A List of Providers Serving Black Clientele

SD2011, I never said you were racist, what made YOU feel like someone would think that you were? Instinct? Gut feeling?

Just because one has sex with other races does not mean that they are not racist (See BSB post earlier.....BTW BSB, it shows true character to stick that session out....Strong!)

SD, freedom has limits, just like everything else. Can someone kick your ass because they have the FREEDOM to do it? No....personal freedom ends when it infringes on other people.

I don't here anyone talking about NAA (no Asians allowed) or NFAWBA (no fat ass white boys allowed). It is easy to accept discrimination when you are not the one being discriminated against.

This is exactly why racism persists! Tolerance to racism only leads to more racism.

The idea that we are all individuals and can have our own individual preference is flawed because we are not on our own individual island where one person can do, or say anything that they want. This is a community. We should all be attempting to make this a better place for everyone...not just a few!

BTW, I truly understand and believe in one's ability to make their own decisions in life. That said, people have to deal with the consequences of one's actions and decisions.

It is funny that so many "educated" hobbyist feel the need to explain why providers have NBA policies.

NO ONE ASKED YOU WHY YOU THINK PROVIDERS HAVE NBA POLICIES, or if they are justified! You are not a provider so you do not really know!

No one asked your opinion of why it should be ok if they have NBA policies.

These are grown women! They can speak for themselves!

Why do you feel the need to speak for them (WK?)?

I hate haters too....so please STOP HATING!

The OP started a thread on a topic, focus on that topic or go start a new thread!

Bob, nurse, greedy.....why are you all not "respecting" the OP's desire to start a thread on providers who are not NBA? It is his right! His freedom! (Sarcasm)

Someone started a NBA provider thread....which is actually a good idea. I have a list a lot longer than that nurse. Whenever I read an ad of a provider that has a "NBA Preference" I add that provider to the ignore list, so I have collected a nice list. It is a waste of my time to even read anything that they might say....."NBA Preference" says enough!

On to the next thread if you do not desire to participate in this one.

I believe that a provider can see whoever she chooses, whenever she desires.

The topic is important because we are only focused on ONE RACE....BLACKS!

I do not see no Muslims allowed, or no onions allowed on ads as I scroll through this site, so although I understand the example, I do not think it applies here..

SMH, just when I thought that the majority of people judged people on their individual character and NOT the color of their skin.

It is a sad day in ECCIELAND!

On a brighter note, I know what will make SD, greedy, bob and I feel better about blacks...................…… I am sure that you do too.

Sorry for the rant, just shocked at the "thought process" of a few.

Individualism ends when you are no longer alone! You can quote me I that SD!


Sorry for any typos, responding on IPHONE
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm not disgruntled, but our founding fathers would disagree with you.

KR, you too. People have the freedom to choose. Like it ir not. Peace out. Say what you will, but i have been with white, black, hispanic, Korean, thia, Japanese, mixed, hot, redneck, not so hot, et al women, all at my choosing. Freedom.

I'm done with this one, fucking drama queens. :-P Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
Founding Fathers??? This kills me when people use the line "our Founding Fathers.."- times have changed- some of our "Founding Fathers" and early Presidents owned slaves- so do you think it's ok to slaves since our Founding Fathers owned them during their lives? Times are completely different today compared to the 18th century.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm not disgruntled, but our founding fathers would disagree with you.

KR, you too. People have the freedom to choose. Like it ir not. Peace out. Say what you will, but i have been with white, black, hispanic, Korean, thia, Japanese, mixed, hot, redneck, not so hot, et al women, all at my choosing. Freedom.

I'm done with this one, fucking drama queens. :-P Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
Then answer the questions I raised in response to this argument in the previous post:

And as to your so-called "freedom" argument, is it "freedom" for the owner of a restaurant to decline to serve African Americans? A hotel? A car dealership? A doctor? A dentist? A church? A funeral home? Is escorting somehow different from those services? Yes, in some substantial ways it is. But we have wisely recognized significant government restraints on freedom to discriminate in other contexts. It is fair to at least raise questions about the motives for discrimination in this context when other circumstantial evidence plainly points to racial hatred among some participants in the hobby community.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Bloviation and drivel. Founding Fathers??? This kills me when people use the line "our Founding Fathers.."- times have changed- some of our "Founding Fathers" and early Presidents owned slaves- so do you think it's ok to OWN (fixed it for ya) slaves since our Founding Fathers owned them during their lives? Times are completely different today compared to the 18th century. (must be a progressive)

The ideas and principles haven't changed, only our perception or interpretation of them has. And any moron knows slavery in any form is wrong. I do regret wading into this bulsh, but what'cha gonna do?

