yea and I was born XXY, as again, think before u type...+ the type I take BOND to my DNA...tard
Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
Interesting......I just assumed you were XY. So I looked it up, and here are a few things I discovered. My understanding of the way males are defined in humans is inaccurate and oversimplified.
For those too lazy to read the article, here's the summary - a master gene on the Y chromosome turns on other masculine trait genes, some of which are found on the X and non-sex chromosomes. Even if the Y chromosome is absent, it's possible to turn on the masculine trait genes through medical interventions, giving you a wide range of possible male characteristics on an individual. In conclusion, the Y chromosome does not define a make in humans.
The biological definition of the two sexes is that males are the organisms that produce the mobile gametes (sperm), while females produce the non-mobile gametes (egg). It's possible for an individual to possess none of those two abilities, in which case the sex designation could be "intersex".
According to the article, there is no consensus within the medical community as to how intersex should be defined. Yes, it's lazy research referring to some online website as opposed to looking up scientific journals......but it's better than relying on rhetoric thrown around here.
So, if a male/female has sex with an intersex individual, what does that make him/her? A bi?
I prefer the social definition of homosexuality. No offense to RB, and everyone has their own judgement/preference, but I'm just not sexually attracted to RB. Now if there was a post op TS looking like the one in my earlier post, and has the voice of a lady, I'd be happy fucking her and not finding out she's a TS.
But if I find out she's a TS after the fact, would I feel a little disgusted? Probably. Contemplating on that thought, it's probably because of my natural sexual aversion towards same sex individuals, just as nothing kills a boner faster than thinking about having sex
Staff Edit....Forbidden Topic...Spacemtn , etc.
Sexual instinct is a primal feeling - I'm either attracted to someone or not. Might I be confused when meeting someone who doesn't fall within my traditional classification of genders? Definitely. To the extent I think a person looks, feels, thinks and talks like a pretty female, I will be attracted to her.
Now about this stigma of having sex with a TS. What other considerations would I have....? Is it any less safe fucking a TS? That would vary on a case-by-case basis and depends on whether a TS practices safe sex.
Does fucking a TS doom my soul to eternal damnation or taint my soul? I don't know. Heck, I'm already fornicating by seeing other female providers. You think I give a fuck?
Would I shun a TS because I'd fear the way other guys/ladies would judge me? Perhaps, but I'd bet most guys I hang with are open minded enough to admit that they could be attracted to a pretty TS and would fuck one.
That's my personal boundary. Someone else may have more restricted limits. Not to take anyone's side, but to argue that providers might not see a guy who has seen a TS.....I just can't relate to that. Perhaps any lady who thinks so can speak up and enlighten us as to why you would feel that strongly against it. A matter of principle because you do not approve of the existence of TS?