No glove and lots of love - Barebacking in the hobby

plove35's Avatar
Jeez I just dont care...the "assumed" thought is that ALL hobbyist/providers are/have bb`d in the hobby, whether by design or spur of the moment...or the ss slip in. This whole hobby is risky, from one being illegal, diseases, getting caught, etc... we all go in with these risk in mind, so barebacking occurs and it doesnt matter unless you are barebacking.
TinMan's Avatar
The only thing that surprises me about this thread is the number of long-time members of this forum who still think arguing about the risks of bbfs is somehow going to change anyone's mind. Here's a radical thought: if you didn't change that person's opinion the first 100 times the topic has been discussed, what makes you think the 101st is going to be any different?
The only thing that surprises me about this thread is the number of long-time members of this forum who still think arguing about the risks of bbfs is somehow going to change anyone's mind. Here's a radical thought: if you didn't change that person's opinion the first 100 times the topic has been discussed, what makes you think the 101st is going to be any different? Originally Posted by TinMan
The same as when people keep dredging up past bullshit in order to keep it fresh in everyone's minds. If it were not for regurgitating the same old shit, having pissing contests, condescending oneupsmanship posts and feeding agendas, whatever would become of this site? Maybe a real review board and providing actual intel to make informed decisions, coupled with having stimulating and on topic civilized discussions on adult topics? Nah, get the fuck out of here with that shit!
milfy2002's Avatar
We can argue the degree to which risk increases with this activity, but there's no denying it increases risk. I think since we're already risk-takers, being in the hobby, then we're already the personality types to take this risk further into bbs.

I don't personally. I see it from a public health standpoint, and from personal health (i.e. my own), but I wanted to tell Milfy that there's some research showing male ejaculate causes an anti-depressive hormonal reaction in the vagina, occurring locally, and affecting the body. This is separate and different from other pleasure reactions, in the body, ie. intimacy, the sex, orgasm, etc.; therefore, it doesn't happen with a comdom, etc. Milfy, you're prolly sensitive to it, so therefore want it. **
Warm regards,
**this is in no way meant to encourage bbs. Hahahaha Originally Posted by LoveNHorny
Well no wonder it feels so good!

Some ladies are good catholic girls and some aren't. The First Amendment gives us the right to choose.
Good bless my good, squirtin' catholic girl. Originally Posted by Richardson570

You will be amazed of how many prescriptions I fill for people who have Herpes or HIV- to the average set of eyes you will never know their disease state by physically looking at them - and honestly these are individuals who look very healthy. You can no longer depend on " well he/she looks clean. Honestly I don't see how a provider would be fine with offering that service to anyone walking in the door- Russian roulette - ditto for the guys who are into bbfs with street walkers- just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Yes please tell us the number of prescriptions as compared to the entire amount of patients in your client base. Say you have 40,000 patients, are you filling STD related prescriptions for 6,666.6 of them? And have you done a visual inspection of your herpes patients' genitalia or are you basing this assessment from looking at their faces?
Milfy 2002, good for you to be comfortable enough with yourself and how you are perceived to be open about your preference for bareback and creampies. But don't expect many to follow. For one I would be willing to bet a large number of providers barebck clients on the regular. The catch is the hobby is full of gullible guys, who truly believe that a woman who fucks any random guy who can pay the requested fee, is fucking nobody but him bareback. The ladies know understand this and doesnt want to ruin the special thing the guy thinks he is getting, therefore with very few exceptions wont be raising their hands saying me too on this thread.

I also want to commend to on being organized enough to engage and post on this thread and at the same time deal with the likely overwhelming volume of calls and pm's you are probably getting for guys looking to schedule.
Just STOP already.... My god... Can anyone find me some data on how cream pies are related to cerebral fluid, that clouds your thinking and makes you sound like a fucking desperate idiot???

Everytime I open a thread to read about your creampies I smell rotten cheese permeating my computer screen..... JUST STOP ADVERTISING its sick and desperate.
She told me that I was the only one, cause I'm so special.....she swore, on her children's eyes, she had never done BB since her children were conceived....I'm the one...that's what she told me. And I believe her. That said, to fund my hobby activities, I have to sell some's a bridge between San Francisco and Oakland. I'll let it go cheap, cause I'm such an honest trustworthy guy...... Originally Posted by Bobster36
Are you talking about Treasure Island? Great deal Disney has been trying to get their hands on that for years.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
So are you saying you wear a life jacket everytime you go near a pool or lake? Because if you don't you're basically in more danger of certain death than if you BB. Ijs Originally Posted by milfy2002

My reply to ludacris statements, not bashing just think if you want to bareback you are putting every one in danger just because of your selfish pleasure and so why must the ones who practice safety get in the line of danger?? Safety and self respect should come first not greed of selfish reasons
Randall Creed's Avatar
The same as when people keep dredging up past bullshit in order to keep it fresh in everyone's minds. If it were not for regurgitating the same old shit, having pissing contests, condescending oneupsmanship posts and feeding agendas, whatever would become of this site? Maybe a real review board and providing actual intel to make informed decisions, coupled with having stimulating and on topic civilized discussions on adult topics? Nah, get the fuck out of here with that shit! Originally Posted by davidfree986

If I see ONE MO' mf'king dead horse graphic, I'm going to....

