Questions about the clock

I seem to remember a certain woman practically running out the door forgetting her pumps in the process. or Originally Posted by SR Only
Yeah, I can imagine how spending 40 minutes with some guys is as stressful as spending 4 hours with others.

Yeah, I can imagine how spending 40 minutes with some guys is as stressful as spending 4 hours with others.

Originally Posted by pjorourke
Or, just 5.
dp usually means "double post" or "deleted post." Or (here we go kids):
Double Penetration
Dumb People
Dining Proposition
Dead Person
or _ _ _ _ _ _ Originally Posted by SR Only
you got it :-)) choose the one that suits you the best
Or, just 5. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Please note that that was not directed at you. Or at least, it didn't appear to be.
Please note that that was not directed at you. Or at least, it didn't appear to be. Originally Posted by pjorourke
So noted. My response was directed at me.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree with Nina and China on this one.. but of course

Now I'd totally let Charlestudor and Wakeup stay 2hours over just to prove a point.
I imagine they'll stop picking on me if I were to fuck their brains out. lol!
I B Hankering's Avatar
@ Naomi4U: Welcome back. I like the new Avatar.
Naomi4u's Avatar
@ Naomi4U: Welcome back. I like the new Avatar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thank you.
Otra vez? Who watches the clock? I don’t even have a clock anywhere in my hideaway and my phone is turned on silent. The way you know it’s over is when it’s over because it’s organic. It’s supposed to be fun! I don’t like to be rushed. That’s how I know my gentlemen friends don’t like to be rushed either. Come down to Houston, we’ll show you………….
I like the new Avatar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Me, too! But Olivia we don't see as much of you in your avatar.
@ Naomi4U: Welcome back. I like the new Avatar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Me too!! Very Sexy!
Rudyard K's Avatar
I imagine they'll stop picking on me if I were to fuck their brains out. lol! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Too late.
Me, too! But Olivia we don't see as much of you in your avatar. Originally Posted by SR Only
Ohhh, just wait! I did a photo shoot last weekend.................I don't even have a teaser yet from my photographers, but I will soon .
MajorHands's Avatar
I can say from personal experience is that one way to turn a lady who is not a clock-watcher (like me) into a clock-watcher is to repeatedly stay well past your time. Originally Posted by China Doll
As was often the case with China, she gently provided me some extremely valuable tutelage on the ins and outs (pun recognized after word choice and left in anyway - mea culpa!) of hobbyist etiquette. I can attest that China is definitely not a clock watcher. The fact that she is so gracious with her time, however, made me more conscious of it over the course of our visits. On our 2nd visit, we had some extensive post carnal conversation and actually ran over by 45 minutes (while I knew we were running over, I had no idea that is was that long until I got to my car)...I shared my chagrin with China that I had overstayed, but she assured me she was aware of the time and would have shoo'd me out if it was a problem. Just the same, I was far more aware of the time after that, and while never rushed, I was a lot more diligent about keeping an eye on the the clock and not overstaying my welcome.

In one case, China told me ahead of time that the available window of time I was trying to schedule was quite limited and the hour we had was the only free time to see her. As it turned out, through a combination of delays and sluggish traffic, I was 45 mins late for our appt (karma?...could be, lol!).

Since I couldn't be there in person, China and i had a lovely conversation over the phone as I crawled through traffic...and it's fair to say that conversation with China is in many ways as delightful as the less cerebral interaction...suffice to say that I've rarely had a more enjoyable 15 minutes...ever! Had her schedule been more open that afternoon, I suspect we would have probably just extended the hour, but I had no qualms about providing the agreed upon donation and enjoying both the conversation and the recognition that quickies can be a lot of fun too!
As was often the case with China, she gently provided me some extremely valuable tutelage on the ins and outs (pun recognized after word choice and left in anyway - mea culpa!) of hobbyist etiquette. I can attest that China is definitely not a clock watcher. The fact that she is so gracious with her time, however, made me more conscious of it over the course of our visits. On our 2nd visit, we had some extensive post carnal conversation and actually ran over by 45 minutes (while I knew we were running over, I had no idea that is was that long until I got to my car)...I shared my chagrin with China that I had overstayed, but she assured me she was aware of the time and would have shoo'd me out if it was a problem. Just the same, I was far more aware of the time after that, and while never rushed, I was a lot more diligent about keeping an eye on the the clock and not overstaying my welcome.

In one case, China told me ahead of time that the available window of time I was trying to schedule was quite limited and the hour we had was the only free time to see her. As it turned out, through a combination of delays and sluggish traffic, I was 45 mins late for our appt (karma?...could be, lol!).

Since I couldn't be there in person, China and i had a lovely conversation over the phone as I crawled through traffic...and it's fair to say that conversation with China is in many ways as delightful as the less cerebral interaction...suffice to say that I've rarely had a more enjoyable 15 minutes...ever! Had her schedule been more open that afternoon, I suspect we would have probably just extended the hour, but I had no qualms about providing the agreed upon donation and enjoying both the conversation and the recognition that quickies can be a lot of fun too! Originally Posted by MajorHands
What a lovely post!

Camille xx