Thought I would give my side of the story...since there is always 2...

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dear Lucas...
When I refer to those without a brain you might fall under that category. Please don't presume to know how often my phone rings. I guaranty it is ringing a lot more than yours is. I know when people are making fun of me and not stooping to their level is called "being the bigger person" at least that's what I was told when I was a kid and picked on in school. My business is fine. I am a low volume provider and if a few are dissuaded from seeing me as a result of their narrow mindedness then trust is not hurting me in the least. It is more than likely doing me a favor.
As for being related to Marisa of that is an insult... and I will bite my tongue on that note. request the thread be closed... please...I'm a grown woman not a pussy. Originally Posted by mercianna
I wish you the best. I really do. And I hope your phone rings more often than mine does from random dudes trying to have sex...I would like to think I'm a decent looking Man, but I'm not trying to get calls for sex from men any time soon....

Seriously though, I just think you are doing more harm than good for yourself, but keep posting away.

And by the way, I grew up on a ranch and your horse is absolutely beautiful. I really mean that. I love horses and that one is a beauty.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-04-2012, 08:30 AM
First you say this -
Then to be blasted in a negative review which inevitably will hurt my already hurting finances....Is not something that I can just blow off. These reviews SERIOUSLY affect my income. I can NOT afford it..... He wrote a NO review on me. It was the last thing I needed. I think it is unfair. Maybe if you guys had your pocketbook on the line you all would think twice about the necessity of no reviews. Originally Posted by mercianna
Then you say this -
My business is fine. I am a low volume provider and if a few are dissuaded from seeing me as a result of their narrow mindedness then trust is not hurting me in the least. Originally Posted by mercianna
Maybe just maybe it IS time for you to walk away from the keyboard for a while.

And are you and Marisa of Dallas related? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
LOL!!!!! Exactly what I was thinking.
There's only one way to get this train back on track and try to fix the mess.

Post some pics of your tits. Distract and change the subject.
motocrossman39's Avatar
I Really Like The Idea Of Walking In Merci's Place, and in 30 seconds, my pants are at my ankles and my dick is in her mouth, THAT would be AWESOME!
Hee, Hee, Hee, just my opinion....... :-)

KittyLamour's Avatar
Well thank you Lucas....that's the way to win my affections for sure! I am very very proud of my horse.... I am blessed to be able to have her...and hobbyists have made that dream a reality for me....I'm sorry if I misjudged you....I admit to being overly defensive...but damn.... I just can't back down...never could...
ze, I was upset yesterday and said some things I didn't mean...I have calmed down and my rational thinking has returned. Please disregard the posts from yesterday. I needed to sleep on it. got it....babe, your wish is my command...
...and last but not least's your pic....

Picture 758.jpg
Your pictures may not be "fake" but they are definitely altered beyond their original digital OR hardcopy forms. It's plain to see you soften edges here and there. As one provider mentioned, you're not doing yourself any favors by doing that. This isn't a modeling magazine. This is the hobby. Show people your body in all it's splendor (flaws and all). Trust me, you will get far less drama if you do and your clientele will RARELY be disappointed or feel disillusioned about your looks. I know you will probably take this as an insult but it's not. It's healthy business advice about marketing and advertising in this specific industry.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Therein may be the core issue and the real one the client hasn't come out and said. I'm reasonably sure few men would expect a lady in her late 30's/early 40's to have a 20-somethings body - that's rare and either comes from blessed genes or committed workout - and likely the target guys who will/would give her their attention probably would like some meat on the bones and plump ass which the lady DEFINITELY should be proud of.

There are a few young providers who could dispense with the colorized photos and and alterations as well. As my dad said once, ".... put a lady with a broomstick figure in a burlap sack, neck to floor, and some guy somewhere will say... 'Hmm mmmm look at that'... Just be real and take the consequences of that. You can't go wrong.
If I ever get around the Plano area, I'd hit it!! She can dance on my pole to any music she likes and I'll drop my own pants walking thru the door! Life goes on, not a wk, just a horny bastard!!!
I'm fairly certain that was lost in translation. Originally Posted by BigPurdy
I think so.

ze, I was upset yesterday and said some things I didn't mean...I have calmed down and my rational thinking has returned. Please disregard the posts from yesterday. I needed to sleep on it. got it....babe, your wish is my command...
...and last but not least's your pic....
Originally Posted by mercianna
You have taken a pretty good beating and this crowd sometimes has to practice some group bullying behavior. It happens and you were it. Again, a big reason not to rebut anything but the most grievous of reviews that do not resemble the truth at all.

Attachment 131121
That is a nice looking pic. The point all ladies should take home is that as a potential client, we expect to see someone closely resembling the woman in the pictures.