My definition of Freedom / Liberty comes from the essay "On Liberty" written by John Stewart Mill. To wit:

This, then, is the appropriate region of human liberty. It compromises, First, the inward domain of consciousness; demanding liberty of conscious, in the most comprehensive sense; liberty of thought and feeling; absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects, practical or speculative, scientific, moral, or theological. The liberty of expressing and publishing opinions may seem to fall under another principle, since it belongs to that part of the conduct of an individual that concerns other people; but, being almost of as much importance as the liberty of thought itself, and resting in great part on the same reason, is practically inseparable from it. Secondly, the principle requires liberty of tastes and pursuits; of framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequences as may follow without impediment from our fellow creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them even though they should think our conduct foolish, perverse or wrong. Thirdly, from this liberty of each individual, follows the liberty, within the same limits, of combination among individuals; freedom to unite, for any purpose not involving harm to others: the persons combining being supposed to be of full age and not forced or deceived.

No society in which these liberties are not, on the whole, respected, is free, whatever form of government: and none is completely free in which they do not exist absolute and unqualified."

I don't pretend to think I will change what TTH and 1911 think of me and I don't really care that much.

Even though America is still the most free society in the world, IMHO, we are not free by the above definition and have not been for many years. Yet, the illusion of freedom is still better than tyranny (we think). And for those that think our Founders designed this country to be a representative democracy, please go read "The 5,000 Year Leap"

Adios Muchachos!!!!!!!!!!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Bob......Freedom has nothing to do with it!

How can a person "prefer" not to see an ENTIRE race of people (millions of people they never met) and not be racist.

There are beautiful/handsome people of every color and nationality!

If a person is racist, they are. No need to deny it. It is learned (likely from parents or friends).

I'm sure, that if you called a provider and she said, "I do not see men that are _____!" And would not see you, it would piss you off to a small degree.
Originally Posted by KRiggins
SD2011, I never said you were racist, what made YOU feel like someone would think that you were? Instinct? Gut feeling?

I don't hear anyone talking about NAA (no Asians allowed) or NFAWBA (no fat ass white boys allowed). It is easy to accept discrimination when you are not the one being discriminated against.

This is exactly why racism persists! Tolerance to racism only leads to more racism.

I have a list a lot longer than that nurse. Whenever I read an ad of a provider that has a "NBA Preference" I add that provider to the ignore list, so I have collected a nice list. It is a waste of my time to even read anything that they might say....."NBA Preference" says enough! Originally Posted by KRiggins
THANK YOU KRIGGINS , That's what anyone who saw an ad that say's YOUR KIND NOT ALLOWED should do, ignore their ass, You have GOOD Logical Sense!

That is what bugs me almost even more than the fact that it is so accepted/tolerated, that there are black men who don't care that they are discriminating against their entire Race, for obvious reasons. They still give them the time of day! :slapface:

Last I checked I have never gotten a call from a black man who was any where remotely sounding "thuggish" in his voice or demeanor in person. All College graduates with important occupations or their own business whom had accomplished great hurdles in life to get where they were. To afford my time, just like the rest of the men whom hobby are usually great business men who work their ass off to get where they are.
verygood69's Avatar
Are their any Ladies that will just answer his question? The gent just wants to know if you will see black men. End of story!!!!
Stop the drama.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Are their any Ladies that will just answer his question? The gent just wants to know if you will see black men. End of story!!!!
Stop the drama. Originally Posted by verygood69

This list would be a DNS list for a lot of others.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Attachment 249564

can't we all just get along?

R.I.P. Ken Norton (1943-2013)
KR, from your angry/offended response, it's pretty obvious you have a chip on your shoulder regarding your ethnicity and that's unfortunate. If you feel that non-acceptance of a woman to have intimate relations with person-x because as a personal choice she chooses not to is wrong and only racism, then we will have to agree to disagree. I suppose I'm a WK for common-sense when I see it being trashed. That's why I posted in this thread.

Therefore, I will make this as simple as possible:

You may think that a woman (providers) body is be a commodity that should/must provide equal access for all races, creeds, religions, ages, etc, but I assure you that is not the case for her and it's her own private right to choose who she will have sessions with, a relationship with, or marry. If she opts to see everyone, more power to her. If she doesn't like Cajuns, that's her loss (I will see someone else).

That being said, if you want providers to make it easier for hobbyists of color to find them, then that's clearly up to the providers to do as part of their marketing and for me, I'm perfectly okay with that. Are there guys out there who won't see a provider who is open to all races? Surely there are and as Jules indicated, there are some who will harass providers who do. Those guys would be the "racists" you seem to expect from everyone else who isn't your ethnicity or disagrees with you about something. Btw, I see Jules and it's none of my business who else she see's (or chooses not to see) but I admit that I am embarrassed that she ever would see a devout Cowboys fan (what a suck ass team) but it's the market she lives in so what's a provider to do?

Okay, enough with the faux racist around every corner stuff because there's other people more devoted to making that a life mission and a bit of cash from it. I will go back to my Cajun Power meeting now and eat a Po-boy. You see, we tend to discriminate against everyone who doesn't eat shrimp. Why? because we can....

Have fun!

