greetings fellow politcal forum posters ..

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 07:41 AM
That is like asking Stalin or Hitler?

Look mate, you said I wouldn't post something which was yet another lie by you.

If you really would like to change the culture of the forum to be more civil . I support that. But you have to try and stop lying about other posters.

My plumbers employees are not my employees.

All I could legally do with say a plumber I had contracted with would be to demand them off my property.

They are not my employees. I can't take them to another job site and have them do my girlfriend bath tub.

You are traveling deep into the weeds to come up with these lies of yours.

How about you quit lying, apologize for the lies you've told and we can move the civility train you purported to want all to board along. If not this threads seems to be you hope of getting members banned that you lie and distort about and slap you verbally for doing so. Originally Posted by WTF
There is certainly no dispute that when I hire some guy to fix a water leak in my house that he is contract labor.

However, when someone is in the business of building houses and hires plumbers to build their plumbing portion of the house, then certain rules apply to determine if someone is a contractor or not, and we all know it is better to have a contractor than an employee, so people push the rules.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 08:58 AM
There is certainly no dispute that when I hire some guy to fix a water leak in my house that he is contract labor.

However, when someone is in the business of building houses and hires plumbers to build their plumbing portion of the house, then certain rules apply to determine if someone is a contractor or not, and we all know it is better to have a contractor than an employee, so people push the rules. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Listen mate , we've had a bit of a go around with this before. As with much in life it depends on size and volume.

One can hardly say that a plumber who derives a small % of their business from a small company is an employee of that company.

They have a contract on that particular house and the GC can't come in and order the subcontractors employees around. They do not work for him.

Poor TWK seems confused as to which of us actually believe that subcontractor labor are employees.

That was where this dust up come about...poor fella was confused about me mocking you about this issue.

Hope you didn't jump in the market with both feet yesterday.

Evidently TWK is trying to make money off this tragedy with Corona stock.

HoeHummer's Avatar
There is certainly no dispute that when I hire some guy to fix a water leak in my house that he is contract labor.

However, when someone is in the business of building houses and hires plumbers to build their plumbing portion of the house, then certain rules apply to determine if someone is a contractor or not, and we all know it is better to have a contractor than an employee, so people push the rules. Originally Posted by friendly fred
HoeHummer's Avatar
This is the kind of "experiment" I would expect from a trumpy. In other words, this is as biased as could be expected from a trumpy who had a swastica on his avatar. Or the kind of person who uses one person's posts as the only examples while ignoring chronic offenders on his own team. And not smart enough to see the major faults in his own setup (or scum-baggish enough to slip this into what you claim is an honest test).
You and your ilk have acted like this is the wild west for quite some time now. Don't pretend to be surprised others would use the forum the same way you do.

If you had taken any science classes in your failed attempt at graduating from high school, you would understand your "experiment" isn't an experiment. It has no "control" or variables (other posters). You also lack an objective but that's your usual state. It's just another attempt to bullshit your way into the land of the credible.

A hint: A real experiment, for example, might have 3 people making exactly the same quote. The objective would be to see if there was any bias towards individual posters or if the posts caused any type of response from the mods.

Remember, you don't have to see/admit what a douche-bag you are for it to be true. Or the scope of your falsehoods for you to be a pissant liar.

So all you little sensitive snowflakes hit the RTM button together. If I get pointed, BFD.
I still respect your right to post but I long have had no respect for your character. Or lack of I should say.

Did that answer fit into your "database" of your "experiment"?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Wells put.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 09:20 AM
It was no experiment....TWK had gotten some points and it was his way of crying about them.

He has no intention to carry on an honest civil discussion.

But he hated the points he had gotten and he hates Black Jesus.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look mate, you said I wouldn't post something which was yet another lie by you.

If you really would like to change the culture of the forum to be more civil . I support that. But you have to try and stop lying about other posters.

My plumbers employees are not my employees.

All I could legally do with say a plumber I had contracted with would be to demand them off my property.

They are not my employees. I can't take them to another job site and have them do my girlfriend bath tub.

You are traveling deep into the weeds to come up with these lies of yours.

