Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-13-2014, 03:57 PM
Poor IB.

Cannot tell the difference between how far apart things are now vs how far they will be in the future. The concept of "motion" is obviously beyond his simple brain. Hey IB, are you the same distance from DFW airport when you are home as when you are at the Walmart? It's the same thing: the number moves up, it moves down. you get closer to the prize, you move farther away. JUST LIKE I SAID IN THE OP THAT YOU CAN'T COMPREHEND. Don't worry, even you can progress beyond "Dick & Jane" eventually. At least I think you can.

Ignores what is written by others, and makes up illusionary posts that never were to suit his desired world.

Lies so often he can't even tell what is true any more.

And now he is sulking because someone else took "his" rightful spot in the top poster list.

Don't give up, IB. I know you can do it. I know you have more stupid posts, more meltdowns, and more ludicrous distortions of what others actually posted. No one can out vomit you for long.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor IB.

Cannot tell the difference between how far apart things are now vs how far they will be in the future. The concept of "motion" is obviously beyond his simple brain. Hey IB, are you the same distance from DFW airport when you are home as when you are at the Walmart? It's the same thing: the number moves up, it moves down. you get closer to the prize, you move farther away. JUST LIKE I SAID IN THE OP THAT YOU CAN'T COMPREHEND. Don't worry, even you can progress beyond "Dick & Jane" eventually. At least I think you can.

Ignores what is written by others, and makes up illusionary posts that never were to suit his desired world.

Lies so often he can't even tell what is true any more.

And now he is sulking because someone else took "his" rightful spot in the top poster list.

Don't give up, IB. I know you can do it. I know you have more stupid posts, more meltdowns, and more ludicrous distortions of what others actually posted. No one can out vomit you for long
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the dumb-fuck jackass that failed to take into account the posting habits -- "motion" -- of other players, Old-THUMPER. You manifestly stated that in less than 600 posts IBH would appear on ECCIE's 15 Top Poster List, and that did not happen. And at this juncture, it cannot happen given that 900 is already a number substantially greater than the number you proffered in your jack-ass prediction, Old-THUMPER. So resume your naked, lotus position staring at your dick, Old-THUMPER, and keep imagining it is less insignificant than it really is.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-20-2014, 10:20 AM
The Monday morning status report is back!!!!

I skipped a week, but I started to get e-mails asking me to resume. I was surprised by how many people were actually interested in the weekly IBFlameout activity. Really, it humbled me to know I had started something so simple that is also so meaningful to so many. One typical comment I received said, "His posts always make me realize life could be a lot worse, he could be one of my coworkers". Another said "my ATF and I bet on how many times he will refer to someone as a butt fucker in his post". I have redacted the names and paraphrased a little of the more "colorful" language, but I am sure you get the idea.

So, here is what we have: As of when I am writing this, the number is 989. IB trails (Oh My!!!) one of those "evil" LWers who is holding on to the bottom rung of the Top 15. Suspense builds!

Will this be a fatal blow to IB's confidence and will he respond by turning off the lights in the basement and hiding under the covers?

Or will this be the motivational match he needs to redouble his efforts to reach the 15,000 plateau and keep climbing?

It is hard to say what goes on inside such a mind, but we will stay tuned and find out.

But Top 15 or now, as IB reaches the ratified air of 15K, that is a milestone worth noting. Has any other chimney on here belched so often while saying so little worth reading? Likely not.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Monday morning status report is back!!!!

I skipped a week, but I started to get e-mails asking me to resume. I was surprised by how many people were actually interested in the weekly IBFlameout activity. Really, it humbled me to know I had started something so simple that is also so meaningful to so many. One typical comment I received said, "His posts always make me realize life could be a lot worse, he could be one of my coworkers". Another said "my ATF and I bet on how many times he will refer to someone as a butt fucker in his post". I have redacted the names and paraphrased a little of the more "colorful" language, but I am sure you get the idea.

So, here is what we have: As of when I am writing this, the number is 989. IB trails (Oh My!!!) one of those "evil" LWers who is holding on to the bottom rung of the Top 15. Suspense builds!

Will this be a fatal blow to IB's confidence and will he respond by turning off the lights in the basement and hiding under the covers?

Or will this be the motivational match he needs to redouble his efforts to reach the 15,000 plateau and keep climbing?

It is hard to say what goes on inside such a mind, but we will stay tuned and find out.

But Top 15 or now, as IB reaches the ratified air of 15K, that is a milestone worth noting. Has any other chimney on here belched so often while saying so little worth reading? Likely not.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a true dumb-fuck troll, Old-THUMPER. Only a dumb-fuck troll like your stupid-ass would continue to bump a thread where you have demonstrated how stupid you are, Old-THUMPER. Your original pitch was that it would take fewer than 600 posts to be on ECCIE's Fifteen Top Poster list, but in your most recent post you show how really stupid you are by admitting that that number is well over 1,000 -- thus further from realization, Old-THUMPER!

BTW, Old-THUMPER, those delusional PMs you imagine are obviously just "voices in your pathetic little head. No one other than you could be as pathetically hung-up on keeping track of someone else's post count on a SHMB as you are, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-20-2014, 02:59 PM
Poo IB! Another week goes by and you still cannot grasp:

1. The difference between "static" and "dynamic"
2. The difference between"greater than" and "less than"
3. How embarrassingly stupid you sound

Go IB, go! Even your stupid posts add up!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poo IB! Another week goes by and you still cannot grasp:

1. The difference between "static" and "dynamic"
2. The difference between"greater than" and "less than"
3. How embarrassingly stupid you sound

Go IB, go! Even your stupid posts add up!
Originally Posted by Old-T
Three months have gone by, and you're still the dumb-fuck jackass that failed to take into account the difference between "static" and "dynamic" when you postulated a certain outcome was assured in less than "600 posts", Old-THUMPER. You're the dumb-fuck jackass that doesn't yet realize that "600" is less than "1000" and that "1000" is and always will be greater than the number you postulated would be the point at which something would occur, Old-THUMPER.

