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  • Old-T
  • 01-02-2014, 10:06 PM
He really can't control himself, can he? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, he obviously can't. Sad.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kinda like a cross between IBS and Tourette's.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What a pathetic post. Not nearly so pathetic as you setting yourself up in mock, self-righteous indignation, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

No, being selective about who I attack or who I defend is not being hypocritical. It is only being selective. What you term "selective" is actually obvious hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. We have had this conversation many times and you have been "confused" (i.e. wrong) each time Point of fact, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, you're a hypocrite for making the same repetitive lame-ass accusations for over a year now. --and you claim to be an English major! And published, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man! Marketable skills that don't require a 9 to 5 desk routine, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Hard to believe. That's but one of your problems, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, your ignorant beliefs are the foundation of your ignorant hypocrisy. Try using a dictionary and learning the meanings of words. The dictionary says your ignorant behavior is the definition of a hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. You might find it useful if you ever decide to get out of mommy's basement and explore the real world. Been around the world, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man; evidently you're projecting since you're the one living in your mommy's basement, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. I have a job and a life, so I have limited time to post on here--thus I have to choose my targets. That excuse only serves to underscore your congenital ignorance, but it doesn't excuse your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

YOUR repetitive posts are:
(1) MORE repetitive But you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
(2) MORE childish Yet you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
and (3) MORE obnoxious Nevertheless, you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Thus I choose you as the worst such offender on here, the one MOST worthy of being chided for your dumb posts. A break through ... you admit that you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, proving you are a hypocrite. BTW, your opinions don't count for much, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

As to BJ and my telling you to be more creative with your pathetic insults, it's for your own good. You've already admitted that you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, and BJ is doing the same thing. People will probably still laugh at you because of your stupid ideas, but at least they will give you credit for some originality and creativity in your banal posts. Your hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations taken collectively with your factual ignorance are a constant source of amusement, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Right now you are seen a stupid AND uncreative. Your and your lib-retarded associate's opinions don't mean much, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Stupid you probably can't fix, so work on the other part. Your and your lib-retarded associates' opinions don't mean much here or elsewhere, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Lastly, I would not call ANYONE's military retirement pension a welfare check. See, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, you really don't know how stupid you really are. But I don't recall you ever saying you had a pension. I assumed you had some kind of non-work income since you seem to post 24/7 on here. You post morning, noon and night, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, so you're a liar. Given the skills you have demonstrated in your posts, welfare check seemed the most likely option. Once again your meager intellectual skills leave you mired in ignorance, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. If you indeed have pension please say so and I will retract my welfare check comment. Originally Posted by Old-T

Nice exchange, Old-T.

He really can't control himself, can he?

I'm afraid within a few months, everybody's Corpy Nickname will be so long that he won't be able to insult people more than five or six times every post!

No wonder he is and was and will ever be the yardstick by which all dipshits are measured!

Of course he's hijacked another thread that might actually have been of value to discuss. However, since there's no rule against hijacking threads in this forum, we might as well just keep burying him in his own effluence. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's your award, to *play* with, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

No, he obviously can't. Sad. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a pathetic creature if you for one second imagine yourself to be superior, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Kinda like a cross between IBS and Tourette's. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
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  • Old-T
  • 01-03-2014, 07:55 AM
That’s a pretty “impressive” post, IBBlithering.

Long, bucolic, repetitive, insulting, filled with homophobic rants and lies. Yep, a typical diatribe by IBMeltDown for light amusing breakfast reading. I had a bowl of cereal today, and almost spewed it across the table a couple times as I read your lies & distortions and realized that you are not trying to be satirical, you actually believe the diarrhea you write! As I said above, you are a sad human being.

What you take as “self-righteous indignation” is not. I really do pity anyone who is so obsessed with anger and hate as you seem to be in your writing. I pity someone who is so blind to logic and sanity that the most substantive argument they can make for their self-worth is something like, “A break through ... you admit that you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, proving you are a hypocrite. BTW, your opinions don't count for much, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.” Really, does posting that make you look in the mirror and tell yourself, “See, HE is even more wretched than I am!” Is that really what you have sunk to in order to try and make yourself feel good about yourself? Again I say: very sad.

I did notice three things in this latest meltdown of yours:

--You penchant for cut and paste has reached the level of a phobia for you—you fear having to come up with an original thought. Probably because you know that any new thought you put out there is likely to subject you to new and different kinds of ridicule, and you have become desensitized to the current ridicule.

