Amrita Lover's Avatar
I made it as well.
SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
And I have heard about you too,Axl. Love "Welcome to the Jungle!!!" and "Paradise City"!!!!
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 12-31-2009, 04:23 PM
There must have been a major hull breach some where.........
Welcome to another corner, around, your neck of the woods.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Just boarded ship from across town. Hope this boat sails as well as my previous one. :-)
Txfundude's Avatar
I made here it was a long journey from the other place.
I'm here! Nice to see so many made it!
jimmers's Avatar
Well, I made it to my first ASPD social in November and a month later it closes down. I'm not going to go to any more socials.

But I'm here....
Heya! I have finally made it across!!! Now just gotta get my page set up, lol. Happy New Years!!!!
ACEIV's Avatar
  • 12-31-2009, 11:11 PM
"She showed me her boobies momma...and I liked it"
Popcorn's Avatar
Another Austin member here.........Happy New Decade!!!
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 01-01-2010, 06:40 AM
First off, Happy New Year!

It's nice to see so many familiar faces in one place. For a while it seemed like everyone would scatter to the winds and not be heard from again. I look forward to the possibilities that the new year bring for all of us!
TopWhop's Avatar
Still searching for my comfort zone to lurk- participate. Love the layout I must say. Have I found my new home??
txnetjunkie's Avatar
i am new here too! a transplant from another very popular board!
KissLover's Avatar
Am looking for a new hobby board home, my last one melted down.
vinny's Avatar
  • vinny
  • 01-02-2010, 08:46 AM
From the original Delphi board to many others...I have evolved to this one.