Fulfillment of Living

No one wants to have it.

I'm just illustrating to LM how you can maintain a business checking account and least likelihood it gets garnished.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
boring...apologies, but had to be said

Requirements to Open a Business Checking Account

How Often Does a DBA Have to File Taxes?

Does just filing a DBA make me pay business taxes?

I tried to find the minimum income required for a dba to file taxes...could be 600...then I got more bored

FYI, if you read the above you don't necessarily need a TIN or EIN (I think it was). With sole proprietorship you can use your SSN. don't know if it's state specific but blah, blah, blah...yada, yada, yada...

we are not entertained! (GLADIATOR reference here)
boring...apologies, but had to be said...

I tried to find the minimum income required for a dba to file taxes...could be 600...then I got more bored
blah, blah, blah...yada, yada, yada...

we are not entertained! (GLADIATOR reference here) Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
It was fun for a minute, but that was hours ago.
Thanks for the slap in the face JustMe, snap me out of that downhill death spiral.
Done here.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
It was fun for a minute, but that was hours ago.
Thanks for the slap in the face JustMe, snap me out of that downhill death spiral.
Done here. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
you're welcome

quid pro quo right? you've let me in some of the theories and reminded me I should stop posting to a rock. I'm sure I will post to more rocks go figure.
you're welcome

quid pro quo right? you've let me in some of the theories and reminded me I should stop posting to a rock. I'm sure I will post to more rocks go figure. Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
An observation in human behavior.
Over the last few weeks, watching the threads, how many times have you seen topics detailed by the TROLLS. I come here to joke and kid around, but it often gets turned into an argument by some asshat posting something totally ridiculous just for the sake of arguing.
This makes me wonder if this person is like that in RW or is it something online that brings out that darkness in them.
I'll be watching more closely, this could get interesting.
She's not taking me down when I have proof and evidence that a DBA can be obtained w/o necessarily submitting any government documentation.

Government: Hey LM - You created a business called "Mayflour's beauty salon and sweet smelling products" We don't see any necessary filings. What happened?

LM: I quit. It never started.

Government: But you were required to file a sales tax permit and you didn't..

LM: oops, my bad. What's the financial penalty for this?

Government: Well umm... x amount of dollars.

LM: Can you send that to me in an invoice so I can mail it?

Government: Sure.

LM: Thanks.

Government: Oh by the way. We decided to go a step further and look into some personal bank accounts. We see there's a business account.

LM: I use it along with my personal account to keep money and do regular banking.

Government: We're now extending our magnifying glass and are noticing deposits. Where are they from? SALES???

LM: Naw, I have a sugar daddy and my grand pappy likes giving me money because I'm his favorite.

Government: PROVE IT!!!

LM: Do you want a sworn statement or for me to video tape them giving me cash..

Government: Yes.. we will call for a hearing in court to verify all of this.

LOL LOL LOL LOL.... right.. Originally Posted by wreckshop

Nah. This sounds more like you. I'd never be stupid enough to say any of that.
I'd never be stupid enough to say any of that. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
That's more along the lines of what I was thinking. You'd never be stupid enough to put yourself in a situation to be asked those questions.
I noticed this behavior in another thread. Guy posts an idiotic suggestion, then spends days defending his idiotic position. Do they really find this entertaining? They're has to be a better use of your spare time than that... Get a hobby, a real hobby, do something with your hands, woodworking, painting... Get outdoors, golf, fishing.
This is supposed to be fun!
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
... Get a hobby, a real hobby, do something with your hands Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
wait, this isn't a real hobby?

you can do it with paints or outdoors I'm pretty sure.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I could relate my experiences for the last 7 years with my "entertainment" company, record keeping, the IRS, bank account, DBA, state sales tax, credit history, car loan, apartment rental, the ins and outs (not to mention ups and downs ) of maintaining a solid cover so people don't know I'm slipping under bed covers for cash, and so on, but who gives a flying flip?

This thread has wandered so far off base that the OP is evidently terrified to type anything else. Don't think he was prepared for the extreme reaction and subsequent de-evolution when he started this.

Classic ECCIE!
Wakeup's Avatar
How many times do you chime in with "gas station dick pills" ?? That shit is getting old as fuck and isn't funny anymore.. Originally Posted by wreckshop
Oh hell no...that shit's still funny as fuck...just wish I'd have copyrighted it before I posted it...I'd be rich...


Just so everyone can be reminded of your epic fail.

P.S.-You still raping Indian gas station attendants?
Russ38's Avatar
Nah. This sounds more like you. I'd never be stupid enough to say any of that. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
Ha. That shit is funny.

wreck - stop trying to outsmart CD, LM, WU. You cant.

Just sayin'.