-- You were able to write a huge volume of words, but somehow said absolutely nothing of substance. Not a single, productive, insightful comment. You became “Oh yea?” Man. Every insult you spewed (and my god, you spewed a LOT of them!) was not even a creative one. You took things that people said about you and tried to repackage them and hurl them back at others. Regifting rarely works, and it sure doesn’t here. When the blowhard with 10,000+ posts says the person with less than a third the number is obsessed with posting, well, that just results in more hysterical laughter by those who read your foolishness.

--And lastly—for now at least—I will point out that you skillfully—and certainly intentionally—avoided the small concession I held out to you, “If you indeed have pension please say so and I will retract my welfare check comment”. For all your indignation, for all your IMPLICATIONS that I was somehow claiming that my pension was different from your pension, I gave you the explicit chance to just say you had a military pension and I would retract my welfare check comment. But in such a long melt-down that was the one point you DIDN’T address. So by your silence I assume you concede that you have no such pension. That is not a bad thing in any way, JUST QUIT YOUR PRETEND IRE THAT SOMEHOW I INSULTED YOUR LONG ILLUSTREOUS MILITARY SERVICE WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY SUCH THING!!! As I said, I don’t look down at people because they did or did not spend time in the military, but I do look down at people who try to imply they did 20+ years and in reality, when cornered, avoid the issue because they didn’t. You have never seen me jump on JD, or IFFY about their military time, and you never will. Your PRETEND service--I will remind you of that one whenever appropriate. Count on it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor IBIdiot. He really believe he's making a contribution to this site.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That’s a pretty “impressive” post, IBBlithering.

Long, bucolic, repetitive, insulting, filled with homophobic rants and lies. Yep, a typical diatribe by IBMeltDown for light amusing breakfast reading. I had a bowl of cereal today, and almost spewed it across the table a couple times as I read your lies & distortions and realized that you are not trying to be satirical, you actually believe the diarrhea you write! As I said above, you are a sad human being.

What you take as “self-righteous indignation” is not. I really do pity anyone who is so obsessed with anger and hate as you seem to be in your writing. I pity someone who is so blind to logic and sanity that the most substantive argument they can make for their self-worth is something like, “A break through ... you admit that you keep making the same hypocritical, childish, obnoxious accusations, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, proving you are a hypocrite. BTW, your opinions don't count for much, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.” Really, does posting that make you look in the mirror and tell yourself, “See, HE is even more wretched than I am!” Is that really what you have sunk to in order to try and make yourself feel good about yourself? Again I say: very sad.

I did notice three things in this latest meltdown of yours:

--You penchant for cut and paste has reached the level of a phobia for you—you fear having to come up with an original thought. Probably because you know that any new thought you put out there is likely to subject you to new and different kinds of ridicule, and you have become desensitized to the current ridicule.

-- You were able to write a huge volume of words, but somehow said absolutely nothing of substance. Not a single, productive, insightful comment. You became “Oh yea?” Man. Every insult you spewed (and my god, you spewed a LOT of them!) was not even a creative one. You took things that people said about you and tried to repackage them and hurl them back at others. Regifting rarely works, and it sure doesn’t here. When the blowhard with 10,000+ posts says the person with less than a third the number is obsessed with posting, well, that just results in more hysterical laughter by those who read your foolishness.

--And lastly—for now at least—I will point out that you skillfully—and certainly intentionally—avoided the small concession I held out to you, “If you indeed have pension please say so and I will retract my welfare check comment”. For all your indignation, for all your IMPLICATIONS that I was somehow claiming that my pension was different from your pension, I gave you the explicit chance to just say you had a military pension and I would retract my welfare check comment. But in such a long melt-down that was the one point you DIDN’T address. So by your silence I assume you concede that you have no such pension. That is not a bad thing in any way, JUST QUIT YOUR PRETEND IRE THAT SOMEHOW I INSULTED YOUR LONG ILLUSTREOUS MILITARY SERVICE WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY SUCH THING!!! As I said, I don’t look down at people because they did or did not spend time in the military, but I do look down at people who try to imply they did 20+ years and in reality, when cornered, avoid the issue because they didn’t. You have never seen me jump on JD, or IFFY about their military time, and you never will. Your PRETEND service--I will remind you of that one whenever appropriate. Count on it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your pompous and very ignorant diatribe does nothing to mitigate your status as a creepy little hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, served for 28 years, so STFU you pissant mutha fucka.

I B Idiot Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes you are, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The post above could only have been penned by an honest to goodness DIPSHIT!

