Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Banned 35 times's Avatar
I looked for the Wesley Willis classic "Kill Whitey" thinking it would be more your type of song, rider. Here are the lyrics:

Check out the verse in which Ice T talks about killing a white child with training wheels on his bike.
Banned 35 times's Avatar
In my opinion, there are too many people in this country who are brainwashed into thinking that we need to give free money to parasites, and not punish them for all the crime they commit.

Yssup Rider, I know you must really hate yourself and your culture, and your ancestors. This book can help:

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am a conservative and I am leaning on the libertarian side of a lot of issues. To say that the Tea Party was a failure is funny who won in 2010? I do believe a lot of people that are in the middle on either side are fed up with out of control government spending. I remember Obama saying people making under 250K a year would not see their taxes go up. Well I made under that and my taxes did go up...

Fact 1 Obama has added 10 trillion to the national debt.
Fact 2 Unemployment is at 9%
Fact 3 Gas is at almost 4 bucks a gallon and he has only allowed 1 new oil lease permit.

Another new bright idea by the demacrackers the old style light bulb that cost .50 cents is going away and being replaced with 100 watt led lights that cost 30 bucks. Wow know we have to sit in the dark in are homes and stare at empty plates because we can't even leave because there is no gas in the car....Talk about hitting middle America while we are down...

Yssup, you said we only get our info from sound bites, I guess we could say the same about you...
Banned 35 times's Avatar
Wyldeman, I don't think Yssup Rider will respond to any logic whatsoever. The Almighty Messiah should not be questioned. You will certainly go to Hell for the posts you have made suggesting our Savior is capable of doing wrong.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
He is not my Fucking savior!

Logic goes out the door with these left wing emotional loons...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please source your facts, Wyldeman. That means let us know where you came up with those figures. Also, please let us know how one man (checked by a Republican Congress) can do so much harm by his lonesome.

And what is a demacracker? I guess I'm the dumbass here.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the name calling, personal attacks, etc., began. I guess that's what happens when you're unable to engage in educated debate.

On another note...

Wonder when Banned 36 times will show up... Humpty you don't know shit about my heritage or ancestry. However I will say you're an embarrassment to us all and I've spent more time on your shameful rhetoric than it's worth. I DO see, however, that you're picking up a few followers. Maybe you'll get a good 48 hours in this time!

Come on, guys, jump on that Banned bandwagon. He's the TRUE Messiah! Maybe the new leader of the, dare I say...

I don't think Yssup will respond to any of this kind of logic any more.
I totally agree! When u go against the party of No it's hard to get things done and he has gotten alot done. I don't like Democrats or Republicans but dammit this is the first President in Us history that has to show his bitch certificate. So he's not getting harrassed cause he's black? Did clinton, bush1, bush2, Nixon, reagan etc...have to show that? Cmon. the original poster let his racism out by saying words like "hood" "ghetto..

"As far as I could see he only accomplished a lot for himself and a group of urban, south Chicago cronies of his. He bought himself a million-dollar home in one of the city's most expensive hoods, from which every day he would motor in his expensive car to the ghetto"

If he was a white president, words like that would not be mentioned.
(This is a discussion. Just my two cents. Nothing personal.)
Budman's Avatar
Because you and your ilk think Ailes and Rove ran a hate campaign makes if fact? I don't think so. As for the Dems electing a POTUS on a hate campaign, How about Obama. As soon as anyone (then and now) said anything negative about him they were RACIST. I guess that's just playing rough. Your side thinks the election was stolen in Florida. My side doesn't. Do you believe Al Franken's seat was given to him via shady dealings or was that just accurate counting of votes?

I'm sure you must get most of your regurgitated facts from the Daily Kos. You're such a hypocrite.
Banned 35 times's Avatar
I totally agree! When u go against the party of No it's hard to get things done and he has gotten alot done. I don't like Democrats or Republicans but dammit this is the first President in Us history that has to show his bitch certificate. So he's not getting harrassed cause he's black? Did clinton, bush1, bush2, Nixon, reagan etc...have to show that? Cmon. the original poster let his racism out by saying words like "hood" "ghetto..

