes....

So yes... Cliques are good for the Hobby....

The challenges of being in a Clique are many but the most important one is that you should not just take but give back as well.... (ZTONK... Are you getting this?)....

And no my dear... you and I have not crossed paths that I know of although we have similar tastes and may have enjoyed the company of the same young lady at different times as I was told......

Saint Whispers

PS.... If a lady goes down on another lady that I had CFS with is it a CBJ by Proxy?
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
Go take your question to another thread. Or go take it up with the provider.
Don't have a fucking clue what your talking about nor why you bring it here. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I posed the question as a "what if".

Are you saying that you've never even heard of such a thing happening?

If it did happen though, "take it up with the provider" seems to indicate you believe it should be addressed with her. Am I right?
If so, I agree with you about that.

Would you accept a reference from such a provider?

It seems to me that such a person would have credibility issues after committing such an act.
That being the case, if it was covered up and she was allowed to change names, wouldn't it be something that other providers would want to know?

Is allowing her to change names and concealing her prior act something that should be considered an act that is contrary to 'provider safety"?

I ask because it is well known that you feel very strongly about the issue.
It seems fair to assume that a provider who did something like that might be capable of similar acts against anyone that pissed her off, even other providers. The fact that she got away with it once might even make it more likely that she would do something like that again.

It's scary to think someone like that could be amongst us and we didn't even know it.
That is, of course, if it really happened.

I would be surprised to learn that you've never even heard of anything like that.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Well... our party is winding down & I DO need to get laid! Have to pull out the black book or Y! IM & see who's "feelin' that way"...

I don't suppose there's a little "make-up sex" in anyone's future tonight, eh?

Some interesting morsels in here if you're perceptive and informed enough to put the pieces together, Folks. Personally, I'm rather hoping it will open some eyes and break up some cliques.

Cliques allow for exclusion which isn't exactly conducive to community growth. Threads supporting a select group of people encourage sniping and raise doubts about others for no reason. Bad apples can be sorted out and tolerance practiced for those who walk the tightrope of indecision. If you want to have a clique, form an outside group. Just my opinion.

Time for me to work on my booty call options.
Whispers's Avatar
Dear Wicked Whispers,

What if a provider seeks revenge against a guy, for whatever reason, and she goes to her favorite staff member and tells him that she attended a party one year earlier that was thrown by the guy. She says that during the party, five guys essentially gang-raped a provider.
After questioning, all the guests at the party, both male and female, it turns out that the incident never happened. Most importantly, even the provider that was supposed to have been raped said it never happened.

Should the provider that made up the story be pointed or banned? Is that worthy of posting an Alert about the provider?
Should it just be ignored and let her change her handle so she can go on like it never happened? Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
Dear Deuce Bigalow,

Forgive me for not getting back sooner.....Your letter distresses me....

We have at times seen a whackjob or two in our midst fabricate a story..... I dealt with one myself many years ago back in the Golden Days of another board..... Her claims were unfounded and she was ostracized from the community.... But those were different times when that Board was run by Men with Balls that were supported by the Female Owner of the board!

The incident you refer to was one I heard discussed at a Social shortly after my return from a journey to other Hobby Lands....

As I recall it involved a lady that was KNOWN to have fabricated stories... Stories that her staff friends bought into... As I recall this particular lady was previously known in the community by other handles......

Due to her relationship WITH staff members she was afforded a level of protection....

All sorts of rumors flew around concerning favors......

I mention this because when we deal with rumor and innuendo it is difficult to act.....

However... If a member of a community levels accusations against another member that are so clearly found to be lacking then they should most definitely be outed and banished from our midst....

Alas... but the Power of the Puss is strong and unfortunately many men are week......

It is said that Power Corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.....

In regards to the Provider involved I can state from personal experience I was warned to not comment or bring things up about her... I had interacted with her under her current handle as well as when she was just as unstable under a previous handle..... I was warned off by her protector..... who was a senior staff member.....

So Brother Deuce...... I sadly shake my head at the thought of what one man will do for a piece of the golden puss.....

Although in this particular case... As I recall the Puss was not Golden... But tarnished

Saint Whispers
Wayward's Avatar
This is a classic thread, please if dearhunter can stop playing wack-a-mole with the RTM button do not lock it.

In return for this small favor I (and all the people in my head) will pimp eccie like whispers would a 'Yours Tonight Girl'. J/K there whispers but does dh know you are trying to co-opt manpoosie with the soon to be classic "Providers Pussy Whipped Lap Dogs" or PPWLD?

Seriously excellent work.
So.. pussy has power and power corrupts, so we have corrupt vagazzled vaginas running amok?
To the powers that be: Please dont lock this thread ever. I think I am coming out of my depressed state, without paying a penny. I didnt realize how great this site was gonna be. Thanks too everyone who has posted here. Now I guess I have too get premium access.
dearhunter's Avatar
This is a classic thread, please if dearhunter can stop playing wack-a-mole with the RTM button do not lock it.

In return for this small favor I (and all the people in my head) will pimp eccie like whispers would a 'Yours Tonight Girl'. J/K there whispers but does dh know you are trying to co-opt manpoosie with the soon to be classic "Providers Pussy Whipped Lap Dogs" or PPWLD?

