Studio X does it again! New pics of yours truly.

Iaintliein's Avatar
Ok, I learned my lesson not to send anything out the door without minor editing. I'm sure if other photographers want to step up and offer free shoots in exchange for the models time my naysayers can get off my back and pick on someone else. Everyone can have a bad day and obviously it was ours. If my photos are shit why are so many still using them?

It was nice shooting all you lovelies but I don't need this aggravation any longer. I will honor booked free shoots and then crawl back into the hot tub. Originally Posted by Studio X
I understand your frustration, and meant no attack nor disrespect, sorry if I came across that way.

Randall Creed's Avatar
Ok, I learned my lesson not to send anything out the door without minor editing. I'm sure if other photographers want to step up and offer free shoots in exchange for the models time my naysayers can get off my back and pick on someone else. Everyone can have a bad day and obviously it was ours. If my photos are shit why are so many still using them?

It was nice shooting all you lovelies but I don't need this aggravation any longer. I will honor booked free shoots and then crawl back into the hot tub. Originally Posted by Studio X
Instead, you should persevere. Success is an iceberg, my friend.
milfy2002's Avatar

Oh Dallas! Such a fickle crowd :-)

Ok, I learned my lesson not to send anything out the door without minor editing. I'm sure if other photographers want to step up and offer free shoots in exchange for the models time my naysayers can get off my back and pick on someone else. Everyone can have a bad day and obviously it was ours. If my photos are shit why are so many still using them?

It was nice shooting all you lovelies but I don't need this aggravation any longer. I will honor booked free shoots and then crawl back into the hot tub. Originally Posted by Studio X
why let a few opinionated strangers who type tough take you from doing something that you enjoy?

i just got a new camera last thanksgiving. i have used a few online tutorials to learn how to use it. i have yet to learn even 50% of how it works. after i figure all of that out, maybe in 2054 i will learn how to fix the photos with online tools. just have fun with it!

milfy, the way you take things in stride is such a way to live life.
TheEccie214's Avatar
You ain't liein.

Ha haaa! I said it! I made a pun! I'm in on it!!

But seriously, though. Editing pics is a separate art by itself, and it goes beyond putting a heart over the nipples or brightening it so much that it washes out the skin tone or creates 'grain' in the lows (darks). Editing pics on a cell phone... ... good luck with that.

Then again, everyone is so love with selfies. There's only so much you can do with a 3-inch screen...or 6 inches, or however big these phones are now. There's a reason why the pros use 27" touch screens and detailed software.

I keep thinking Eccie is a high class board, and it should be reflected with the imagery presented on it. Maybe I'm in the deep minority here, because everyone is in love with selfies. In my mind, selfies = BP. But everyone hates BP, but the pictures look the same. Personally, I like seeing women look great with high quality imagery, but that's just me.

Oh, well. Just bend over and take an arm-length ass pic. Boom. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Says the guy that's always complaining about NBA...

Know that's not what you meant, just struck me as hilarious you saying this.
Says the guy that's always complaining about NBA...

Know that's not what you meant, just struck me as hilarious you saying this. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Studio x's camera skills are judging by the pics in this thread.....weak sauce, good god im an old contractor and my camera phone pics show my work...they suck but I don't call myself a fuckin studio....I get work by referral....not by my x learn how to use a fuckin need to edit if you can take a good pic....jules took a fuckin great pic, lighting , spacing, clarity, erotically, with a selfie stick...and your a "photographer"?? your subject was kinda in my humble opinion...a human septic tank , and your pics did her justice...we all want to be the best at what we do...but your not ansel Addams .......any real phothag....could have made her old ass look sexy.....shes naked for gods sake. I hear real estate pays well nowadays.....just my informed opinion........
Don't strike me as the type that's seen Milfy so I don't get the pure meanness of your posts. I get having hated for someone you know or have a history with, but for someone that does an activity you don't like? I don't care for Greek, I just pass by those that like it.

You're better than this. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
sorry buddy ,
not everybody gets a trophy, anybody with a decent camera, could have made that nasty hoe look good....even e has enough built in shit going sideways for herself, she doesn't need a shitty wanna be photographer giving her needy ass pics to post that suck as bad as these.......and kendall4 you....if some dude took pics of your fine ass, and they looked this be just as much an you put it......shitty pics are shitty get what you pay for.....research, pay for, do your homework x.....maybe you should talk to to randall creed...he's a bitter black dude, but he seems to know a lot about photography.....
it seems I could take take good pics....yeah...I could fold my own parachute, if I wanted too.........but i'll let a pro do it
just my opinion....................... ..
FunInDFW's Avatar
I think we need an ellipsis class.
verygood69's Avatar
Dude....I hope if you traded services with her you had that Hot Tub Hot and stayed in it for a LOOOOooooong time!!!
Just look at all the free publicity the op and camera guy got from this.
Whenever i shoot a lady NO unedited images are given to her. I will try to post some of my images later if you want to see them but always remember, it is the photigs job to make his/her client look their best.