"As far as I could see he only accomplished a lot for himself and a group of urban, south Chicago cronies of his. He bought himself a million-dollar home in one of the city's most expensive hoods, from which every day he would motor in his expensive car to the ghetto"

If he was a white president, words like that would not be mentioned.
(This is a discussion. Just my two cents. Nothing personal.) Originally Posted by Melinda Treats
Since when did "hood" and "ghetto" become racial slurs? Yes, all presidents are required to show birth certificates, but for reasons we don't know, Obama dragged his feet about his.

Melinda, turn off the BET and MTV. Its probably killing more brain cells than your party favors.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Spoken like a true liberal you want someone else to do the looking up for you. All of those facts should have already jumped up and slapped you in the face.. Oh ya he had the house and the senate for two years, I guess that slipped your mind...

Melinda T all Presidents have to produce their birth certificates. If you are not a US born citizen and you somehow get elected president it is punishable by hanging. That is what is written in the constitution. If Obama had been proven not US born I don't thing that would have happened though.

You are gonna see the biggest hate campaign ever for 2012 and I will bet big money it will not come from the Republican candidate. Obama has a billion that he has raised for this campaign. I am expecting him to pull every hate and racist card he can at his opponents.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because you and your ilk think Ailes and Rove ran a hate campaign makes if fact? I don't think so. As for the Dems electing a POTUS on a hate campaign, How about Obama. As soon as anyone (then and now) said anything negative about him they were RACIST. I guess that's just playing rough. Your side thinks the election was stolen in Florida. My side doesn't. Do you believe Al Franken's seat was given to him via shady dealings or was that just accurate counting of votes?

I'm sure you must get most of your regurgitated facts from the Daily Kos. You're such a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Budman
Let the anger flow from the dark side... feel the hatred rise...

The more you say, the sillier you sound. And I won't even comment on the pearls of wisdom uttered by your cohort... he's probably still Googling "source."

But I will have to share your words of wisdom with my friends down at the ILKs Lodge. All of our ILK are happy we live in a land where freedom and democracy spring eternal.

P.S. -- I want to see your birth certificate, and the Photoshop license it was doctored with! We all need to know that you are who you pretend to be!

You crack me up!
Banned 35 times's Avatar
The only way the GOP can win in 2012 is to get a Latino candidate.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I do not give a flying shit what race he or she is as long as they are willing to say no to politics as usual.
Banned 35 times's Avatar
Blacks and hispanics will vote for anyone who is of the same race. You think Obama's Homiez will vote for Joe Biden in 2016?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Since when did "hood" and "ghetto" become racial slurs? Originally Posted by Banned 35 times
Ghetto became a term of racial segregation in the 1500s when the Jews of Venice were herded onto an island. Other ghettos were established throughout Europe throughout the centuries. Most notable were the Prague ghetto (Josefov), which stood for a number of centuries and of course the Warsaw Ghetto, where tens of thousands of Polish Jews were imprisoned prior to being sent to the death camps.

In our country, ghetto refers to neighborhoods highly concentrated with African Americans and other black peoples.

Hood? I'm guessing that term became popular with Spike Lee's "Boyz in the Hood" in the 90s. Again, referring to an economically disadvantaged neighborHOOD populated primarily with minorities.

Are you REALLY asking these questions, Humpty?

I think you'd be better off looking up the origin and implications of cockydoody or croggercroger.

BTW -- there are NO viable Hispanic candidates on the GOP radar who will convince Latinos to go against the party of Cesar Chavez. They're a good 20 years away from developing that base. It really doesn't matter because until the GOP gets its collective shit together (vis a vis the Tea Party and Constitution Party crazies) they'll never be unified enough to win nationally. That, guys, is something you're going to have to come to grips with. The current Texas Legislative session stands as testimony to the state of chaos that is the GOP.