Rick Perry -- Socialist!!

Your post only shows how stupid you are, don't you have it together yet?
Smart people don't serve in the army, they don't have time for that.
They go to high school, then college, get a masters degree and spend the rest of their life becoming rich and tell stupid guys like you to join the army because that's the most honorable thing you can do.
Would they ever join the army themselves? No way!
Why not?
Because they are smart. Originally Posted by waverunner234
All I can say is I hope this was said in jest! I read the above referenced quote and Pat Tillman immediately came to mind. Tillman went to high school and on to college. He became rich and could have easily rested on his fame and wealth. He chose to join the Army instead. Indeed Tillman is the most famous example but there are thousands of soldiers equally as smart, equally as brave and equally as patriotic! If you believe they are not there, you lead a very sheltered life!

I call it mocking your stupidity Originally Posted by Doove
You hit the nail on the head with that one! Gnad has a lot of it to mock! ROTFLMAO
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-25-2011, 06:21 PM
I am. I am trying to find out if anyone agrees with that scumbag Waverunners comments. I can accept a diference of opinion but for him to act so superior to guys that are getting killed for our benefit is enough to make me puke. Originally Posted by Laz
But you'll vote for the guy who says we should stop funding the air conditioning in the Green Zone.

Spare us your faux patriotism.
waverunner234's Avatar
I am. I am trying to find out if anyone agrees with that scumbag Waverunners comments. I can accept a diference of opinion but for him to act so superior to guys that are getting killed for our benefit is enough to make me puke. Originally Posted by Laz
Do you realize that there is no one to clean up your puke?
I am. I am trying to find out if anyone agrees with that scumbag Waverunners comments. I can accept a diference of opinion but for him to act so superior to guys that are getting killed for our benefit is enough to make me puke. Originally Posted by Laz
Well read the posts. He as well as many others are subversive. A Subversive is someone who advocates change in the form of total reconstruction of a Government, outside of the realm for which it was originally structured. Change within the structured Government is one thing, but to change by total reconstruction is considered Subversive.
waverunner234's Avatar
Who cares about the "funding fathers"
Times have changed you know, maybe time to throw it all out the door and think of some new strategies?
Think of just living a good life and making it better?
Think of America quit policing the world and just take care of our selves?
Iraq was just a useless spill of lives and money
Afghanistan, think of it this way, if America cannot win a war in 10 years, it won't be able to win in a 100 years.
So just be honest, and quit what you're doing if it doesn't succeed
  • Laz
  • 09-25-2011, 06:41 PM
Well read the posts. He as well as many others are subversive. A Subversive is someone who advocates change in the form of total reconstruction of a Government, outside of the realm for which it was originally structured. Change within the structured Government is one thing, but to change by total reconstruction is considered Subversive. Originally Posted by acp5762
I had tried to respect others opinions but I guess I have now learned better. Now I won't even read them if they are from people that have proven themselves to be unworthy of any respect.
waverunner234's Avatar
I had tried to respect others opinions but I guess I have now learned better. Now I won't even read them if they are from people that have proven themselves to be unworthy of any respect. Originally Posted by Laz
Good for you
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well, now we have irrefutable evidence that Rick Perry is a socialist and doesn't love America. He refused to put his hand over his heart when the Pledge of Allegiance was said:

Because I'm assured by every Republican I meet that the same charges that were leveled against President Obama had nothing to do with the fact that he's black, I'm sure we'll hear about this non-stop on Faux News for the next three weeks. Also, if he's elected, we'll be getting e-mails about this once a week or more for the next two years.

Right? It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he's black, right?

<crickets chirping>

Right? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
yer busted! that was the shot before the pledge.

all candidates had their hand on the heart.

waverunner234's Avatar
yer busted! that was the shot before the pledge.

all candidates had their hand on the heart.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Does it help? Help you? Me? With What?
I B Hankering's Avatar
All I can say is I hope this was said in jest! I read the above referenced quote and Pat Tillman immediately came to mind. Tillman went to high school and on to college. He became rich and could have easily rested on his fame and wealth. He chose to join the Army instead. Indeed Tillman is the most famous example but there are thousands of soldiers equally as smart, equally as brave and equally as patriotic! If you believe they are not there, you lead a very sheltered life! Originally Posted by bigtex
Here's a few more successful individuals who wore the uniform the moron evidently "forgot" about:

George Washington (one of the richest men in the United States during his time)

Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt
Dwight D. Eisenhower
James Monroe
Harry S. Truman
John F. Kennedy
Andrew Jackson
Zachary Taylor
Ulysses S. Grant
Nice post. Goes to show that the most elite throughout our history, also served.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Does it help? Help you? Me? With What? Originally Posted by waverunner234
big tex started with a misleading picture with a premise that rick perry is a socialist.

wouldn't hurt to call him out on his fakery.

btw what's the story on your avatar?
waverunner234's Avatar

btw what's the story on your avatar? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No story, sorry.
Just like to change it every now and then.
You like this one better?
yer busted! that was the shot before the pledge.

all candidates had their hand on the heart.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Thanks Dilbert.

Yes, Race Baiter Doove, I can clearly see that its Ron Paul standing next to Rick Perry and he has his hand over his heart.

BTW Race Baiter Doove most if not all appear to be wearing the Flag lapel pin.

To those who don't remember, Barack "Hoover" Obama REFUSED to wear the flag pin. I'm sure the Race Baiter remembers.
I had tried to respect others opinions but I guess I have now learned better. Now I won't even read them if they are from people that have proven themselves to be unworthy of any respect. Originally Posted by Laz
You have not posted anything that is wrong. It's what you believe. Try to be on good terms with all. Accept the ways and beliefs of others. Respect first your own.