Tipping providers

SweetDulce's Avatar
How difficult is it for a lady to make $1000 a day, not very. As with any business location is important. But if a lady is in Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, New York, well populated places she can almost without effort earn $1k a day. Now the lady if Buford Wyoming needs to relocate or travel. Thus, making $1k a day with a two day off period per week comes to $260k annually. All for 20 hours a week of work, not 40 like most folks.. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
I have MANY provide for friends in Houston. None of us make 1K a day. Yes, sometimes we do, but not often.
So yes, a tip is appreciated, and we will like you more and be happier to give you references and abide to last minute requests for good tippers.
I tip my nail tech, hair stylist, and all my services. This is the only service industry where some are abhorred at the idea of tipping. Regular schmegular Men outside the board, or those not socially awkward,usually tip me though... as they would with any service.
Been there, done that... Originally Posted by Wakeup
So you come back with nothing I suppose.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-15-2017, 08:40 PM
So you come back with nothing I suppose. Originally Posted by Just Dreaming
A bad attitude?
Wakeup's Avatar
So you come back with nothing I suppose. Originally Posted by Just Dreaming
You suppose incorrectly...but that's all you buddy.
You're only kidding yourself lil guy.
I have tipped a Houston provider, because she drove from one side of the city to the other. $20.
Traffic in Houston is horrific around the time I was available. I only hooked up once a month
for an out of the ordinary service that she enjoyed providing.
I think the $20/month was worth it. It didn't kill my wallet and she never asked for 1 cent over
her normal charge.
I just rounded up, that's how I came up with that number.
I tip my barber, bar tenders and waitresses depending on service. I know how much they make
without tips. If they give good service, I give good tips.
I agree with the cost of hobby providers not needing tips, but if they go out of their way for me,
I don't mind going out of my way for them.
  • ddot
  • 08-19-2017, 12:08 PM
I agree I'm not tipping not unless I'm really into her..im already paying enough for a hour already
How difficult is it for a lady to make $1000 a day, not very. As with any business location is important. But if a lady is in Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, New York, well populated places she can almost without effort earn $1k a day. Now the lady if Buford Wyoming needs to relocate or travel. Thus, making $1k a day with a two day off period per week comes to $260k annually. All for 20 hours a week of work, not 40 like most folks. If she were to work weekends and long hours she can earn $600k a year and not pay taxes on it.

These ladies make $250k and more but part of their marketing is to be low volume or poorer so you will give more or see her more. All just marketing ploy. She makes more than you do most often and you pay taxes, lol.

I speak truth. I am in business with more ladies in this work than you have ever fucked. I do not have sex with them and when sex is off the table the relationship is much different. They tell me everything, I am honorable and hold those secrets in, but over all tone, is much different than what you guys post, lol. I find it sort of funny how naive some of you really are.

Finman tips to get extra time or extra bonding over a meal. She is not bonding, she is ensuring a come back customer. It is all business for her. That is my point. Tip is you want to but still foolish.

Have any of you ever used the services of a plumber, lawyer, mechanic? Ever tip them? Why not? Who makes more a plumber at $100/ hr, lawyer at $250/hr, mechanic at $75 an hour or prostitute at $300/hr. Most would agree tipping plumber, lawyer is foolish, so why is it not foolish to tip provider? Who makes more money?

This is all truth, but live in your delusional worlds of denial. Your money do with it as you want. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Seriously? What makes you think we don't pay taxes cuz I do....and tipping isnt required & I'll tell you this dont make 1k a day
If you are not making $1k a day then you are either not putting much effort in or you are doing something wrong. In your case there is plenty I would suggest you change, your rates are confusing and conflicting on your showcase. You have a few "no" reviews from 2 months ago, that does not help. You have little business sense it shows from your showcase, not being negative trying to help. Just because you have a pussy does not mean you can make a good loving here. More to it, but effort is minimal, but you put more effort in accommodating Nikki love than you do in accommodating the customer.

I also do not believe an avid 420 person is honest with Uncle Sam about taxes. Filing a tax return and collecting EIC is not paying taxes, in fact it is fraudulently taking money from the government. There is a difference in paying taxes and filing taxes.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If you are not making $1k a day then you are either not putting much effort in or you are doing something wrong. In your case there is plenty I would suggest you change, your rates are confusing and conflicting on your showcase. You have a few "no" reviews from 2 months ago, that does not help. You have little business sense it shows from your showcase, not being negative trying to help. Just because you have a pussy does not mean you can make a good loving here. More to it, but effort is minimal, but you put more effort in accommodating Nikki love than you do in accommodating the customer.

I also do not believe an avid 420 person is honest with Uncle Sam about taxes. Filing a tax return and collecting EIC is not paying taxes, in fact it is fraudulently taking money from the government. There is a difference in paying taxes and filing taxes. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
I'll go with not making 1k as she is in Kansas City
ICU 812's Avatar
I like a provider's tips to be on the smaller side but firm, responsive and perky.
mitch p's Avatar
I have a provider I see on a regular basis. She has great specials and takes real good care of her returning clients. Does not gouge you eyes out on rates but gives extreme pleasure. She will always get a tip from me because I appreciate her:
beguilingvoice's Avatar
Do you tip lyft, uber or even better a taxi driver? They most likely are an owner or a leaser of the taxi
Do you tip lyft, uber or even better a taxi driver? They most likely are an owner or a leaser of the taxi Originally Posted by beguilingvoice
But your fee goes to Uber, Lyft, taxi service, and then THEY pay the driver. The driver doesn't bank it all. And for Uber, the tip is included in the fare.