Okay, lets really talk about the latest airliner to go down.

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  • 01-03-2015, 01:39 PM
Actually you said 100K (100,000) ... not 70,000. I stand corrected.

The answer to question is ... No.

Just to the U.S. fleet (90% have them now), and any airlines arriving and departing from the United States, and its territories.

Now, again, go play in the stacks at Barnes and Nobles. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have tried to help you with hints mighty LexusLover, but your squealing has been incessant...like a hungry Pot Belly Pig.

But the technology is not catching on with major carriers.
Skeptics point to several reasons why. For starters, industry consultant Michael Boyd pointed out, planes rarely completely fall off the grid.
“Up until now, we haven’t had a need to track all airplanes,” Boyd said. “Why would we do it if we don’t have to?”
Another problem: widespread use of live streaming technology would create an overload of information, making it hard to analyze properly.
But in the end, it comes down to cost, experts said.
“[Airlines are] very cost sensitive,” said former inspector general of the U.S. Department of Transportation Mary Schiavo, who is a CNN aviation analyst. “They simply will not add additional safety measures unless mandated by the federal government.”
Flyht counters by saying that its system, which typically costs less than $100,000 to install, is designed to save carriers money.

So you do realize one of the first questions I asked you was if you were for the Federal Government mandating this on the airline business? Why Mr Pot Belly Pig have you avoided that question?

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  • 01-03-2015, 01:50 PM
This currently available technology costs no more than $100,000 to install — a paltry sum on jets that airlines buy for anywhere between $40 million and $200 million.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
what I dont get is doesnt anyone have an iphone?
cant we locate someones phone with satellites?
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  • 01-03-2015, 02:23 PM
what I dont get is doesnt anyone have an iphone?
cant we locate someones phone with satellites? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You and LL need to sell that idea to the airlines!

what I dont get is doesnt anyone have an iphone?
cant we locate someones phone with satellites? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker

iPhones don't communicate with satellites. Neither do any other type of cell phone. They can passively receive a GPS signal from a satellite, but that is it. If conventional cell phones tried to transmit via satellites, the batteries would last about 5 minutes.

All two-way communications by cell phones are with terrestrial cell towers (or WiFi access points). There aren't any of those in the middle of the Java Sea.

There are some satellite phones in existence - like the Iridium, but they are toys of the rich. They are big and clunky due to the battery size and bandwidth is limited and expensive.


When was the last time you saw someone carrying a phone like that?
LexusLover's Avatar
[SIZE=3]I have tried to help you .... Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, your posts speak for themselves from the beginning. After that you have only been trying to help yourself out of the hole you dug when talking about something you didn't (and don't) know squat about ... from the first post .... it wasn't a question if "I' wanted the government to pay the money.

But if it helps you fledgling EGO please "carry on" ..

.......but quit trying to change what you posted. We know someone else like that! It's really ugly when you all get caught doing it. Makes you look dumb.

Back to reality ... you didn't ask if I "wanted" the government to pay for it.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I heard where that set up cost around 100k to install and maintain per plane.

So do you think our government should mandate that cost to all airlines?[/QUOTE]

The reason why the world knows you are full of shit with your "fall back interpretation" is since 90% of the U.S. fleet already HAS IT INSTALLED, there would be no "cost" to "mandate" to those airlines ... and "our government" cannot mandate nonU.S. fleets to install anything .... only prohibit aircraft not meeting certain standards to land in U.S. ports.

So you didn't know what you were talking about in the first place. The end.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL I don't understand this comment. Please enlighten this dumb ole boy.

