Wakeup's Avatar
"Guess hard times flush the chumps."
Mojojo's Avatar
Don't forget WAKEUP. Aren't we still praying for him?

I must say it really is nice when people offer to help others on the board. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Noooo we're going back on topic as to why wynter is upset.
Russ38's Avatar
"Guess hard times flush the chumps." Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Yes indeed.....we've all circled the drain a time or two......sometimes you just gotta grip on that last piece of "shart" and hang on tight......

Noooo we're going back on topic as to why wynter is upset. Originally Posted by Mojojo
Oh yeah.....Hey Wynter, hope things are ok....HMU.....
Not all of us dear.. but some of us are "late bloomers". Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Oh that's sad Daphne, I thought you had higher aspirations for yourself. As for me....I'll take late bloomer over lifer any day.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Noooo we're going back on topic as to why wynter is upset. Originally Posted by Mojojo
Because she failed remedial English?

As you being ones that has been to wonderland befor... know i go above and beyond for yall and all new comers too... but this am i have had a issue thats still going on .... but everybody i have asked help from are not even replying... now some are busy thats not a issue but for the ones that are not even replying when i ask that really hurts esp when i have never asked for help and the one time i do everybody drops me like they never meet me but thats fine ill remember this when everybody expects perks from WYNTER and expects her not to watch the clock and expexts specials ..... this really hurt my feellings today....i do know for the good ppl out there this is not for u or at u at all this is for the ones i done so much for and they want even reply to my text or calls .... thanks for all ur help..... Originally Posted by wynter_ice
Yeah, why is Wynter upset again?

Oh that's sad Daphne, I thought you had higher aspirations for yourself. As for me....I'll take late bloomer over lifer any day. Originally Posted by Macy Manning
ULTRA MILF huh...I like that.

boardman's Avatar

In before the lock!
Lol ... you crack me up ... Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
I try.

.....Mofo please! I am always completely coherent and easy to understand ... my typos are just from my quick fingers on a little screen and not lack of an education or knowledge.... Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Well....the result didn't look as professional as your intentions. But I was able to understand it better than the OP.

Plus the part about "winters" name was roll on the ground hilarious ... good one Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
I'm very "detail oriented."

Finally ... save you prayers for those in need Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Agreed...which includes all of us here.
....I must say it really is nice when people offer to help others on the board. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Thank you.

Don't forget WAKEUP. Aren't we still praying for him? Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Yes......now that he's back. It's just a different prayer.
Pistolero's Avatar
Third time is the charm. Boardman had it right.
