the vaccination battle continues

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, my brother’s father in law, who was in his early 70’s, overweight and a prolific smoker and drinker died from COVID after getting the vaccine.

I trust the numbers from the Mayo Clinic system, Israeli health ministry, Kaiser Permanente, etc. We can go back and forth with anecdotal stories. The fact is the vaccines work very well.

I’ve gotten three pricks in my arm, have COVID antibodies, and didn’t spend 4 days sick. Originally Posted by Tiny
Talk to me a couple years down the road. You, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J have no clue what the long term effects will be. But there’s more Vaers incidents already reported than all vaccines combined over the past 13yrs. Talk to those people. It’s not anecdotal.
That’s the definition of anecdotal.
  • oeb11
  • 10-17-2021, 09:03 AM
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  • Tiny
  • 10-17-2021, 09:12 AM
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FatCity's Avatar
Israeli health ministry. Originally Posted by Tiny
Israel is the highest vaccinated country in the world.

Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world's highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.

this sinks the argument that the vaccine is "effective" or necessary, much less a justification for mandates. I'm not saying you should stop believing what you want to believe, merely responding to something you presented.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
We can go back and forth with anecdotal stories. The fact is the vaccines work very Originally Posted by Tiny
If that’s a fact why are we reported to have more cases and deaths (not that I actually believe this to be true) when 70% of the country is vaccinated than we did when 0% were. And why TF do vaccinated people care if some people aren’t if they’re well protected. Seems to me if the vaccine works they’d have nothing to worry about.
FatCity's Avatar
Seems to me if the vaccine works they’d have nothing to worry about. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
ummm, didn't factor in the new Delta Delta PLUS Epsilon Lambda Zeta variant!
HOW do we know which one it is? we don't, TRUST US, BRO
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Im waiting for the Omega Mu variant that changes fit hotties into BBWs.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just how many Americans will chose to give up their job to avoid the vaccine? We are about to see. Starting tommorrow ( generally speaking ) people will start geting fired and we will see what Biden's mandate is going to do to this country.

I watch a lot of college football. Yesterday I observed about roughly 50,000 unmasked people, in many, many cities, yelling, spewing "air droplets" to the person sitting next to them who they have no idea is vaccinated or not.

Sure looks like they either believe Covid is over or simply don't care and people are going to loose their livelihoods while millions say "I don't care, I'm going to live my life as I chose".

This is so incredibly fucked up.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Im waiting for the Omega Mu variant that changes fit hotties into BBWs. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
HedonistForever's Avatar
The "Science" says that natural antibodies from having survived Covid-19 is more protective than being dosed with Vaccine. In my example the sick adults had both shots.

In the old days (2017 or so) the CDC defined a vaccine as a treatment that immunized one against a disease. The definition of a vaccine has been changed by the CDC to mean only something that reduces the severity of an infection. So what we are getting now is not actually a vaccine as we used to understand it.

With that said: It is not :"science" to require a naturally immune Covid survivor to be vaccinated against their wishes. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Yes, some interpret the science that way but not the "official" scientist at CDC who continue to say that vaccine is better than natural immunity. How can they not say that if they WANT ( and oh do they ever want it ) everybody to get the vaccine whether necessary or not.

These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

That's their story and they are sticking to it come hell or high water.

... I got me shots - 'cause President Trump said that
it was a good idea.

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 10-17-2021, 12:29 PM
Israel is the highest vaccinated country in the world.

this sinks the argument that the vaccine is "effective" or necessary, much less a justification for mandates. I'm not saying you should stop believing what you want to believe, merely responding to something you presented.

If you guys believe COVID is a big deal YOU'D BETTER GODDAMNED WELL NOT BE HOBBYING RIGHT NOW Originally Posted by FatCity
For the fiftieth time, I'm not arguing the vaccines are 100% effective in preventing infection. After six months they may be, say, only 30% to 70% effective in preventing infection, depending on the vaccine and the age of the person. But they're still HIGHLY effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization and death. And with boosters they'll remain highly effective.

As to Israel, we've been through that already too,

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please brush up on your math skills. This is explained by Simpson's paradox. Using August data, among Israeli's under 50, you were 13X likelier to be hospitalized from COVID if you were unvaccinated. For Israeli's over 50, you were almost 7 times likelier to be hospitalized if unvaccinated. The vaccines in August were 85% to 95% effective against severe disease. (1)(2)

The reasons for the seeming discrepancy,

1. The percentage of COVID patients in Israeli hospitals with severe COVID who are vaccinated was actually around 50% to 60%, not 80%, a few weeks ago. Now, perhaps because of boosters, Israel has more unvaccinated hospitalized patients than vaccinated hospital patients. (1)(2)(3)

2. A substantially higher percentage of older people are vaccinated in Israel than younger people.

3. Older people are much more likely to be hospitalized from COVID than younger people. Like orders of magnitude more likely.

Consider this example. If, say, 100% of old people were vaccinated, and the vaccine reduced their probability of hospitalization by 90%, so they were 100X likelier to be hospitalized than young, unvaccinated people instead of 1000X more likely, then still most of the hospitalized will be old, vaccinated people.




(3) Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 10-17-2021, 12:36 PM
If that’s a fact why are we reported to have more cases and deaths (not that I actually believe this to be true) when 70% of the country is vaccinated than we did when 0% were. And why TF do vaccinated people care if some people aren’t if they’re well protected. Seems to me if the vaccine works they’d have nothing to worry about. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fifty-seven percent of the country is fully vaccinated. New cases during during December and January were running around 200,000 per day. At present, on the backside of the fourth wave, there are around 85,000 new cases per day. Same story with deaths - they were around 3,000 per day in January, now they're down to around 1600 per day.

And we care because we love you. By "you" I mean the unvaccinated.