Green Energy versus Permian Basin Blues and fossil fuels

Controversial as hell. Obviously it’s awful. But obviously it makes a Tonna money follow the money and always tells on everything . How to saves excess solar energy and compact it for later use is a better question that’s what we can’t seem to do economically.
A new Somthing to look at I Fushion Energy.
Energy Source Could Power the World With Clean Efficient Fusion. The reactors were loaded with hydrogen, a few grams of nickel powder and a number of secret (non-uranium) additives.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:11 AM
Trump has already told them the U.S. is withdrawing, and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I just corrected your 2019 mistake.

We do not officially leave until a day after the Presidential election of 2020.

As YR said, there is something voters can do about it.

Maybe all those coal jobs Trump promised to save will win him reelection!
bamscram's Avatar
The U.S. has met the goals of the Paris agreement without belonging to it. Put that fact in your hat and smoke it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

otherwise just another Trump fuckup, by grandstanding.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:25 AM
otherwise just another Trump fuckup, by grandstanding. Originally Posted by bamscram
IB seemed not to understand that we still belong to it.

winn dixie's Avatar
I'am really worried about the Southern green coastal tree moth! Its migratory pattern brings it through many of these terrible wind farms. Where those turbine blades slaughter millions every year! I say turn these murderous turbines OFF and stop the massacre of the Southern green coastal tree moth!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like someone is really skeered about losing his access to petroleum products.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:39 AM
WD , you should be worried about the extinction of the braying jackass!

WD , you should be worried about the extinction of the braying jackass!
. Originally Posted by WTF
Uh oh, are you and brethren dying out?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:43 AM
Uh oh, are you and brethren dying out? Originally Posted by eccielover
You should be worried about the extinction of the DoDo bird...
winn dixie's Avatar
WD , you should be worried about the extinction of the braying jackass!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Democrats are born every 9 months and 2 and a half minutes!
So no worry about the jack asses going extinct! Unfortunately.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 10:56 AM
Democrats are born every 9 months and 2 and a half minutes!
So no worry about the jack asses going extinct! Unfortunately. Originally Posted by winn dixie
your wit just may be slower than a slew-footed sloth.
winn dixie's Avatar
Save the Southern green coastal tree moth! They are an integral part of our ecosystem. More so than the blind salamander or the golden cheeked warbler! And way more important than the albino cave cricket!
Tear down these wind turbines and save our wildlife!
Save the Southern green coastal tree moth !
winn dixie's Avatar
your wit just may be slower than a slew-footed sloth. Originally Posted by WTF
Yet you still missed it!

Aren't you outraged about the Southern green coastal tree moth? Anyone? Buehler?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I just corrected your 2019 mistake.

We do not officially leave until a day after the Presidential election of 2020.

As YR said, there is something voters can do about it.

Maybe all those coal jobs Trump promised to save will win him reelection!
Originally Posted by WTF
Contrary to your beliefs, Trump is not actively pursuing the terms of the agreement which means, the U.S. is no longer playing their game. Trump took the bucket full of U.S. dollars when he said the United States' quit, and there ain't a damn thing the others can do about it.

otherwise just another Trump fuckup, by grandstanding. Originally Posted by bamscram
Only people with small minds would think so.

IB seemed not to understand that we still belong to it. Originally Posted by WTF
Just like the U.S. still belongs to the League of Nations.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet you still missed it!

Aren't you outraged about the Southern green coastal tree moth? Anyone? Buehler? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Good one.


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