What are your thoughts on deposits?

Just wanted to post an update

after reading this thread and getting advice from others I started taking deposit and I've had no problems

And I have reviews written on me since taking deposits haven't scammed anyone and don't plan to as I'm not the type of person so I don't see this being an issue

into the people who are just calling us whores and degrading us why are you seeking our services and wanting to spend time with us that is just so ugly and nasty

at the end of the day you control where you want to spend your money and if you're not comfortable payment deposit then just go see someone that doesn't have that policy it's that simple

for me I just can't fly across the country and spend $1,000 and hotel room and plane tickets for a guy to flake on me

everyone's different but at this point I'm so highly reviewed and reputable that if someone thinks I'm a scam artist than they just haven't done their research

thanks to everyone that continues to book me even with deposits which is a lot of people
I agree with Sienna the most but I gotta say, if she's a professional and requires deposits to ensure clients don't ghost her try to find professional men who will abide by those rules.

Use the more professional sites and stick to a network of guys who will do that but don't require a deposit on a site like adult search which is mostly scammers and girls with fake pics.

If you desire quality represent yourself as such.

IMO thats all but I completely understand both sides her.
If you don't agree with a girl's policy instead of degrading her just don't book her it is that simple there are plenty of providers that fit your needs whether that be budget or policy

But please don't try and persuade someone to change their system to fit your needs when there's plenty of people to contact

And can we please stop being so derogatory this is just so uncalled for and why I choose not to be on this forum as much as I used to

Everyone have a blessed day
gimme_that's Avatar
As for outcalls most I see are at hotels are men who are traveling for work so why would I need to pay him for his hotel he's using for his stay if I have to cancel ?
Peace Out ... Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. My point exactly has been made by your response. Whether a guy is on business or not isn’t important. You wouldn’t know that unless they told you. You won’t know that and you also don’t know if you time mishap might have cut off all opportunity and alibi for him to get away to have fun. For you he’s just another number. Cause he already paid you “half” as you said in prior post.

If a lady cancels or ncns you deem it “fully acceptable”.......he should just accept it. “He should have had a plan B.”

At least you finally admitted it at the end. Regrettably. But you did. And that’s my point.
gimme_that's Avatar
If you don't agree with a girl's policy instead of degrading her just don't book her it is that simple there are plenty of providers that fit your needs whether that be budget or policy

But please don't try and persuade someone to change their system to fit your needs when there's plenty of people to contact

And can we please stop being so derogatory this is just so uncalled for and why I choose not to be on this forum as much as I used to

Everyone have a blessed day Originally Posted by Sienna91
No one degraded anyone. I certainly didn’t. Guys and ladies make choices everyday. Most clients have posted they don’t like deposits. I didn’t have an issue with it. But I also said why I might not as well.

And as far as persuasion:

Even a back seat driver in your eyes can be dangerous, if persuasive. Does that make sense to you?

Just because someone or in this case a stable set of client posters page for page in this thread don’t agree in bulk to paying a deposit doesn’t mean they are deragatory to you just cause they have a difference of opinion. Let’s not be Karen’s here on some faux “me too” stuff.

Your trying to convince guys why paying a deposit first comforts you and makes you feel better and show him as trustworthy. But when the hypothetical scenario of similar proportions exist you feel payment, or other forms of provider pre meet collateral is beneath you to take care of for the client. Like if he wanted nude pics before sending a deposit (example). And that’s cool. Your entitled to that stance.

Have a blessed day indeed. Hopefully more will post their opinions on it.

If you don’t like the results your getting response for response you can always pm the original poster and ask them to close the thread if someone having a thought and mindframe other than yours bothers you. People cop out and do that all the time when you make a good point. Let’s see.........
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
I've never done it before, and I think it's unlikely I'll ever do it. Might consider if if the lady could be held accountable for stealing, had limited availability, and she only asked for a small amount such as 10% of the payment total.

However, it's not uncommon for "fly me to you" or exclusive touring arrangements. In those kinds of situations there's a lot of time and money on the line, and some women who offer that want to make sure the guy is taking it seriously. I'll don't do that kind of stuff, so it's not applicable to me. Originally Posted by Pangolier
If you're flying her to you. you'll have paid for the airline ticket, so she would know by you doing that and you given her the ticket info and she has them printed out she knows you're serious, if you send a deposit she could just ghost you and not use the ticket.
gimme_that's Avatar
Just buying a plane ticket is not enough incentive for most ladies to travel to you. Especially if the ticket is refundable. Most want 50% and/or hotel booking included at least if not outcall. Ticket or not. Example if your overnight or weekend is 2500 she will want at least half. Might as well pay it to her in that scenario because I’m sure if you pay it you would need her full government name to purchase it unless your didn’t want a paper trail that leads to you. That’s a little too late in the game to not trust her. Take the full risk. Buying a cheaper non refundable ticket your taking that anyway. And keep in mind some ladies do not want to fly coach. They might not be used to that. You might find a few that are humble, but some understandably have a financial threshold and lifestyle they won’t go below. That should be in consideration too.

And let’s say you buy a refundable ticket. You won’t know until her flight time if she’s actually gonna do it. Unless you had her contact you by a certain time before the flight. But even then she could lie and your refund would be loss.

I see no reason not to pay a lady that’s flying to you. Especially right now with the risk of Covid flying. But even before this that’s one of the few situations I’ll take that 50% risk.

They will want something else on top of that. Or at least they should if they are coming straight from the plane to you.

But if she flying for just the purposes of a tour and I’m not the first she’s booking with, I wouldn’t. But I book overnights. So if I don’t have her the first night or at least the second night of a tour I wouldn’t want it. And if I’m not the first client I definitely would not pay for a plane ticket.