In fact, it's yet another reason why IBSyndrome has been unanimously named 2014s Dipshit of the Year. The first repeat winner of this prestigious award. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
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  • Old-T
  • 01-04-2014, 11:04 AM
Your pompous and very ignorant diatribe does nothing to mitigate your status as a creepy little hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, served for 28 years, so STFU you pissant mutha fucka.

Yes you are, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well now, this is a wonderful opportunity to turn into a learning experience, children.

First notice, IB finally did answer a question. You might have to wait a while. A long while. And dig through lots of excrement, but every once in a while he will answer a question when he is embarrassed into it.

Second, notice how if he has said "served 28 years" a few hundred thousand posts ago he could have avoided much pain and suffering. So the implication one could draw is he is a masochist--but that is a topic for another thread. What is appropriate here is I will take his claim at face value and keep my; I will make no more welfare check accusations about IB.

Third, this is classic vomitus IB. He uses THREE words to actually answer the question I posed to him, and tosses in FORY SEVEN words (depending upon how you count acronyms and hyphenations) to spew his typical sewer mouth anger and hate. Simple math would say that makes IB 6% civil and 94% asshole. Seems about right. See, dear students, math is useful in the real world.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well now, this is a wonderful opportunity to turn into a learning experience, children.

First notice, IB finally did answer a question. You might have to wait a while. A long while. And dig through lots of excrement, but every once in a while he will answer a question when he is embarrassed into it.

Second, notice how if he has said "served 28 years" a few hundred thousand posts ago he could have avoided much pain and suffering. So the implication one could draw is he is a masochist--but that is a topic for another thread. What is appropriate here is I will take his claim at face value and keep my; I will make no more welfare check accusations about IB.

Third, this is classic vomitus IB. He uses THREE words to actually answer the question I posed to him, and tosses in FORY SEVEN words (depending upon how you count acronyms and hyphenations) to spew his typical sewer mouth anger and hate. Simple math would say that makes IB 6% civil and 94% asshole. Seems about right. See, dear students, math is useful in the real world. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're still 100% hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, that "question" was answered many times before over the course of the last two years. It's notable that that answer had to be REPEATED for your ignorant edification, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-05-2014, 05:11 PM
You're still 100% hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, that "question" was answered many times before over the course of the last two years. It's notable that that answer had to be REPEATED for your ignorant edification, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Maybe I didn't see it because I don't spend 22 1/2 hours a day on here. Maybe it's because you post inane comments on a lot of threads I never read. And maybe it's because you had not actually addressed it before. It sure isn't worth my time to go back and look to decide which it is--YOU are not worth that much of my time.

Regardless, it does not explain why you spend so much of your "answer" spewing sewage--does it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe I didn't see it because I don't spend 22 1/2 hours a day on here. Maybe it's because you post inane comments on a lot of threads I never read. And maybe it's because you had not actually addressed it before. It sure isn't worth my time to go back and look to decide which it is--YOU are not worth that much of my time.

Regardless, it does not explain why you spend so much of your "answer" spewing sewage--does it?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Nothing in your rant mitigates the fact that you're still 100% a hypocrite or that your ignorance predisposes you to greater degrees of hypocrisy than others, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-05-2014, 05:20 PM
Poor IBBrainDamaged. Still can't differentiate between "hypocrite" and "has the audacity to disagree with IBCondomMan".

Rant away you poor little, angry man.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor IBBrainDamaged. Still can't differentiate between "hypocrite" and "has the audacity to disagree with IBCondomMan".

Rant away you poor little, angry man. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the one ranting, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, and you're still 100% a hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-05-2014, 05:35 PM
Wow! You really are just sitting at your computer waiting for me to post. You have your stack of cut & paste replies just ready to fire back with one of those sharp retorts like you did here. No wonder you have so many posts--and why so few make any sense.

Rant away pathetic little man. Bet you'll reply again almost before I post. I'll check back later. I have far better things to attend to now, but no, I have no intention of telling you her name.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wow! You really are just sitting at your computer waiting for me to post. You have your stack of cut & paste replies just ready to fire back with one of those sharp retorts like you did here. No wonder you have so many posts--and why so few make any sense.

Rant away pathetic little man. Bet you'll reply again almost before I post. I'll check back later. I have far better things to attend to now, but no, I have no intention of telling you her name. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the one on a rant, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. There's no "rant" in exposing you for the hypocrite you are, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, you're also a pathetic little egoist if you believe you're so important that anyone would actually wait for one of your ignorant posts, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.