Quote from John F. Kennedy

lustylad's Avatar
That is SUCH a cute picture!!! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Elisabeth, I have to warn you - that's not a recent picture of WTF. He hasn't been called "cute" in decades! But the good news is - he still SWALLOWS behind the BARN!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2014, 09:16 PM
lustyladdyboy you still do not know wtf a Laffer Cure is unless you think it is hookers laughing at your 4 inch curved weenie.
lustyladdyboy you still do not know wtf a Laffer Cure is unless you think it is hookers laughing at your 4 inch curved weenie. Originally Posted by WTF
The hookers from the Burgh are used to laffer's.

That's all they ever see!

Those from Texas, laff at it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually that is Laffer "Curve" and not cure. A cure is what WTF needs every few months because he likes it dirty.
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually that is Laffer "Curve" and not cure. A cure is what WTF needs every few months because he likes it dirty. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He also gets Medicare and Medicaid confused, and co-mingled into his rants, not to mention immigration status, and a number of other "issues" he reads about at the Barnes and Nobles.

Must be a "joy" on a golf course! Fareways, grins, trips, teas, ruffs, and polls.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2014, 02:32 PM
Actually that is Laffer "Curve" and not cure. A cure is what WTF needs every few months because he likes it dirty. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Typo, penis breath.

Obviously you do not understand how the Laffer Curve works in regard to tax rate/revenue any more than your Tea'billy cousin lustyladyboy does.

Maybe you two can grab LexusLiar and swing by my lecture on how to tell the difference between a belief and actual reality. For example a belief by you Tea'nuts is that lowering tax rates always raises tax revenue....

We can then discuss the reality of just what a leach LexusLiar old decrepitate ass is....


Americans, who are much more likely to vote Republican.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, in 2013, the federal government spent a little over $2 trillion in benefit payments. Over $1.1 trillion of that went to Social Security and Medicare recipients. The total cost of Medicaid was about $265 billion, but around 20 percent of that money goes to older Americans, as well. Another $150 billion or so is paid to federal retirees. In all, something around 60 percent to 70 percent of all transfer payments, or about $1.4 trillion, are for older Americans' retirement income or health care.
For all of the other welfare programs, including food stamps, Supplemental Security Income, the child tax credit and free school lunches, the tab comes to only about $280 billion. And even some of those programs benefit older, poor Americans. If you add in the Medicaid expenditures that do not go to older Americans, we spend something less than $500 billion on welfare benefits to people who are not elderly.
That means that of the payments typically included in the term "entitlements," about three-quarters goes to older Americans. In the last presidential election, about 56 percent of voters over 65 voted for Romney. So the GOP is actually winning a substantial majority of those who receive the lion's share of entitlement payments.
LexusLover's Avatar
So the GOP is actually winning a substantial majority of those who receive the lion's share of entitlement payments. Originally Posted by WTF
Do your parents vote Republican?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2014, 02:55 PM
Do your parents vote Republican? Originally Posted by LexusLover
For the most part , Yes.

Do yours?

Do you?

If so , it rams King's point home.

That means that of the payments typically included in the term "entitlements," about three-quarters goes to older Americans. In the last presidential election, about 56 percent of voters over 65 voted for Romney. So the GOP is actually winning a substantial majority of those who receive the lion's share of entitlement payments.
LexusLover's Avatar

Do yours? NO (I don't know how they have voted over the years, I just listen to their comments about people.)

Do you? NO
Originally Posted by WTF
99.99% of the time I vote for a person. You should try it.

It actually will require you to exercise some intellect. Strenuous?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2014, 04:04 PM
99.99% of the time I vote for a person. You should try it.

It actually will require you to exercise some intellect. Strenuous? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ok, I can make it simple for you while playing your childish game.

Which person have you voted for President since 1980?

Easy enough question, unless your old age has effected your memory. Maybe you can get your Medicare to pay to have that checked out for you.
Can you imagine if Obama was dealt the same cards as Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis........

In 2012 Obama went eyeball to eyeball with Medvedev; Obama blinked, begging for flexibility....Kennedy went eyeball to eyeball, and Kruschev blinked !

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

LexusLover's Avatar
Ok, I can make it simple for you ... Originally Posted by WTF
Let me make it simple for you. You are the son of leeches who benefits from cheap labor illegally brought into this country, who also sop on the entitlements and burden the taxpayers, who pay all of their taxes unlike you.

Who i have voted for or not voted for in any election is none of your business.

Do I need to put it in simpler words for you little boy?
lustylad's Avatar
Maybe you two can grab LexusLiar and swing by my lecture on how to tell the difference between a belief and actual reality. For example a belief by you Tea'nuts is that lowering tax rates always raises tax revenue.... Originally Posted by WTF
That's funny.... I don't recall ever claiming that lowering tax rates ALWAYS raises tax revenue... did you say that, JD? How about you, LexusLover?

I did point out that after JFK and Reagan and Bush cut taxes, the Treasury enjoyed healthy gains in tax receipts... Poor WTFidgetyass can't figure out how to deal with those cold, hard historical facts.

Here is a good example of the "difference between a belief and actual reality":

Belief: WTF thinks he isn't queer.

Reality: He dresses up as a tranny SW and sucks dick every night.

What to do when belief collides with reality? For the answer, swing by WTF's lecture at the 12-step program he is enrolled in.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is the law of supply and demand again (look in econ101). In many cases if you lower taxes to a certain point then revenues to the government increase. You have to find that point on the curve and it is far less than we are being taxed right now. Mathematically, if you lower taxes to zero then you get zero and if you raise the tax rate to 100% then you can only do that once. So the first year you get beaucoup bucks but afterwards....not so much. So WTF had better go back and read some more and take an adult with him.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's funny.... I don't recall ever claiming that lowering tax rates ALWAYS raises tax revenue... did you say that, JD? How about you, LexusLover? Originally Posted by lustylad
Not me!

I have noticed over, what seems to be years, time that WTF is a racist, so he wants everyone else to be a racist; he takes advantage of the "disadvantaged" illegal aliens, so he wants everyone else to be taking advantage of them; he is a dumbshit who regurgitates crap he has read on here, so he wants everyone else to be a dumbshit who regurgitates crap they have read on here; and his parents, and he, are a bunch of entitlement leeches, so he wants everyone else to be an entitlement leech ... .....

... so he will feel better about himself and his lack of substance.

That's his "affirmative action" program on Eccie... his "handicap"!!!

Kind of like HIS PRESIDENT. Rather than improving himself, he wants to drag down everyone else to his level .... HIS PRESIDENT calls it "financial equality," those who actually know what it is call it "income/wealth redistribution."

WTF actually wants his parents to die so they will quit leeching off the taxpayers!