When a lady tours is just as important for me. I don’t wanna be at the tale end of one or too far in the middle as it’s less incentive mentally for me and harder for her to accommodate me for the time frame I need.
I can understand a deposit in the fly-me-to-you scenario or the 3-4 hour long session especially if it's someone you've never met.....if you've met on previous occasions and there has been trust established that everything is legit and you know you'll get paid then that's a different story.

Personally I've never paid a deposit, mostly as I'm not technologically up to date.....I still have a simple flipphone, a laptop with no hotspot to hook up to, just moral wifi at some public places and no internet restrictions at home. Never did paypal or cashapp or smartphones or bitcoin, no twitter or facebook or instagram. Making this sound bad but I do have electricity and using the toilet doesn't include shoes and a flashlight and a trip to a small shed with a crescent moon cut in the door.

For me leaving a deposit would be like sliding a c-note under the door and then texting if I can come in now.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
In the decades that I have been hobbying, I have not read a review or even a post that a hobbyist who prepaid recieved a good session, but I have read numerous posts of providers that took the prepaid deposit and did not follow through.

If the shoe was on the other foot, how many providers would let you see them for a session today and wait until you get your paycheck on Friday to pay the donation?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-14-2020, 02:43 PM
I was going to start a poll asking about the whole pre-payment, electronic payments requirements some have

A. Are providers smarter now a days?

B. Are clients just stupider now a days?

After thinking about it, it's a little bit of both, if you have dumb guys willing to do it, why not take it? Don't hate the game, Hate the player
Let the market speak and require deposits or not.

My preference is that I don't deal with anyone wanting a deposit but that is my policy and I have my reasons. Namely, only a future date credit instead of a refund in case things go south.

Also, no pictures. I have seen more of this recently and it is a terrible idea especially if you are married or have anything to lose like a job, etc, if things go south.

If ladies are being cancelled and now they want deposits then maybe they should look at their screening process. There are numerous escort whitelisting services out there and if they have worked all these years, what has changed to make deposits necessary? I have been cancelled on (NCNS) and it would have sucked to have lost money in such a deal.

I'm not gonna do it. If it means that I won't be seeing Sienna then so be it. There are plenty of other escorts out there.
gimme_that's Avatar
I was going to start a poll asking about the whole pre-payment, electronic payments requirements some have Originally Posted by BLM69
Your in a hobby Mecca zone in Dallas. I usually don’t have to pay deposits and most times won’t. But from where you post it’s easier to say you won’t. Because you have literally hundreds of ladies to choose from if you decline her.

That’s not the same struggle as smaller cities.

Money in hand is always power. Once you relinquish it that’s kryptonite. But y’all have strength in numbers.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-17-2020, 07:56 PM
Your in a hobby Mecca zone in Dallas. I usually don’t have to pay deposits and most times won’t. But from where you post it’s easier to say you won’t. Because you have literally hundreds of ladies to choose from if you decline her.

That’s not the same struggle as smaller cities.

Money in hand is always power. Once you relinquish it that’s kryptonite. But y’all have strength in numbers. Originally Posted by gimme_that
This is true, Dallas is overloaded with talent! And not just from hobby sites, you can be picky when you're spoiled
This endeavor is not known for stable participants on either side of the arrangement.. The possibility of being scammed or blackmailed has caused me to avoid providers who require deposits. Each lady can set her own requirements and if she is able to make it work for her, more power to her. Reading other posts about taking souvenirs or scheduling and then jerking off and flaking on the provider have helped me see things from a different point of view. For a guy to be flaked on by a provider is disappointing and irritating and I have not liked it one bit when it happened to me. When a guy flakes on a provider there are economic consequences for her. Ultimately you have to put some level of trust in someone in a population with untrustworthy people. If a deposit is what is needed to get that trust for any provider so be it. I won’t participate but I have no problem with a provider setting her business up as she wishes.
I hate to say this but typically girls who use forums to do most of their advertisements are not on the higher end of the spectrum therefore or more liable to rob somebody. I mean let's just be honest most of the forum wants to find the cheapest entertainment they can you get what you pay for

not saying it's not possible but I highly doubt you're going to have girls that get paid thousands from one guy a day really want to Rob someone and ruin her entire online reputation.

every single review I have ever seen from a scam looked like a scam

and I say that because forms are not the number one go-to place for advertisement anymore things have really changed.

So of course you were read negative things on forums

Marketing classes will even tell you customers are more liable to speak on a negative experience than a positive one

There are some people who don't even write reviews at all except when they have been scammed

And it is simply not true that reliable clients don't have to pay deposit what deposits help with is paying for traveling expenses before you get there

No provider who makes great money in their hometown is going to travel across the country for free that literally makes no sense

I don't care if you booked any traveling service a wedding or anything they are going to require a deposit because work has to be done before you even get your part of the service rendered in person

but as was already said you are able to pick and choose who you want to see just letting you all know that more upscale providers will be moving to deposit all you have to do is take one look at Twitter as there is where most girls are advertising anyway

As most of us do not like forum decorum anymore

This is not back page days escorting has changed

My only thing is don't shame man who pay deposits not seeing anyone that has done that on this thread but I have seen that before

most of my dates now are only multi hour and men have no problem paying deposits and all of my reviews are positive

so for every one man that does not pay a deposit there are 10 more lined up ready because they have done enough research on that provider to know that she will not scam and they understand that it takes money to fly across the country and pay for hotel rooms

get to the point in providing career that I have too many special gentleman that reach out that I have establish relationships with and enjoy spending time with willing to pay in full so there's no way I deal with people who don't want to pay deposit but want me to travel 2000 miles