So...whaddya do when a Hobbyist doesn't pay??

sexydiamond's Avatar
Your welcome QS and I'm sorry for your loss too! I'm sure he has done this to several others!
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
I know a guy with a very unique background, US Army Delta Force

I could call him and see if he has any ideas.
Wow! That's quite a tale you tell. Too bad your full of shit.

I would like to see your pm's. Emails? No emails were exchanged.
Please forward them to me, I'd like to see them.

"get a ride to my car after a night of drinking"?? WTF? Apparently you have me mistaken for some other provider. Tell me, what kind of car do I drive??

No. I haven't/wasn't taken care of since the appointment July 5th.

AND I would like to see the pm's/emails. Hopefully you still have the last one you sent to me saying you " have never been to Texas "....or did you forget about that one???? Funny how you've never been to Texas yet you still seem to be reviewing providers HERE. I wonder if you are getting it for free simply for a review to get their name out there....hmmm

"The rest of the story IS your a douche bag who doesn't pay AND it seems I'm the only one you've done it to.

People like YOU are the reason this hobby gets a bad name.
You are right about one thing, karma. Yours is coming....