Seriously excellent work. Originally Posted by Wayward
I see how it is around here....................a Saint comes in the room and its stone the Fucking prophet time.

Just remember, eventually the Saint will have to ascend..................and you will be stuck with the pissed off Fucking prophet.

I would ask a question.............But, I am the Fucking prophet, and already know the answer.
Wayward's Avatar
Father Wayward has not and never will be a Saint, as always the titular head of the church on the Island of Misfit Toys; would beg this boon of the Fucking Prophet, what was the question?

Asking only so the unenlightened among us can bask in the divine glory of TFP next utterance.

Besides I was calling Whispers out on trying to rustle your manpoosie.
dearhunter's Avatar
If you insist (and since it would seem I have to come to Austin to play in a thread without a mod locking it)

Here is my question to Wicked/Whispers.............

If hitting the RTM button one time is like fucking a fat bullmoose anyway, after finding out she doesn't look like her photos....................What is hitting the RTM button 20 times like?
Dear Wicked Whispers,

In a provider/hobbyist relationship does one have more power than the other? I've always hoped it could be a 50/50 thing.

p.s. When are you two going to settle down and raise a family?
Whispers's Avatar
If you insist (and since it would seem I have to come to Austin to play in a thread without a mod locking it)

Here is my question to Wicked/Whispers.............

If hitting the RTM button one time is like fucking a fat bullmoose anyway, after finding out she doesn't look like her photos....................What is hitting the RTM button 20 times like? Originally Posted by dearhunter

Dear dearhunter,

It is unfortunate that a brother might consider relations with a "fat bullmoose" NOT KNOWING BEFORE hand that she was a "fat bullmoose"....... but some of our brothers are far more gifted than we and as the blood drains from the brain to their members they tend to make stupid mistakes.....

Just as in using the RTM button once.....

But when someone feel the need to bash that button over and over again, it is akin to REPEATING the session with the bullmoose.....

It defies all logic....

Grown Adults in a community should be able to discuss most any topic without resorting to personal attacks.....

I certainly "feel" that some have taken the opportunity time and time again to attack me personally rather to debate a subject.... to level rude and callus remarks towards me as a person rather than to debate an issue based on the topics.

But I'm a Grown up and it's all just words here in the ethernet that have no impact on me as a person or in my daily life....

So I say LEAVE THE RTM button alone for those truly deserving individuals that make mistakes worthy of intervention i.e. bringing up a off limits topic, outing someone's personal information, etc,,etc,,,

These guys VOLUNTEER to police the community and they deserve the time to be able to enjoy a little ass of their own here and there....

So Please dearhunter.... Lay off the RTM..... There is a place in all this for "the Fucking Prophet".... your writings are classic and your wisdom is greatly needed..... You might try to add a little humor and personality to future posts.... You come across as a bit dry and mundane lately....

Saint Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
Dear Wicked Whispers,

In a provider/hobbyist relationship does one have more power than the other? I've always hoped it could be a 50/50 thing.

p.s. When are you two going to settle down and raise a family? Originally Posted by down41
Dear down41,

I like to compare the hobby and many, many of our brotherhood to that time in Life when we all went to that First "Sock Hop" in Jr High School...

All the Little Girls on one side of the gym.... All the Little boys on the other side of the gym..... Very few from either side willing to cross over and take a partner by the hand and play....

it is unfortunate that little girls mature faster than little boys..... For my analogy lets replace the little girls with mature ladies with a taste for salons, nice cars and maxed out credit cards.... let's consider the little boys have grown up a little bit and have a lot of left over lunch money but STILL have not learned how to cross that Gymnasium floor....

The Power has definitely shifted to the Provider.....

They grab the kid and drag him onto the dance floor and during a slow dance take away all his lunch money!

Occasionally a cool kid in a wife beater and a leather jacket will walk in and take the lady and teach her a new move but it is unfortunately rare....

Who is at fault?... The men of course for allowing more control on the woman's part....

What must be done is for all of us to join in and educate a brother that he exerts as much control over some areas by sharing information and voting with his lunch money.....

Men CAN and in some Markets DO set the Market Price as well as control the quality of the session through their participation IN the review process as well as the information shared....

Saint Whispers

p.s..... I do not believe that children should be brought into a relationship in turmoil... i also believe that at advanced ages that birthing a child is not something one should consider..... there are many, many children in need of a good home however and Fostering or Adoption could be an option.... a child such as Simpleton could be taken in and raised....
Whispers's Avatar
So.. pussy has power and power corrupts, so we have corrupt vagazzled vaginas running amok? Originally Posted by lil red Robin

I do so love your wit!

We are all out of prizes as discussed earlier......

However should you like to join us at the next Luncheon we would be happy to raffle you off as a door prize to one of the lucky guys attending.... It's an honor very few are chosen for.....

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-16-2010, 11:31 AM
Dear Wicked Whispers,

In a provider/hobbyist relationship does one have more power than the other? I've always hoped it could be a 50/50 thing.

p.s. When are you two going to settle down and raise a family? Originally Posted by down41
This would make for the best family-based sitcom since forever. Take Growing Pains and smash it into Roseanne and then take the wreckage and smash it into Malcom in the Middle and take the entire debris field and cobble the parts together and then air it on HBO or Showtime for the premium adult content and you'd be RICH! Rich, I tell you!