You can give the 911 center your cell number, if you want. Originally Posted by tucson
I can call the 911 call center where I work or live and give them my cell number, my name, and any additional information identifying me. It will go in the system for that call center. When my cell number comes up, my data is associated with the number.
LL the thing with the standard phone system is the telephone in your house is stationary. Where as your cell phone is not. The 911 system has your address for your standard system. Your cell phone can be any where there is cell service. If the 911 tax money were to be spent to update the service centers they would be able to locate you via GPS coordinates, I installed a phone system at DFW where we spent a week explaining that even though the phone lines all ended at one location I extended them on my equipment to offices all over. The final out come was I needed to give them the destination office with in "hand grenade" range.
When tax money is appropriated for a reason then put in the general fund it becomes lost funds. Just follow your gasoline tax.
Back on subject I am concerned that no one has detected the ping from the black boxes. They now have located four large pieces of the aircraft but no pings.
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  • 01-03-2015, 04:24 PM

Back to reality ... you didn't ask if I "wanted" the government to pay for it.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No I asked if you wanted the government to mandate it. I followed that up with another comment, care to quote that too?

The reason why the world knows you are full of shit with your "fall back interpretation" is since 90% of the U.S. fleet already HAS IT INSTALLED, there would be no "cost" to "mandate" to those airlines ... and "our government" cannot mandate nonU.S. fleets to install anything .... only prohibit aircraft not meeting certain standards to land in U.S. ports.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well at least now you are doing some legit research instead of saying stupid shit like how cheap your cell phone app is to install!

This country has a 2020 program in place called NextGen I believe....Asia is notorious for low cost carriers with less regulations. http://www.businessweek.com/articles...southeast-asia

So with that being said.... again are you for more government regulations in regards to the airline industry? Or are you like our Tea Nuts that want government out of the fucking way.

Next time , try and do a tad bit more research than downloading an app on your phone and comparing that to tracking airplanes! It is almost as bad as you comparing Ebola to the common flu.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you think they are telling us everything as it happens?
Rather than government mandates that are based on some political basis how about the airlines finding solutions. You and I may fly 20 hours a year but the airlines are doing it 24 hours a day. I worked for the airline industry for 35 years and they are aware of their short comings. The government has become an obstacle in most of their dictates. The airlines developed many of the technologies because it made them safer and increased their profits. ACARS was not a federal mandate it was driven by need and profits. You would not believe the advances from 1968 when I entered the scene. Worldwide communications were not in existence and the pilots worked on estimates for location and occasional communications. The building of Single sideband communications ushered in communications any where on the globe. In an experiment from a radio site in WY. I established communications link from a citizen band radio to an aircraft over the Atlantic just to see if it could be done.
The long and short of it is in most cases the government slows or prohibits most innovations.
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  • 01-03-2015, 06:08 PM
Tucson maybe you can convince LexusLover to answer the question honestly without all the double talk instead of all that bullshit about his god damn cell phone!

.He is proving the old adage true. .You can lead an horse's ass to water but you can't keep him from pissing in the watering hole!
LL is not a horses ass just wrong. Cell phones only work to the closest cell tower. There are still places in the continental US where cell phones won't work. I would hazard a guess that a cell phone will only work with in 30 miles of a cell tower. They are fantastic for every day use. BUT if an emergency pops up they are the first thing to go. Even here in the DFW area cell phone service gets over crowded when a tornado occurs. I work with several emergency groups and we rely on ham radio when all else fails. During the Katrina emergency we provided communications into and out of NOLA.
LL cell phones and the many great things they offer just won't cut it if you are way out in the boon docks. AT&T puts up those big maps but if you notice there is a whole bunch of white space. Off shore there are no cell towers so no communications. Satellite phones offer global communications but the cost of the unit and cost per minute is prohibitive.
The airline industry has worldwide communications because they can make money by having them. Safety is the first reason but the safety of the aircraft is the first consideration of the crew and the company. You can be assured that Asia Air has flown it's last flight it will never come back. The air craft may be painted another color with another name. Remember the airline that had the reputation of delivering fast food to the gators in Fl.(an old airline joke)
I just looked it up Value Jet. They now fly under a different name. The new airline is Air Tran with a much better safety record.