Could Obama run a lemonade stand?

bambino's Avatar
I wasn't referring to anyone, just a scenario, the mother of scenarios ...17 trillion in debt is a debt total that has grown with every president ... nice try Originally Posted by CJ7
You forgot to mention the simple fact that Obama has ran up more debt than all the previous Presidents combined. Just thought I'd bring you up to date. Next contestant.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2013, 09:28 PM
You forgot to mention the simple fact that Obama has ran up more debt than all the previous Presidents combined. Just thought I'd bring you up to date. Next contestant. Originally Posted by bambino
So did Reagan dipshit. They all do or have since Carter...except maybe Billy boy.
bambino's Avatar
So did Reagan dipshit. They all do or have since Carter...except maybe Billy boy. Originally Posted by WTF
Your the dipshit, and a gay one at that. BO has ran up more debt than all Presidents combined. Do the math. Use your calculator.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Obama is only ringing up debt that the 47% of us who actually pay taxes will have to pay back so its not really debt, its just redistribution.

Obamas Lemonade stand prices:

1 glass for tax payers = $500
1 glass for welfare recipients = they get paid $250 for every glass they drink, umlimited glasses available
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 11:52 AM
Obama is only ringing up debt that the 47% of us who actually pay taxes will have to pay back so its not really debt, its just redistribution.

Obamas Lemonade stand prices:

1 glass for tax payers = $500
1 glass for welfare recipients = they get paid $250 for every glass they drink, umlimited glasses available Originally Posted by amishgangster
you speak like Obie invented this debt problem ... I suppose the country was flush the day he was elected.
AmishGangster's Avatar
you speak like Obie invented this debt problem ... I suppose the country was flush the day he was elected. Originally Posted by CJ7
It was a lot flusher than it is today. And the main reason it wasnt even more flush came straight from BillyBob...can you say Glass-Steagall? Still think EVERYONE deserves to own a home regardless of if they can afford it or not? Wait til you see what EVERYONE deserving health insurance whether or not they can afford it does to the economy. In 15 years our economy is going to be so bad its going to make Mexico look good
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 12:44 PM
It was a lot flusher than it is today. And the main reason it wasnt even more flush came straight from BillyBob...can you say Glass-Steagall? Still think EVERYONE deserves to own a home regardless of if they can afford it or not? Wait til you see what EVERYONE deserving health insurance whether or not they can afford it does to the economy. In 15 years our economy is going to be so bad its going to make Mexico look good Originally Posted by amishgangster

the collapse of the financial industry was more complex than blaming Glass-Steagall alone ... AIG insured all the big banks against other big banks failing .., when Leaman went down the tubes AIG was up to their belt loops in debt... enter the mad scramble to save AIG from bankruptcy, enter the government, enter the sitting administration, enter the bailout ... most of which has been paid back (so to speak) at the expense of taxpayers ...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2013, 01:12 PM
Oh, there another liberal goes again, bring up Bush. ROLMAO. That's all you got uh? Originally Posted by bambino
Actually, i think he also made reference to your glaring ignorance on a right-wing talking point.
AmishGangster's Avatar
the collapse of the financial industry was more complex than blaming Glass-Steagall alone ... Originally Posted by CJ7

No it isn't. Really.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 01:35 PM
No it isn't. Really. Originally Posted by amishgangster

I disagree, really.
AmishGangster's Avatar
When your response starts with "well its a lil more complicated than that" it pretty much screams that you dont understand jack shit, other than the free shit you get monthly from the government as they redistribute the wealth others create and EARN.

Is that why you have no reviews? Dallas hookers dont take food stamps?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 01:56 PM
When your response starts with "well its a lil more complicated than that" it pretty much screams that you dont understand jack shit, other than the free shit you get monthly from the government as they redistribute the wealth others create and EARN.

Is that why you have no reviews? Dallas hookers dont take food stamps? Originally Posted by amishgangster

nice deflection.

next contestant ( with the ability to have a relevant, civil conversation) please ..
I love when people reference the debt this president has accumulated...

When they don't realize that he inherited a trillion dollar deficit when he essentially came into office.

That doesn't exonerate him, but the truth is that the previous president took us from a surplus to deficit spending by:

Financing two wars while cutting taxes (which I believe hadn't been done in history)
Medicare part D
Bank bailout (which Obama also shares)

Those same people who are critical of Obama then go on to say that taxes are too high, and that we should cut them... which makes absolutely no sense. Cutting taxes would increase the debt, not decrease it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-20-2013, 02:12 PM
I love when people reference the debt this president has accumulated...

When they don't realize that he inherited a trillion dollar debt when he essentially came into office.

That doesn't exonerate him, but the truth is that the previous president took us from a surplus to deficit spending by:

Financing two wars while cutting taxes (which I believe hadn't been done in history)
Medicare part D
Bank bailout (which Obama also shares)

Those same people who are critical of Obama then go on to say that taxes are too high, and that we should cut them... which makes absolutely no sense. Cutting taxes would increase the debt, not decrease it. Originally Posted by MrGoodBar

its easy to forget all the big $$$$ that was spent the last quarter of 08 didn't
go on the books until 09 ..

if you're an idiot
AmishGangster's Avatar
nice deflection.

next contestant ( with the ability to have a relevant, civil conversation) please .. Originally Posted by CJ7
How many of your 11,000+ posts are either relevant or civil? 1 maybe 2 at the most? You can't really live in Texas....seriously??? I thought they had laws against idiots like you?