Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So, No deal then? Guess you didn't want to be put on ignore after all. Just exactly who needs whom? Originally Posted by boardman
Did I ask for a deal? Nope!!! I asked that you put me on ignore and you dont even have the discipline to do that. Smh
boardman's Avatar
Speaking of....Isn’t it about time for a new Hitler video like the good ol’ days bm.... Originally Posted by Russ38
Someone should look into that...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You're about to get banned. I wont tolerate this language in my threads. Especially this thread about peace. You will behave yourself or be removed. Do you understand me? Stop name calling. I'm tired of you rule breakers. You're gonna get points for this. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

boardman's Avatar
Did I ask for a deal? Nope!!! I asked that you put me on ignore and you dont even have the discipline to do that. Smh Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Awe, come on, You know that to get something you have to give something.
You asked me to do something. I made an offer.
You refused.
You didn't want what you said you wanted bad enough to even negotiate.
You're just spewing more drivel. I bet you're the kind that spits on people when you talk to them face to face.

He’s never been face to face.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Good lawd. All this drama because yall dont want to block or unfollow me. Just wow...Lol I'm pretty sure most casual observers are thinking SC does have a dam good point. If they hate him so much why won't they just block him. Why are they all in his thread complaining when they have the power to just ignore him. To those of you reading this..I know..I laughing with you...makes zero sense and goes to show they need me and want me. I appreciate my fans.
Aweshucks's Avatar
I have to be honest, the songs did make me lol. I loved the Fall Guy but I didn’t see Knight Rider in there I don’t think.
winn dixie's Avatar
You're about to get banned. I wont tolerate this language in my threads. Especially this thread about peace. You will behave yourself or be removed. Do you understand me? Stop name calling. I'm tired of you rule breakers. You're gonna get points for this. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
sista,Why don't you bring this kinda thread and behavior over to Austin co/ed? Come on? You can do it! Post it?
winn dixie's Avatar
In the spirit of the OP's "fond memories" of the 50's and 60's I believe this series was playing on the TV in our housekeeper's LR while I was banging her daughter on the couch:

We are advised NOT to lock threads unless a question asked is answered or it goes way off the subject matter and starts becoming an insult fest.

I will make this plain as day, as long as he posts something and you respond, he will keep creating threads. Some of you jump on his thread to "straighten him out" or "give my 2 cents". That's the worse thing that you can do. I thought this was a "hobby board"?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Most "get" this. However too much is to much and this is what has been negatively affecting the purpose of this hobby board, it is community information exchange board. Users like SC & SP are counterproductive for the community and for that goal of exchanging hobby information. Their presence and their purpose in their posts impede good lines of communication. And that's what needs to be seen to.

sc is...happier than a fag in a dick tree Originally Posted by tbone2u
Best post of 2019 nomination

The problem with the ignore function as I understand it is that quoted material still shows up. Threads started by the ignored party still show up. It's not really an effective way of making the cancer go away, it just masks a small part of the symptoms. Originally Posted by boardman
Fact - Mods / Admin note: we users need a real means to fully block the proven determined repeat thread offenders or we need to be able to count on you to remove them for the good of the community.

I’ve got 0 points ...I have 25 I can shove down your...throat. Originally Posted by submarineracer
Wasted points. This one is so broken that all the negative attention given still feeds its need for attention. My reply also counts as its food. This is what it eats.

I am just hoping that through all of this process we will actually be able to enact change and get a solution and remove these offenders.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-12-2019, 12:18 AM
those of you getting apoplectic over SC's threads, do what i do whenever i hear the orange clown in chief speak: change the channel. it's not rocket science, really..
Not one user has missed the fact that you are the only handle on the forum who loyally defends sp & sc. That screams volumes about you and your agenda.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Are you implying that PMS is Shinyturd and Sissylips bitch?

I didnt see it that way at all......butt I can see how one could make that mistake.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Most "get" this. However too much is to much and this is what has been negatively affecting the purpose of this hobby board, it is community information exchange board. Users like SC & SP are counterproductive for the community and for that goal of exchanging hobby information. Their presence and their purpose in their posts impede good lines of communication. And that's what needs to be seen to.

Best post of 2019 nomination

Fact - Mods / Admin note: we users need a real means to fully block the proven determined repeat thread offenders or we need to be able to count on you to remove them for the good of the community.

Wasted points. This one is so broken that all the negative attention given still feeds its need for attention. My reply also counts as its food. This is what it eats.

I am just hoping that through all of this process we will actually be able to enact change and get a solution and remove these offenders. Originally Posted by Eidolon
I'm gonna ask that the mods look into your account. You just joined..and no way should a rookie be even remotely talking this way ok mandle with no reviews. Next...serious question.. what in Wally's World is so hard about simply not clicking on my threads. Is there something I'm not understanding about this? Is the desire to read my threads that overwhelming and strong? I'm flattered but also perplexed. It's like people going to the neighborhood pool for a swim and then suing the HOA because they got in and got wet. Surely you folks are smarter than this. Stop associating wih me and clicking on my threads and your problem is solved. I really don't care about yalls opinion so why do you click on my threads anyway. Hahaha this is madness. Go get a life and stop being messy. That's the reason yall click on my threads in the first place because yall messy and gossipy and have no life. That's the real reason