Yssup Rider's Avatar
I disagree. There have always been fiscal watchdogs on both sides of the aisle.

These guys are more akin to a mob than a political ideology.

Again, please cite any legislation that has been proffered by the Tea Party that has a) passed any governing body, and b) has benefitted the people it represents. I think you'll come up empty.

these guys are not about you, CC! They are trying to ride Koch Brothers' money toward a methodical power grab, using the great unwashed masses as their Hallelujah chorus.

It's the worst kind of power grab.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2013, 06:04 AM
Probably the biggest thing the tea party has brought to the country is a much sharper awareness among the populace of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Market Economics, or lack thereof, in todays government.

Now whether thats a good thing or a bad thing, and whether you support or hate the tea party, simply depends on your core beliefs. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
It would be a good thing if it were true.

I agree with assup..the Tea Nuts are in it for the power grab, just like any and all politicians.

They want, ''Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Market Economics'' when it suits their core beliefs. It damn sure isn't their Core Beliefs. Though they try and sell it as so. I think they even believe it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Nah, it boils down to my last statement, when you strip away all the bullshit and political blather and grandstanding, its what YOU as a person believe in

Now whether thats a good thing or a bad thing, and whether you support or hate the tea party, simply depends on your core beliefs.