And don't fucking post one just to be an asshat (watch...someone WILL do it, just to be that asshat).

This bb shit will stop when unfavorable results show up on a few visits to the clinic.
Roger.Smith's Avatar

My reply to ludacris statements, not bashing just think if you want to bareback you are putting every one in danger just because of your selfish pleasure and so why must the ones who practice safety get in the line of danger?? Safety and self respect should come first not greed of selfish reasons Originally Posted by Jessika Sweetz
That's the thing, if you wear condoms, you're not "in danger". Your odds go from 1:2500 to 0:2500 witth proper condom use. Saying that BB shows no self respect and puts others in danger is ignorant based on the mountain of public data available. It's just as ignorant when people say a plant that's legal in Colorado will make you insane, cause cancer, and turn you into a burnout. Despite evidence to the contrary, people still make those arguments because that's what they've been conditioned to believe.

You guys that make safety/self-respect arguments don't make them based on documented cases and public records, you make those arguments based on emotion and public opinion of "the right thing to do". When people believe in a concept because it's the socially acceptable thing to do acceptable and it's what most other people believe, they get emotional, hurl insults, and make nonsense allegations. It happens with politics, religion, and apparently here.

Before the 80's and the existence of HIV, were and those men and women going back to the beginning of time idiots for not using protection? In Europe, BB being offered isn't a big deal because proper sex education is taught and there's socialized medicine. When people are educated, fewer people make comments based on ignorance and fear.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-10-2015, 04:25 PM
No, YOUR participation in the hobby puts YOU at risk.
And that is entirely YOUR choice.
Make no mistake about it, BB happens every day.
You are a provider in Dallas, known throughout Eccie as the BBQ (Bare Back Queen) Capitol of the United States. Originally Posted by black sunshine
+1, I think people are comfortable with the don't ask, don't tell on this subject while doing it themselves
catbanger's Avatar
Just STOP already.... My god... Can anyone find me some data on how cream pies are related to cerebral fluid, that clouds your thinking and makes you sound like a fucking desperate idiot???

Everytime I open a thread to read about your creampies I smell rotten cheese permeating my computer screen..... JUST STOP ADVERTISING its sick and desperate. Originally Posted by LolaBrea
Well, it probably works a lot like suppositories work, what ever chemical that is working like an antidepressant gets absorbed into the bloodstream. You are aware that the blood passing by your butt hole will soon go through your head too? It's all one set of pipes.

It's also a proven fact that sex causes the release of endorphins in the brain, increases dopamine pumping and a whole mess of things in the head.
I just had a look at one and it sure seems like the pussy is a long ways from the head but it's physiology and biochemistry, distance means very little.
Iaintliein's Avatar
The assumption MUST be made that everyone does it bare with someone. Even if the big threats are remote statistically, explaining repetitive yeast infections at home could be a problem.

The absolute worst thing about the subject is attempting to obtain this service from an otherwise unwilling provider by coercion and mis-use of the review system. The first time I was offered BBFS it was very tempting but also very apparent she had been told that was required to get a good review. . . so I stopped writing reviews (on the old board of course).

Everyone is ultimately responsible for themselves but some really get upset about what others are known to do. I'm guessing references by ladies known to partake and or reviews of them would put a gent on the "do not see" list of many. And that's too bad since I've never heard of a provider refusing to use protection if asked.
That's the thing, if you wear condoms, you're not "in danger". Your odds go from 1:2500 to 0:2500 witth proper condom use. . Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Please provide a link to a reputable site that validates your numbers. "However, condom use cannot provide absolute protection against any STD. "
Also "
Condoms provide different levels of risk reduction for different STIs because infections are spread differently—some are spread by contact with bodily fluids while others are spread by skin to skin contact. "
It's the same reputable agency you site. Originally Posted by black sunshine
That is just HIV transmission rate. Not all STD's. And he claims 0% risk. That simply is not true. Even the source you cite claims an 80% reduction in transmission rate, not 100%