You're the one who SHOULD be embarrassed by how you have sounded for two years now as you pathetically focus on a post count on a SHMB, Old-THUMPER. But you're Old-THUMPER, and your too stupid to figure it out for yourself.

So resume your naked, lotus position staring at your dick, Old-THUMPER, and keep imagining it is less insignificant than it really is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wait a sec... Did you just use the word "postulate" twice in one paragraph, IBIdiot? No wonder you hold an associated master degree.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wait a sec... Did you just use the word "postulate" twice in one paragraph, IBIdiot? No wonder you hold an associated master degree.

LMAO!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't Be Daft!

ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, was elected: (please reference the avatar & see @: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=946023, .http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=897663 & http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1052174471&postcount=1)

ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Ekim the Inbred (AKA "i'va biggen") is a "chimp off the ol' block." See @:
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-22-2014, 06:36 AM
Poor IBIlliterate. Enough of your revisionist history, enough of your distortion and lies. Let us go back to the source.

Here is what I actually said:

What is the significance of the number? Originally Posted by Old-T
And then:

]The number itself changes over time--like the Dow. It is now up to 613. .[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Old-T;1055750444[COLOR=Blue

Do you know what "changes" means? It means the value is dynamic (I know that is a big three syllable word, but have mommy help you look it up). I very clearly pointed that out very early in this thread (and I admit you did too, this is not an issue of primacy). The problem is, with your goldfish like attention span you now argue that I confused it with being static, or monotonicly decreasing. As usual, your bullshit distortion is nothing but that, bullshit. Like all your posts

So rant away IB. Turn into IBSlagHeap again (I haven't pulled that one out for use in a while, but it is really so very applicable).

I truly believe you are showing some signs of jealousy that your rightful position in the pantheon of frequent (I didn't say "valued", just "frequent") posters has been usurped by someone else. Two someones actually. Poor IB. It must be tough when you have so little to aspire to and other less worthy people keep taking your prize away from you.

Poor IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor IBIlliterate. Enough of your revisionist history, enough of your distortion and lies. Let us go back to the source.

Here is what I actually said:

And then:

Do you know what "changes" means? It means the value is dynamic (I know that is a big three syllable word, but have mommy help you look it up). I very clearly pointed that out very early in this thread (and I admit you did too, this is not an issue of primacy). The problem is, with your goldfish like attention span you now argue that I confused it with being static, or monotonicly decreasing. As usual, your bullshit distortion is nothing but that, bullshit. Like all your posts

So rant away IB. Turn into IBSlagHeap again (I haven't pulled that one out for use in a while, but it is really so very applicable).

I truly believe you are showing some signs of jealousy that your rightful position in the pantheon of frequent (I didn't say "valued", just "frequent") posters has been usurped by someone else. Two someones actually. Poor IB. It must be tough when you have so little to aspire to and other less worthy people keep taking your prize away from you.

Poor IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
There's nothing distorted or revisionist about it, Old-THUMPER. There's no distortion in pointing out how you have been pathetically ranting about "post count" for some two years now, Old-THUMPER. Plus, your August post was correctly quoted and cited, Old-THUMPER, and you're a damnable liar when you deny it!

BTW, Old-THUMPER, talking about "revisionism", noticed how you've started on a new mantra since your prediction of what would happen after 600 posts did not and can never happen.

So resume your naked, lotus position staring at your dick, Old-THUMPER, and keep imagining it is less insignificant than it really is.

Wait a sec... Did you just use the word "postulate" twice in one paragraph, IBIdiot? No wonder you hold an associated master degree.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's right, you Hitler worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, give Old-THUMPER those short strokes when he's feeling humiliated and unloved!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2014, 09:20 AM
Since everyone is so focused on number today, time to update one number that always gets a reaction for one of the local inmates.

The number is now 1090. Trending up this week.

Kind of surprising, I thought surely someone would be like a hog in mud today, spewing words of wisdom all over the forum.

Oh well, we will check back in in a while to see where the future leads. It is really one of those things that has little down side: If the number goes up, it means the relative volume of diarrhea is shrinking, a good thing. If the number goes up, then there is inevitably a rapid absurd reply that provided humor to the masses who enjoy seeing a blithering meltdown.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled RWW celebration.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Since everyone is so focused on number today, time to update one number that always gets a reaction for one of the local inmates.

The number is now 1090. Trending up this week.

Kind of surprising, I thought surely someone would be like a hog in mud today, spewing words of wisdom all over the forum.

Oh well, we will check back in in a while to see where the future leads. It is really one of those things that has little down side: If the number goes up, it means the relative volume of diarrhea is shrinking, a good thing. If the number goes up, then there is inevitably a rapid absurd reply that provided humor to the masses who enjoy seeing a blithering meltdown.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled RWW celebration.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You would be that "hog in the mud", Old-THUMPER, and you need to seek immediate psychiatric care considering your unhealthy focus on your pathetically inane diversion, Old-THUMPER.
lustylad's Avatar
Drop it, old twerp. Nobody gives a rat's ass who has the most posts on this board. All it tells you is who snorts and snicks and burps and farts the most spam. Get a life, man.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You would be that "hog in the mud", Old-THUMPER, and you need to seek immediate psychiatric care considering your unhealthy focus on your pathetically inane diversion, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The big question is: will IBIdiot be able to make it to Jan. 1 without having to enter a facility?