what should be done about providers who ignore reference requests

No shit, AR! Lol. I had one reply to me recently who said sorry for taking so long and that was it, no info on whether or not she saw the guy. It's cool. We all get busy, things come up, whatever. I get it. I reply, "No problem, I understand. So can you give me the reference?"

Then she says she needs the info again. I'm like, uhhhhh, you just replied to the pm with the info. Then she says some ghetto shit like Idk why hos don't just go make their money if they want money. Bitch could have just said she doesn't give references instead of playing that dumbass cockblock routine.

I'm totally reference friendly. There's good arguments on both sides of the fence for and against it but just be upfront about it.
I try to get back to ladies who request references and always appreciate it when others do the same. If a lady doesn't get back with me, I will ask the guy if he has more refs or if I can screen him myself.

Last year I got a request for a session from a guy who gave me a provider as a reference, and when I contacted her for the reference, she immediately contacted him and offered him a discount. She said he was "fine to see" but then I couldn't get him to ever email me back after that.

So ladies, if you ever need a reference on a client I have seen, feel free to always contact me. I will do my very best to get back to you quickly.
Wow ! Really !! pay attention Relax and Energyworx
Beckata's Avatar
You know I don't comment on a lot, I only review a few providers here and there but I'm not new with this. I have been doing this since the ASPD days. Its funny but were are all here for the same purpose "I think". One of us want something and the other groups would like to sell something. But whats odd is, its like pulling teeth to get anybody to respond to a request. So I understand the frustration yall are feeling. Hell, if you don't want to see someone (appointment) or help someone else be safe (reference) you should still respond to the requests. I'm sorry for my ranting but I really saw this thread and really understood the issue. Sometime this shit really gets old.