Hell yes. Photoshop out the zits and blemishes, make your teeth just a little whiter (Not too freaking bright, Pearlman!), play with the lighting and the shading...

But do not shave off several inches off your gut or lift your ass.

If the pics are several years old, you may need some updated ones.

If you wear a lot of makeup in the photo, and a different looking person without it, include some non makeup shots or don't show up for a session without makeup.

The review boards suck in that it re-enforces the fact that you are selling yourself as a commodity and the potential client is viewing you as such. We are judging you physically, service wise, and attitude wise.

If you are asking for professional fees equivalent to doctors, lawyers, and other highly paid specialists, then we expect you to be professional from head to toe. The internet has given us the power to share information and if a part of a ladies business is not what we expect it to be based on their advertising, then we will share it.

Short version: If you are going to be a ho, then be the best ho out there!

Oh.. Mercianna. Watch Harlem Nights staring Eddie Murphy. I was being snarky...
KittyLamour's Avatar
Dear Mr. Wentworth,
I am starting to like are a sharp one. I haven't resorted to shaving off inches or lifting my ass fortunately...I am pnysically very active and managed to stay in decent shape...I am guilty of posing creatively and wearing clothes to conceal signs from having my child. The pics I post are,at their very oldest, less than a year old. The Fetishist came over and graciously took some new pics for me today that should be much clearer and less likely to be misjudged. I honestly do not seek to mislead anyone, only trying to look my best ....I am photogenic (2003-5 was featured in Oui, Gent, and Cheri men's magazines and also in the film "PENTHOUSE GIRLS OF CALIGULA" it was filmed at Caligula XXI where I used to work before it closed and burned...., and I have done light editing. I admit..(although I have seen much heavier editing that no one calls out... ..nothing at all like photoshop...hell I can't figure it out. LOL
I will just let my new pics speak for themselves...I will post them in the dallas provider ads asap. Waiting on the email.... after my session...soon.
FYI...I know you were being "snarky" to put it politely, I chose to pretend you weren't.
Believe me, when I chose this career, I didn't go into it half assed. You should tell by the importance I hold my reputation, The consistency of my ads...My contribution to the board in posts, chat...the time spent on personal website and advertising that I am not trying to be a mediocre "ho"....If I am going to do it....I want to be successful..that would mean I want to be the best I can personally be....It is very important to me...Thank you for your constructive and not insulting advice.

Thank you Xavier .... got to love a guy who tells it like he feels it....the opportunity is yours for the taking and I have a great special just for you...anyone who is big enough to step away from popular opinion and state otherwise deserves one....Thank you....
I have really said all I can say and have said more than I should have I know....
Moderator? Can this thread please be closed.....It's redundant....Thank you.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-04-2012, 05:06 PM
Say you don't "photoshop" all you want. Just because you don't use that specific program, doesn't mean you don't edit the hell out of your pics.

Thank gawd for chat having that shitty ass glitch the month or so back, where you could right click and save the actual FILE someone posted in there. I happened to do that to a few of your pics. Guess what, they came back as PICNIK. Your files had PICNIK data on them. *sigh*

Umm... what is PICNIK?

Well.. it isn't anything anymore.. Picnik closed on April 19, 2012.
BUT.. what it was - was a really easyISH photo editing site.

I popped one of my pics in there to play around. It was one of my friends. In order to get the level of gloss and airbrushing on your photos, I had to ABUSE that damn thing. Literally I had to go super heavy on all kinds of shit.

I HAVE pics, that you posted in your showcase just two months ago, that, if you want, I can circle in RED the "tool" lines and proof that you edit your photos. Not just taking out a blemish here or there.. your whole fucking ASS is airbrushed. To anyone that knows anything about photo editing, it is obvious.

Call this picking on you, call it whatever, I am not the only person that can SEE it.(or that has called you out on it) I just happen to take even more offense to your denial because I know and have proof, So it is doubly insulting.

You came on here one time to defend yourself from the "photo-shopping rumors". You posted unedited photos. We could tell they were just that, unedited. But, you yanked them, and went back to nipping and tucking. Kinda reminds me of the "I don't wear wigs, I do wear wigs" crap you had going on in chat a while back too.

I don't see how you are still playing victim.

Hope your new pics are going to show up, without all the gloss and smoke. Cause hun.. I would HATE to see another episode like this unfold. It is starting to make this seem like a constant thing.

Let the pics shine, and put an end to all this.
Numbersboy's Avatar
Let the pics shine, and put an end to all this. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
+1 (I already know how the undoctored pics will look)
trynagetlaid's Avatar
PICNIK was bought out by Google. I had a full year membership that was less than 2 months from expiring, and they sent me a refund for the entire year.
Closed at request.