It's Starting! ---

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It certainly is Starting. Picking up speed too. Practically warp speed even, while the wheels are falling off of Team Demonicrat's cart pretty badly these days. While they are gouging the roadway and tossing up sparks from their rims riding on the pavement, it is going to be tough for them to even hang. But that is also what MAGA supporters need to do as well. Hold On, while Team Demonic rat crashes and deservedly burns in flames. Maybe this will help tide us over:
Precious_b's Avatar
... The American people are seeing that Joe's opponent
(Trump) is much better to LEAD the Country! ...

For Truth, Justice and the American Way! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Polling day the people will say who the better opponent.

That will be Truth, Justice and USofA Way.
Just like the last election. No matter how much screaming you and the melange one did about utter falsehood about fraudulent election.
... We'll See! ...

### Salty