This so called President is nothing but a terrorist at best

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Conducting a war against those who want to destroy us isn't terrorism....

War is ugly; innocents get is the way war should be. War is suppose to inflict harm, destruction and chaos on the enemy and their populations. It is why war should be avoided...and quickly confronted when your enemies take the offense.

Clinton ignored Bin Laden's declaration of war against us; we ignored the first WTC bombing in 1993 and multiple attacks before 9-11.

Of course our enemies will call us terrorists, but you don't have to join them in their chants!
Iran’s supreme leader rallied his country shouting, “Death to America!” along with the unruly crowd.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So if my kid gets killed, it's terrorism, but if their kid gets killed it's "regrettable". Sorry. The only reason these people want to destroy us is because we won't leave them alone. They are succeeding in destroying us by giving government an excuse to reign in Liberty under the false guise of "security". In that respect they're winning.
rioseco's Avatar
You're missing the point entirely. As most of your ilk did. It's not asinine. No one is saying it's ok, goddamn. He's simply saying that no one is perfect. No one religion has the market cornered on violence. No, he's not saying they're right in what they're doing. He's spoken out against violence in the name of Islam HUNDREDS of times, but you don't want to hear that because it doesn't fit your story of him. So you ignore it and just keep filling your head with the hate. Wake up man. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Oh yeah, you be right. I do hate the worthless sack of shit. I believe he is inspired and directed by pure evil. On the other hand what is his point ? What does he gain by constantly tearing down America, Christianity, our military,cops and so on. Why does he bypass congress continuously ? Why does he apologize to the eastern world for our short comings. It is not his place to dictate our sins. We are not his students, we are not his children and we don't need or want any lesson from his sorry ass !
Oh yeah, you be right. I do hate the worthless sack of shit. I believe he is inspired and directed by pure evil. On the other hand what is his point ? What does he gain by constantly tearing down America, Christianity, our military,cops and so on. Why does he bypass congress continuously ? Why does he apologize to the eastern world for our short comings. It is not his place to dictate our sins. We are not his students, we are not his children and we don't need or want any lesson from his sorry ass ! Originally Posted by rioseco
He's the President! The eastern world? He's apologizing to Asia now? Do you have any idea of the amount of meddling we have done in the middle east in the last 70 years? Do yourself a favor and get educated on it. It is stuff that we would not stand for, but we expect others to put up with it because we have this attitude of superiority and of knowing what is best for others. He hasn't bypassed congress continually. You're just not being honest. And the one time he did it, it was put on hold by a lower court judge so it's not even in effect. We have shortcomings. We shouldn't hide them, we should accept who we are, warts and all. He's not dictating sins. The sins are there, were there way before he came along. You need a few lessons on our history, that's for sure. I know people like you. I grew up around people like you. You don't like a black man who is smarter than you, for starters. And you certainly don't like one who tells you anything you don't want to hear.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He's the President! The eastern world? He's apologizing to Asia now? Do you have any idea of the amount of meddling we have done in the middle east in the last 70 years? Do yourself a favor and get educated on it. It is stuff that we would not stand for, but we expect others to put up with it because we have this attitude of superiority and of knowing what is best for others. He hasn't bypassed congress continually. You're just not being honest. And the one time he did it, it was put on hold by a lower court judge so it's not even in effect. We have shortcomings. We shouldn't hide them, we should accept who we are, warts and all. He's not dictating sins. The sins are there, were there way before he came along. You need a few lessons on our history, that's for sure. I know people like you. I grew up around people like you. You don't like a black man who is smarter than you, for starters. And you certainly don't like one who tells you anything you don't want to hear. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The U.S. rescued that region from Nazi and Italian Fascism and blocked the spread of Soviet style communism, and you deem those actions "meddling", you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Your knowledge of history is fucked up, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
The U.S. rescued that region from Nazi and Italian Fascism and blocked the spread of Soviet style communism, and you deem those actions "meddling", you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Your knowledge of history is fucked up, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Middle East? The Nazis weren't really a problem after '45... and I'm thinking the Italian Fascists were out around that time too. Yeah, we rescued them. Lot of fucking good it did because they're all in such good shape now and they love us, right? Seems if we had really saved them they would be grateful but we didn't save them. We used them to profit and they got tired of it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Middle East? The Nazis weren't really a problem after '45... and I'm thinking the Italian Fascists were out around that time too. Yeah, we rescued them. Lot of fucking good it did because they're all in such good shape now and they love us, right? Seems if we had really saved them they would be grateful but we didn't save them. We used them to profit and they got tired of it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Between Pearl Harbor and Japan's surrender, the Allies consumed almost seven billion barrels of fuel defeating the Axis powers, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Over six billion barrels of that fuel was supplied by the good ol' U.S. of A., you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. The airfields in that region, including the one in Benghazi that gained prominence when Hildabeast consigned an American ambassador to his death, were built by American engineers to launch four engine bombers against the Germans and Italians; so, those ingrates owe the U.S., you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
Between Pearl Harbor and Japan's surrender, the Allies consumed almost seven billion barrels of fuel defeating the Axis powers, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Over six billion barrels of that fuel was supplied by the good ol' U.S. of A., you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. The airfields in that region, including the one in Benghazi that gained prominence when Hildabeast consigned an American ambassador to his death, were built by American engineers to launch four engine bombers against the Germans and Italians; so, those ingrates owe the U.S., you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let me get this straight. They DIDN'T supply the oil, we did. You made that part clear. They LET us build airfields on their sovereign land in order to bomb enemies that were trying to kill US, not THEM. Only a fucked up retard sandwich eating fool like you would think that in this scenario we somehow owe them.
Let me get this straight. They DIDN'T supply the oil, we did. You made that part clear. They LET us build airfields on their sovereign land in order to bomb enemies that were trying to kill US, not THEM. Only a fucked up retard sandwich eating fool like you would think that in this scenario we somehow owe them. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You won't win this debate... undercocklicker... LOL or LMAO or BOTH
You won't win this debate... undercocklicker... LOL or LMAO or BOTH Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Calling it a 'debate' is giving him too much credit. He's never admitted he's wrong, even when you dick slap him in the face with it.
Calling it a 'debate' is giving him too much credit. He's always right, that's why I like slapping my face with his dick Originally Posted by UnderCocksucker
assup is that you, fucking moron
but everything he is doing is pointing more and more to the Trojan Horse.

Please tell me why this _P _O _S would even want to deal with the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world...As they cheer, "Death to America" as they are doing military bombing training on a US Aircraft carrier.
This regime has taken Iran and Hezbollah off the terrorist list..The Islamic Republic of Iran is an ongoing threat to US national interests because of its support to the Assad regime in Syria, promoting of anti-Israeli policies, development of advanced military capabilities, and pursuit of its nuclear program.

Ever wonder what the Terrorist in Chief's legacy will be? I've got a few thoughts, curious though, as to what the folks of Eccie's thoughts might be. Originally Posted by Cherie

I like your style
assup is that you, I'm such a fucking moron Originally Posted by gary5912
Who is assup
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
assup is that you, fucking moron Originally Posted by gary5912
You nailed it!
  • shanm
  • 03-27-2015, 11:28 PM
You nailed it! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you ever ROFL'd you'd never be able to get the fuck back up you century old motherfucker
If you ever ROFL'd you'd never be able to get the fuck back up you century old motherfucker Originally Posted by shanm
He probably has Life Alert. The ambulance will arrive shortly.