Bloviation and drivel. [I][B]Founding Fathers??? This kills me when people use the line "our Founding Fathers.."- times have changed- some of our "Founding Fathers" and early Presidents owned slaves- so do you think it's ok to OWN (fixed it for ya) slaves since our Founding Fathers owned them during their lives? Times are completely different today compared to the 18th century. (must be a progressive) Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
...and one of our founding fathers "got busy" with one of his slaves and had six children. Ever heard of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings?
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Yes, I KNOW that the larger part of society is not racist or discriminatory at all. I am not sure the percentage of hobby community that is racist but it is i'm sure in the 20% range or so. Other wise black providers would not be around. I know I have met plenty of white men, ( I must say the Hispanic, and Asian population I don't see hardly ever) who think the world of black women, we have had great times and I genuinely enjoy their company as they do mine.

I do not care about the people on this board who think that AA as a whole are some kind of less than worthy market. I will not ever be too ashamed to defend my Race either! Just because I do not agree with the attitudes on this board towards Black men as a whole, does not mean that I am racist.

I noticed too that the new Trend is to call reverse racism lol, Whatever. Black peoples opinions about white people will not stop a white person from getting anywhere they want in life, because black people are not the ones running this country/ or this website.

In the end, there are places where it a lot worse to live and the fact that these conversations get up to such a high level of disgrunt every time it is brought up, just goes to show how there must be something wrong with this issue or else it would not get so much attention.

I am grateful for the men whom love my skin and care about my well-being, and I always show it.
i do I don't discriminate
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
...and one of our founding fathers "got busy" with one of his slaves and had six children. Ever heard of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings? Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Freedom my dear. Personally, I don't care who fucks whom. Look back at this thread and you'll see I have been with a great variety of races; variety and liberty are good for everyone.

Sally was 3/4 Caucasian and 1/4 Black, this was before the "One Drop rule" which came about in 1924. 3 of her 4 children that lived to adulthood identified and lived as whites in white communities, since they were 7/8 ths white and considered white by Virginia law at the time.

I'm a history buff my dear. More folks should embrace history, it might prevent us from repeating it.
1Jannessa's Avatar
I don't get it. He asked for a list to make it easier for a certain population of our brothers (pun intended) on the site. There are a lot of providers that for whatever reason have an NBA policy, so he was hoping to make his search easier. Why the argument? If most people didn't see old fat guys, well, this site would go under, but, more importantly, I'd want a list so that I don't look at every profile, look for old fat man policy, then ask the provider if they have an old fat man policy.

What's a little disturbing to me is that this request for providers generated 5 names, 2 of which are black themselves. I'm not sure what that means (women aren't interested in seeing black guys, they fear retaliation, or "are pimped"), but it's a little disconcerting. This is a chance to advertise to a targeted clientele, and I'm almost willing to bet that an ISO for providers who are willing to see old, fat, bald white guys would generate a larger response. Sad. Originally Posted by Looking41today
I see GENTLEMEN of ALL races. I had not added my name to this list prior to now because I VERY RARELY venture into this Coed forum, which may also be why some other providers haven't added their names (among other reasons). Had this been posted in the ISO forum it also may have gotten more replies sooner. Having said that I completely understand his plight and hope this thread eventually accomplishes his initial goal. I also hope that this list has some sort favorable impact on helping AA females be located by hobbiest that desire to see an AA provider.
TexTushHog's Avatar

My definition of Freedom / Liberty comes from the essay "On Liberty" written by John Stewart Mill. To wit:

This, then, is the appropriate region of human liberty. It compromises, . . . .

, the principle requires liberty of tastes and pursuits; of framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequences as may follow without impediment from our fellow creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them even though they should think our conduct foolish, perverse or wrong.

No society in which these liberties are not, on the whole, respected, is free, whatever form of government: and none is completely free in which they do not exist absolute and unqualified."

I don't pretend to think I will change what TTH and 1911 think of me and I don't really care that much. Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
Careful who you embrace. Mill was very clear, as I've illustrated in your quote that you liberty cannot harm someone else's interests.

And Mill was no defender of racism as you appear to be.

I'll got toe to toe with you quoting Mill:

“All social inequalities which have ceased to be considered expedient, assume the character not of simple inexpediency, but of injustice, and appear so tyrannical, that people are apt to wonder how they ever could have been tolerated; forgetful that they themselves perhaps tolerate other inequalities under an equally mistaken notion of expediency, the correction of which would make that which they approve seem quite as monstrous as what they have at last learnt to condemn. The entire history of social improvement has been a series of transitions, by which one custom or institution after another, from being a supposed primary necessity of social existence, has passed into the rank of a universally stigmatised injustice and tyranny. So it has been with the distinctions of slaves and freemen, nobles and serfs, patricians and plebeians; and so it will be, and in part already is, with the aristocracies of colour, race, and sex.”

You might also read the debate between Thomas Carlisle and Mill on the question of slavery.

Now back to the question before the house. Would your notion of liberty allow a restaurant to decline to serve African Americans? A hotel? A car dealership? A doctor? A dentist? A church? A funeral home?