Its 7:30 so

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh, i'm pretty sure you've already made up your mind on it. Just like JB.

still thinking it over
It's not proof the party hates Trump. It's proof of why. At least to the extent that there are individual Republicans who hate him. "The party" on the other hand, not so much.
The party higher up hate him, believe or not they do

No you didn't. You voted for Trump because he gives a voice to the hate of others that Rush, Hannity and Savage feed to you, that you feed off of. Originally Posted by Doove
I wanted Dr. Ben not Tromp. Both not part of the system at the time. Both not wanted by the party at the time. Hell, county I live in has a GOP swamp LOL that last week made a deal with the counties DEM swamp. fucking over the DEM party

I wanted to piss off my party, ether would have work, but Dr. Ben could not take the heat like Trump.

HINT the GOP wanted Jeb. FUCK THAT did not want another Bush
mmm or do you get the REP fliers ?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I can tell you even now the GOP is trying to talk Trump into quitting.

FUCK THAT 4 more years
lilylivered's Avatar
The country would be so much better with the marxists running it
Or would that be ruining it.
And what the fuck is the HATE bullshit you libtards keep saying about our President
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The country would be so much better with the marxists running it
Or would that be ruining it.
And what the fuck is the HATE bullshit you libtards keep saying about our President Originally Posted by lilylivered
hate ????

like trying to tell me why I voted as I did, and its was for hate rather than like I said.

I wanted Ben in the primary last time. Trump 2nd choice. Ben could not take it. Said vote Tromp so I did
split the country down the middle and call it a day

but we still get to watch them on tv
You're all a bunch of Trump whores. Originally Posted by Dover
Willie Wanker's Avatar
split the country down the middle and call it a day

but we still get to watch them on tv Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Then watch the dems flee their shitty cities and move to the Republican side. Oh wait, they already do that.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-30-2020, 03:59 AM
And what the fuck is the HATE bullshit you libtards keep saying about our President Originally Posted by lilylivered
White power! White power!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
White power! White power! Originally Posted by Doove

Here we see the intermediate stage of Doove's descent into the abyss of self-loathing.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Why do you seem perpetually miserable and angry Doove?
Your return to the forum was celebrated by a some of the longtime members. But since you've been back, most of your posts end up in long drawn out arguments with other members rehashing shit from the past. I like a good argument myself, but these seem more personal and nasty than the usual flaming.
Why bother?
Your return to the forum was celebrated by a some of the longtime members. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I thinck I lead that charge.... and I'm happy that I did.
Can you not see the value he has added since his return???
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Maybe if you're into constant drama.
What value are you seeing?
Why do you seem perpetually miserable and angry Doove? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
thevirtuous tolerant left

persuading you to vote more of them in

to run your life

imagine if you were forced

to actually spend time with this

this, plus the fu man chu lockdown is your dry run

something to ponder when stepping into the booth nov 3
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm curious as to know whar value he's gets out of it.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I have friends that are liberals, not as far left I take that back, I do have a friend in LA that's hardcore left. Living in California has kind of fucked up his life, he's even started to realize it.