How about you quit lying, apologize for the lies you've told and we can move the civility train you purported to want all to board along. If not this threads seems to be you hope of getting members banned that you lie and distort about and slap you verbally for doing so. Originally Posted by WTF

you are legend in DA NILE. if you support a more civil discourse just prove it. i mean .. how hard could that be?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 10:34 AM
you are legend in DA NILE. if you support a more civil discourse just prove it. i mean .. how hard could that be? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Let me be nice and civil.

You lied or were mistaken about me saying subs were employees.

You then presented as evidence a post where I was making fun of friendly fred for implying that subs were employees. Which is the exact opposite of wtf you stated.

Instead of doing the honorable thing and saying you made a spout this gibberish.

Hopefully you can do the just and civil thing and admit your mistake.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let me be nice and civil.

You lied or were mistaken about me saying subs were employees.

You then presented as evidence a post where I was making fun of friendly fred for implying that subs were employees. Which is the exact opposite of wtf you stated.

Instead of doing the honorable thing and saying you made a spout this gibberish.

Hopefully you can do the just and civil thing and admit your mistake.

Originally Posted by WTF

well which is it? did i lie or was i mistaken? or will you claim both next time you post?

if you posted stuff to make fun of the friendly one then you made a fool of yourself and trying to throw sarcasm over it doesn't help your case any. this is what you get for doing that in the first place and you wonder why no one takes you serious? your track record isn't serious.

being an internet troll is a lonely life but that's what you've chosen to be from the beginning in this forum. but hey it's a free internet right??

and you'll be waiting until black jesus returns for the Resurrection before you'll get any apology from me about what you've posted. it's really quite simple .. all you have to do is stop saying anything you can think of, troll nonsense that it is, to get yer wanker off trolling people who support Trump.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
well which is it? did i lie or was i mistaken?

You made a mistake by lying.

being an internet troll is a lonely life but that's what you've chosen to be from the beginning in this forum. but hey it's a free internet right??

Do you want to let the Wild Wild West reign?

it's really quite simple .. all you have to do is stop saying anything you can think of, troll nonsense that it is, to get yer wanker off trolling people who support Trump.

Or do you want to tell people what they should not post?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Which is it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Which is it? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
well which is it? did i lie or was i mistaken?

You made a mistake by lying.

if you say so

being an internet troll is a lonely life but that's what you've chosen to be from the beginning in this forum. but hey it's a free internet right??

Do you want to let the Wild Wild West reign?

the Wild Wild West was cancelled

it's really quite simple .. all you have to do is stop saying anything you can think of, troll nonsense that it is, to get yer wanker off trolling people who support Trump.

Or do you want to tell people what they should not post?

they can post whatever they want .. it's either relevant or it's not. if it's relevant it's not likely to be trolling and/or a rules violation.

thank you valued poster!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 01:48 PM
It looks like you just had a made up conversation with yourself.

I'm reminded of Clint Eastwood at the 2012 convention.

How did those points taste like valued poster?

Your crying like they tasted like a Trump Russian Piss!

This whole thread was nothing but your way of trolling for others to receive points.

Great got oeb11 some
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It looks like you just had a made up conversation with yourself.

I'm reminded of Clint Eastwood at the 2012 convention.

How did those points taste like valued poster?

Your crying like they tasted like a Trump Russian Piss!

This whole thread was nothing but your way of trolling for others to receive points.

Great got oeb11 some Originally Posted by WTF
TWK thinks posting "if you say so" is not trolling. Is that any different from the funny memes we post?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It looks like you just had a made up conversation with yourself.

I'm reminded of Clint Eastwood at the 2012 convention.

Clint turned to the dark side with Darth Bloomerpuddin'

How did those points taste like valued poster?

same as yours

Your crying like they tasted like a Trump Russian Piss!

still hoping for the "Pee" tape to emerge i see ..

This whole thread was nothing but your way of trolling for others to receive points.

trolling is such a harsh word ..

Great got oeb11 some Originally Posted by WTF

thank you valued poster!

TWK thinks posting "if you say so" is not trolling. Is that any different from the funny memes we post? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so
Rules? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
IRS rules:

The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax.