the official Scam Bank-Fraud thread

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I know it is annoying when folks bump dead threads (I know it is to me}, but I thought the below update was interesting. Well, at the very least, I thought it was a lot more interesting than some of the stupid shit that I've read in this forum recently.

Good for those folks for getting their money back and then some... I wonder how this will affect weirdo nerd Sam's appeal of his long prison sentence.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2024, 09:10 AM
Thanks for the link. That's very interesting. Given that the value of the crypto in FTX depositors' accounts has increased since bankruptcy proceedings started, I was wondering what would happen to the excess. It's good the government isn't absconding with it, although the bankruptcy trustee and the lawyers probably will take more than their fair share.

Respectfully, there's no sense getting annoyed at old threads or what people post. If it's annoying, just ignore it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Tiny, I guess "annoyed" was not the best word for me to use. I don't get annoyed on this board because it's not that serious to me.

Anyway, I have studied up on crypto lately to understand it better. With the way this country has to be printing money to fund all of the shit we pay for, this increase in the US dollar money supply not only affects us domestically, but also globally as well. Hence, why I thought an alternative currency would be worth a few hours of my time to understand better.

I also was curious when Fidelity included crypto (only Bitcoin and Ethereum for now) for trading. And they have their own Bitcoin ETF which I found interesting because they wanted no part of the crypto world before.
winn dixie's Avatar
One emp blast erases crypto. It's not real.