The Catch-22 of screening.

Hematoma's Avatar
I've never given RL info in this hobby and never will. The providers I've encountered who demanded RL info over the tons of references I have I can count on one hand. In those cases it's easy...I move on. There's also an instant "red flag" that goes off when a provider absolutely "needs" your RL info and is willing push aside multiple references from high level escorts in the process. No thanks. Why would one risk that?

However, I'm also from the school that feels RL info in "civvie life" can also be huge mistake. I think most social media is idiotic and I do not participate. Hell, I have burner phone for some real life shit also.
Thanks for the thread sexymaid, I'll be in touch when I can meet the requests you outlined for me.

Gabrielle....ahh never mind. No sense piling on anymore. 😂
Gabrielle's Avatar
Thanks for the thread sexymaid, I'll be in touch when I can meet the requests you outlined for me.

Gabrielle....ahh never mind. No sense piling on anymore. 😂 Originally Posted by Cb2285
So I see you have given in to providing your name? Way to stick with the fight dude!

Ya know, I thought you might be a cop. Now I'm starting to think you are just stupid. Flip-Flop! You a politician? You keep changing your mind. You won't give your name, now you will...
and you post this info for all to read, why? I'm going with stupid cop or politician.

Please pile on...whore board bullying doesn't scare me one bit. If y'all are wasting all your time putting me're NOT doing it to someone else.

bambino's Avatar
So I see you have given in to providing your name? Way to stick with the fight dude!

Ya know, I thought you might be a cop. Now I'm starting to think you are just stupid. Flip-Flop! You a politician? You keep changing your mind. You won't give your name, now you will...
and you post this info for all to read, why? I'm going with stupid cop or politician.

Please pile on...whore board bullying doesn't scare me one bit. If y'all are wasting all your time putting me're NOT doing it to someone else.

#Screen Originally Posted by Gabrielle
He’s a cop? Where’s the fucking proof? We need the fucking proof!!!!!
Gabrielle's Avatar
He’s a cop? Where’s the fucking proof? We need the fucking proof!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
I'm allowed to have my own opinion bambini. I said I'm going with stupid cop or politician. That is my opinion.

Go back to your circle jerk. Stigs spooge is on your lip again. Buh-bye

#Screen #Screen #Screen
bambino's Avatar
I'm allowed to have my own opinion bambini. I said I'm going with stupid cop or politician. That is my opinion.

Go back to your circle jerk. Stigs spooge is on your lip again. Buh-bye

#Screen #Screen #Screen Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Nah, but you wish it was on yours. You’re going to need a place to crash soon.
Question for sexymaid...say I wanted a to have regular meets with You? Would it be acceptable for us to meet a public establishment to assure one is not the LE or a crazed lunatic? I just think there are ways to establish trust without providing RW info for both parties.cause realistically....if the LE want You? Their gonna get You! They can fudge a lot on prescreening.
So I see you have given in to providing your name? Way to stick with the fight dude! Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Have I? I must've missed where all screening providers do must either be identical to yours or given your blessing.

It is astonishing how you are still failing to see how you are a liability to the board.

Mindless ramblings. How many responses with "to each their own" do you need to see before you realize that both sides of the argument for or against RL info During screening HAVE RESOLVED the debate. It truly is to each their own, and everyone but you seems to be cool with that.

Truth be told, it's none of ur business what screening I or anyone else goes through with other providers, and I'm not about to out said provider just to continue arguing with an inactive whore to this area who can't get out of her own way enough to see this debate ended a while ago.
Question for sexymaid...say I wanted a to have regular meets with You? Would it be acceptable for us to meet a public establishment to assure one is not the LE or a crazed lunatic? I just think there are ways to establish trust without providing RW info for both parties.cause realistically....if the LE want You? Their gonna get You! They can fudge a lot on prescreening. Originally Posted by mreven70
I know I said I was done but this is a direct response to your question.

As long as one plays by MY rules of comfort.

And you're correct, if they want you they'll get you.

One more thing, even drop phones have some sort of GPS reporting. If need be, anyones activities can be traced.
Thank you for replying! May I ask? What would be your rules of comfort? Or is it different for each person?
Probly best to discuss those in private Mr. E
True....thanks AT
Gabrielle's Avatar
Have I? I must've missed where all screening providers do must either be identical to yours or given your blessing. Originally Posted by Cb2285
Guess you missed this too? I mean it was at the beginning of this very thread...
You'll see where I didn't say that, Jinny did. Look's right there.

Stop trying to twist the narrative and put words in my mouth Cb2285.

Back to the circle jerk tryouts for you Cb2285.

Well darlings
I can't even entertain the idea of hanging out with someone whom I can't verify.
I don't ask for much, in fact I know I ask for a lot less info than some do.
I don't care where you work, live or frequent. I don't want more than a name, number and references from most. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69

Stop trying to twist the narrative and put words in my mouth Cb2285.
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Nothing I'm doing is with the intent that you keep running your mouth. I think the consensus at this point is that you just shut the hell up.
Gabrielle's Avatar
I think the consensus at this point is that you just shut the hell up. Originally Posted by Cb2285

I'll shut the hell up as soon as the mean ole boys circle jerkers club starts respecting my co-workers.

I will take your advice under consideration before I post from now on Cb2285. Kk?