Tucker done at Fox!!!!

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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how exactly did Carlson or O'Reilly ruin America?

we all know who's really ruining America. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you're going to question me, at least try and be accurate. I said Tucker and Rush. I made no mention of O'Reilly.

Rush did so by saying things like these to his millions of gullible followers:
"When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation."
"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society."
"I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs."
“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back"
Those are just a few examples of many.

Tucker did so by saying things like the following:
"Carlson accused immigrants coming to the United States of making the country 'poorer, and dirtier, and more divided.'"
In one recording, the Fox Host, previously a staunch defender of the war in Iraq, said he felt “no sympathy” for Iraqis, calling them “semiliterate primitive monkeys.” He went on to say that Afghanistan would never “be a civilized country because the people aren’t civilized.”
Carlson repeatedly warned viewers that Democrats were “importing” new citizens “to replace the disobedient ones.”
Defending the Jan 6 nonsense.
Again, these are just a few examples out of many.

Previously in this thread, Tommy said:
"It's still NOT gay porn. Jesus titty fuckin' Christ. Nobody, and I mean not a single soul, is suggesting we let school children have gay porn material at school. You guys would get laughed at a lot less, and you might even get the desired outcome, if you weren't such goddamn drama queens about this shit. Must your hair always be on fire?"

You replied: "yes, they are," but you have been unable to provide a single example. This is exactly what I'm talking about. A significant portion of our population would rather hear and repeat the lies of these con men because their lies fit their angry narrative.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Providing a single example gets you thrown off this forum. Do your own research, it takes about 30 seconds to find many instances.

And thanks for the Rush memories, the greatest broadcaster to ever live.
Lol. Rush (Staff edit) professional liar. Tucker was a professional liar and a Russian puppet (as proven by him quickly receiving a job offer by Russian state TV after Fox shitcanned him). Some of you have awfully strange ideas for "heroes". No wonder this country is so fucked up.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Like them or not, agree with them or not, Carlson and Limbaugh are the most influential commentators ever behind a mic.
Providing a single example gets you thrown off this forum. Do your own research, it takes about 30 seconds to find many instances.

And thanks for the Rush memories, the greatest broadcaster to ever live. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

dO YoUr rEseArCH!

LOL No one is advocating for gay porn to be shown there.
Lol. Rush (Staff edit) professional liar. Tucker was a professional liar and a Russian puppet (as proven by him quickly receiving a job offer by Russian state TV after Fox shitcanned him). Some of you have awfully strange ideas for "heroes". No wonder this country is so fucked up. Originally Posted by tommy156

That's right. I forgot that Rush (Staff edit).
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You can’t link to underage porn here, for good reasons. If you’re actually interested in anything but bluster, the examples you seek aren’t hard to find.
Like them or not, agree with them or not, Carlson and Limbaugh are the most influential commentators ever behind a mic. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah, just like the snake oil salesmen from the Vaudvillian days. Professional liars. The fact that they were so influential wouldn't be anything I'd be bragging about. It just means you were the mark.
berryberry's Avatar
Providing a single example gets you thrown off this forum. Do your own research, it takes about 30 seconds to find many instances.

And thanks for the Rush memories, the greatest broadcaster to ever live. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly - anyone with any semblance of intelligence can do a quick search on their own and find lots of examples
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I love how they pick through years of broadcasting, decades in some cases, find something incorrect and pretend it relegates the person to obscurity. In the meantime, the entire media spouted what they knew damn well was bs for years, re: omfg russia just for starters, yet believe their word should be taken as scripture.
berryberry's Avatar
I love how they pick through years of broadcasting, decades in some cases, find something incorrect and pretend it relegates the person to obscurity. In the meantime, the entire media spouted what they knew damn well was bs for years, re: omfg russia just for starters, yet believe their word should be taken as scripture. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sadly that is what ill informed leftists do

They have been so brainwashed by the DNC and DNC media that they no longer can think straight
I love how they pick through years of broadcasting, decades in some cases, find something incorrect and pretend it relegates the person to obscurity. In the meantime, the entire media spouted what they knew damn well was bs for years, re: omfg russia just for starters, yet believe their word should be taken as scripture. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Obscurity? Why do you people just make things up? I said that Rush and Tucker were two of the most harmful media members. It would be impossible to achieve that if they were obscure. They've had big followings of people who enjoy listening to angry hateful lies.

Try again, berry. I've heard plenty from both of their mouths. No need for the DNC. I don't get my analysis from CNN, MSN, or any of those. I listen to what these clowns say and judge them on their own lack of merit.