New to the Hobby - terrible experience so far =/

Russ38's Avatar
Find one....I'll come....
Find one....I'll cum.... Originally Posted by Russ38
Russ sweetie...sorry but I had to fix your spelling. Don't let it happen again....haha
Petite Syrah...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
ok, I must have skipped over this. my usual curiosity. how does this cause the wine to become more sweet? when the sugar crystals crystalize does this somehow cause the yeast to not be able to consume them? questioning from a brewer's stand point. usually the fermenting process is controlled as in it is stopped early (one way being temperature as in dropping it enough to kill the yeast before they're done), adding more sugar when the yeast is killed or causing them to go dormant (this way usually causes carbonation if they aren't killed), or simply having more sugar than the yeast can eat or tolerate for long periods of time. Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
I'm going to plagiarize wiki, since someone else has already had the decency to write this up for me. Icewine Entry from Wiki:

Ice wine (or icewine; German Eiswein) is a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. The sugars and other dissolved solids do not freeze, but the water does, allowing a more concentrated grape must to be pressed from the frozen grapes, resulting in a smaller amount of more concentrated, very sweet wine. With ice wines, the freezing happens before the fermentation, not afterwards. Unlike the grapes from which other dessert wines are made, such as Sauternes, Tokaji, or Trockenbeerenauslese, ice wine grapes should not be affected by Botrytis cinerea or noble rot, at least not to any great degree. Only healthy grapes keep in good shape until the opportunity arises for an ice wine harvest, which in extreme cases can occur after the New Year, on a northern hemisphere calendar. This gives ice wine its characteristic refreshing sweetness balanced by high acidity. When the grapes are free of Botrytis, they are said to come in "clean".

Ice wine production is risky (the frost may not come at all before the grapes rot or are otherwise lost) and requires the availability of a large enough labour force to pick the whole crop within a few hours, at a moment's notice, on the first morning that is cold enough. This results in relatively small amounts of ice wine being made world-wide, making ice wines generally quite expensive.

Ice wine production is obviously limited to that minority of the world's wine-growing regions where the necessary cold temperatures can be expected to be reached with some regularity. Canada and Germany are the world's largest producers of ice wines. About 75 percent of the ice wine in Canada comes from Ontario.[1]


And on a personal note, I've picked up two bottles of my favorite kind. One is as a gift for a local provider who was kind enough to answer some questions about the area, and do's and don'ts. The other - I'm trying to find someone to drink it with.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Petite Syrah... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Hey Yummy! I presume you're correcting my pronunciation of Petite Sirah. However, a Petite Sirah is its own type of wine, while a Syrah is another name for Shiraz.

They're different! Here's a short explanation that will help.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Shouldn't this wine thread be moved to the Sandbox?.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Wine was a tangent. The thread was for people to give me hobby advice in Houston, which has been brilliantly executed thus far - I've learned much.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
I'm going to plagiarize wiki, since someone else has already had the decency to write this up for me. Icewine Entry from Wiki:

Ice wine (or icewine; German Eiswein) is a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. The sugars and other dissolved solids do not freeze, but the water does, allowing a more concentrated grape must to be pressed from the frozen grapes, resulting in a smaller amount of more concentrated, very sweet wine.......................... .............................. .............................. .......... Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
and here you were getting on to my post for listening to the unwashed masses. ha, ha.

that makes sense. should have thought of that myself. it's like making true Applejack. simple nature driven distillation from back in the old, old, old days. not that it isn't still done today. however for ice wine it's before fermentation. sounds like a nature made concentrate. surprised they can't or haven't created a synthesized process so they can make more.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Ridiculous on so many levels.
True traveling gents lose the suit & tie ASAP after work is done.
It's worse if you have to go to dinner with a customer who you don't care for.
Beer & pizza in the room is fine cuisine but not as desirable as a good night's sleep on a shitty mattress.
The road really sucks after 25 years, trust me. FINALLY getting a break but still travel overnight three or more times a month.
Been to every state and province in North America and too many countries that I care to count.
A chic from Eccie is a wonderful luxury.
Don't get me wrong, I'll pick the wine at the finest steakhouse.
You can spare your interview process by examining the reviews.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
You can spare your interview process by examining the reviews. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Ah, for traveling - I suppose I understand what you mean. I mean at home. The reviews don't really talk about the things I'm interested in - or if they do, I can't see them because I'm new to the forums, or not a super-user, or whatever.

The reviews go through cost and menu, but don't address things like -
-Does she smell nice?
-Is she well-spoken?
-Is she demure or forceful?
-Does she have a nice smile?
I can't understand why he doesn't contact Lauren Mayfair or Celine dubois or several others on here who are known to be stunningly beautiful, make a reservation at the Palm, Morton's, Trulucks, Ruth Chris etc pay the 400 or whatever they charge an hour and schedule a 2 hour dinner date which I guess would be the appropriate amount of time it would take to swirl alcohol around in your mouth talking about the aesthetic beauty of wines plus a meal. Call me a country bumpkin but if I want a drink that tastes good I go buy a smoothie. Alcohol was created to take the edge off. If I want a desert wine I'll order a cheesecake and mix it with some grape MD 2020. Seriously, I love being just a simple dude who works a job and is only here because chicks in the real world aren't knocking my door down wanting to kiss me and have sex with me. I believe all the women want is their payment and to not have any safety issues. This isn't a field trip to a vineyard.
I think the biggest question is have you been able to now find what you're looking for? lol
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Ah, for traveling - I suppose I understand what you mean. I mean at home. The reviews don't really talk about the things I'm interested in - or if they do, I can't see them because I'm new to the forums, or not a super-user, or whatever.

The reviews go through cost and menu, but don't address things like -
-Does she smell nice?
-Is she well-spoken?
-Is she demure or forceful?
-Does she have a nice smile?
-Etc. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I suggest purchasing a month of premium access. What you see without it is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I assure you that the better reviews do indeed cover those topics and more.

Additionally, much of what you seek regarding the intangibles can be largely discerned via the ladies' showcases, ads, and websites as far as their possible demeanor and education/maturity are concerned. Occasionally I will see a girl and it's obvious she had help with the verbiage but for the most part it can be a useful indicator.

Good luck...

P.s. If you gave us some indication of your preferences we might be able to assist you more specifically with suggestions. You're looking for someone with an attractive face sure, I understand as for myself the facial beauty is the most important...but what age bracket, race, and body type are you seeking?
I'm learning new things everyday, however my palate could have sworn there was a distinct difference in the flavor of a Syrah and a Shiraz. Shiraz being my first love and all...then again, I do get mixed up with the Sirah and Syrah labels. I'd say tell me more, but I'd rather you show me and bring some more wine while you're at it.

Craving capital grille now...I've had my best tasting experiences there, however not on my own dime of course
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
.............................. ever not on my own dime of course Originally Posted by YummyMarie
ha, ha. if I didn't know better I'd suggest that sounds lilke harlot talk!